Saturday, August 2, 2014

MUTH'S TRUTHS 08/03/2014


---> After adding 209,000 jobs in July, the nation’s unemployment rate still went UP to 6.2%.  Heckuva job, Baracky.

---> The Wall Street Journal reported Friday morning that “A cease-fire meant to last three days and lead to talks on a lasting peace in the Gaza Strip collapsed as heavy fighting erupted between Israeli forces and Hamas.” 

Wow, who saw that coming?  Heckuva job, Baracky.

---> I received a fundraising email purportedly from Vice President Joe Biden that started off thusly: “A few years ago, Barack and I met for our weekly lunch…”

I was struck by that because just this week Gia and I watched an early episode of House of Cards on Netflix in which the vice president had the president over to his house for dinner – a totally social affair – and the VP referred to the president as “Mr. President.”  The president told the VP that in private he could go ahead and call him by his first name.  But he VP responded that he respected the office too much to be so informal. 

I wonder if Mr. Biden doesn’t respect the office…or the current occupant. 

---> Biden’s email also reminded me that Ronald Reagan, out of respect, would always wear a coat and tie when in the Oval Office while Bill Clinton often didn’t even wear trousers!

---> Wanna know if the Karl Rove-wannabe giving your campaign his expert advice really knows what they’re talking about?  Ask them if they agree with this mindless pap: “You walk, you win.  You don’t, you won’t.” 

And if you’re a candidate and hear a campaign manager, caucus leader or other “consultant” spout off such nonsense as if it were gospel handed down on a stone tablet, don’t walk…RUN!  And take your checkbook with you!

This is the sort of amateur advice given when the person giving it has no idea what you REALLY should be doing.  Unfortunately, there are a lot of amateurs out there buffaloing their way by with such pabulum.

---> As a homeowner, I just received my “Statement of Tax Distribution.”  Far and away the biggest chunk of the property tax I pay is going to the Clark County school district for “Maintenance and Operation” and “School Debt Bonds” of schools I don’t even use because Gia and I (well, Gia) homeschool our kids.

On the other hand, there’s a HUGE number of parents sending their children to Clark County government schools who are renting, not buying - and thus aren’t paying property taxes for the maintenance, operation and debt bonds for the schools they’re using.

What’s wrong with this picture?

---> Speaking of the Clark County school district, the RJ is reporting that the district is short some 650 teachers needed for the upcoming school year. 

A big factor in the teacher shortage is reportedly class size reduction which has resulted in more dues-paying union teachers being needed to teach roughly the same number of students as in years gone by.  As a result, many classrooms are being taught all semester, not by a full-time teacher, but by part-time substitutes…a sure recipe for educational mediocrity.

Wanna fix this problem…fast?  Simple.  Vouchers.  Give parents education vouchers to remove their kids from the overcrowded Clark County government schools and put them in private schools. 

And if you say, “But Chuck, there aren’t enough private schools,” you clearly have NO IDEA how the free market works and should have no seat at the table discussing this issue!


“ObamaCare is more unpopular today than ever before. Voters have not wavered in their disapproval of how President Obama is handling the economy. A Quinnipiac poll taken in July reveals that nearly 80% (!!) of voters describe the nation’s economy as “not so good” or “poor,” and more say the economy is getting worse (31%) than getting better (26%).  More than 50% of voters say that the Obama administration has not been competent in running the government.” – National Republican Senatorial Committee, 8/1/14

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