Tuesday, August 12, 2014

RedState Briefing 08/12/2014

Morning Briefing
For August 12, 2014

Carpe Diem
The great Robin Williams is dead of an apparent suicide. He was a comedic genius who, regardless of political persuasion, made most everyone I know laugh. Good Morning Vietnam remains one of my favorite movies, but then so many of his movies were so fantastic.

He had been battling drugs and depression for some time. Suicide is too often an outcome in these situations. I have lost several good friends to suicide stemming from mental health issues.

Every time our society is confronted with a mass shooting or a famous person committing suicide, we spend several days collectively wringing our hands, getting philosophical, then resuming our lives. In fact, were it not for the famous or the insane, we’d pass over this issue as society often ignores the suicides of soldiers coming home from war or in war.

In a week, I have no doubt the conversation will be shifted back to something else. We collectively have a short attention span. But maybe, just maybe, beyond the red vs. blue, the left vs. right, and the political topic of the day, we might be able to pierce through the news cycle and sustain a conversation on mental health and depression in this country.

I wish we could. I fear we won’t. Now would be a good time to stop being philosophical and start showing those who suffer mental health issues that we do care for them and want to de-stigmatize the process of getting help.

The sound and fury in the void of mental darkness sweeps over too much genius, taking from us so much greatness. It is just so sad and we should pray for Robin Williams’s family today.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post

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Move America Forward Responds to ProPublica Allegations
For those of you who may have missed this story, the ultra-liberal hit squad ProPublica published a piece last week accusing pro-troop charity Move America Forward essentially of acting as a slush fund for certain TEA Party activists and bilking donors of money. Many folks, particularly in the establishment wing of the party, crowed about this piece as further evidence of what Steve LaTourette alleged about the TEA Party orgs in terms of being grifters. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

Democrats of Unknown Party Affiliation
The similarities to 2006 keep mounting. The latest of these is that Democrats running even in blue or purple territory are running away from their party affiliation. Politico notes this morning the surest sign of impending disaster – Democrats refusing to admit they are Democrats in their television ads  . . . please click here for the rest of the post

Democrats paying their minority staffers around 3/5th of White staffers’ salaries
Fine, fine: it’s more like seven-tenths. Three-fifths has more of a… resonance, though.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post

Corporate inversions are economic patriotism
Last month the administration, having fixed all the real problems in the United States, took on a purely imaginary issue: inversion. Inversion takes place when a company located in the United States shifts its headquarters off shore to avoid the extortionate 35% corporate income tax rate. Mind you, the company doesn’t have to shift either facilities or workforce, just its headquarters. Obama and his treasury secretary have both labeled the practice as “unpatriotic.” . . . please click here for the rest of the post

The Vine
One of the most important aspects of the pro-life movement is conveying the personal stories that go along with why we fight for the unborn. If you’ve spent any time focused on the issue on life, you’ve no doubt heard stories of abortion regret, stories of conversion to being pro-life, and maybe stories of run-ins with pro-aborts. As is the case with any issue to be tackled, personal stories are excellent for helping us really understand the issue of abortion on a deeper level.  Unlike most other issues, reading and sharing the truth about abortion can be an extremely difficult task; yet it is one from which we cannot shy away. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

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Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson
Editor-in-Chief, RedState

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