Friday, March 21, 2014

TEA PARTY ARMY 03/21/2014

Dear Fellow Patriot,
Obama has tried to sneak a new "rule change" through that will place our lives, our cities and our national security in danger to the Muslim Brotherhood.
This change would lift Ronald Reagan's ban against Libyan nationals traveling to the United States to receive training in aviation and nuclear technology!
The Muslim Brotherhood in Libya is now more powerful than that nation's army (thanks to Obama's guns and cash) and is a bigger threat to us than Muammar Gaddafi ever was.

But Obama has decided that it's time to lift Reagan's ban so that Muslim Brotherhood operatives or their friends and family members can come to the US and learn to fly planes and build nukes.
You must speak up right now and let Congress know that Americans are outraged by this rule change. Obama wanted to push this through without any public comment!

Think back to the time when President Reagan put this ban in place.
Libyan terrorists were hijacking cruise ships, bombing planes (such as Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing 270 civilians), making assassination attempts against American diplomats in Europe and bombing tourist locations frequented by Americans.
Mr. Reagan put this ban in place to protect us from a nation that fostered terrorists and was actively attempting to kill us at every opportunity.
None of the 9/11 hijackers were from Libya, because of this ban -- but future hijackers could be if Obama's rule change is implemented.
This is why you need to contact the House today and tell them to keep Ronald Reagan's training ban in place!
When Obama's new Homeland Security Secretary, Jeh Johnson, was caught trying to sneak this rule change through, Johnson claimed that relations with Libya have now been "normalized."
Therefore, the Obama regime says that it's now acceptable to bring Libyans into America to teach them how to fly planes and build nukes.
Nothing could be further than the truth!
Last Sunday, our Navy SEALs had to rescue an oil tanker that had been captured by Libyan terrorists.
A few days before that, a car bomb killed 11 Libyan military cadets in Benghazi.
Last Friday, a terrorist group overran and captured the Libyan Army's 2nd Brigade training camp near Tripoli.
And we can't forget that on September 11, 2012, our Ambassador and three other Americans were killed by the "normalized" Libyans in Benghazi.
That doesn't sound normal. It sounds more like "business as usual" from a terrorist nation that we have been at odds with for more than three decades!
The Muslim Brotherhood does not hold any political offices in Libya, but they are the ones with power right now, ever since Obama armed them during the overthrow of Gaddafi in 2011.
If we allow Obama to lift Reagan's training ban against Libyans, members of the Muslim Brotherhood WILL be coming here, learning to fly planes and build nukes.
That is why it's so important for you to speak up today and tell the Homeland Security Committee to put a stop to it. Tell them to keep Reagan's ban in place!
What will Obama think of next?
At this point, we can only conclude that Obama WANTS to place Americans in harm's way. Why else would he offer this type of training to members of a known terrorist organization? Why would he lift a 30-year-old ban that protects us?
This man is opening up more opportunities for Muslim terrorists than he is for Americans!
Obama will keep opening our borders to every jihadi who wants to come here unless we stop him! Send your FaxGrams to Congress today!
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Congress needs to renounce this rule change publicly and hold hearings to warn the rest of America about Obama's plans.
We can't let Obama overturn a sensible rule that Ronald Reagan put in place to protect us -- a rule that applies just as much today as it did 30 years ago!
And then please warn others about Obama's latest attempt to provide advanced aviation and nuclear training to the Muslim Brotherhood. Just send them a link to this page:
Thank you again for everything that you have done!
By Bob Mallory, Tea Party Army™ Treasurer

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