Sunday, February 23, 2014


1. Sheep Never Stalk The Tiger
Ron Ewart
Which brings us to today. How is it that Americans, who not only carved out an unprecedented free society based on unalienable individual rights and conquered a continent, but who also created a country of vast wealth and riches, would let a little thing like an Obama, or a corrupt Congress, or a mis-guided judiciary, stand in the way of reclaiming our freedom and our Republic? Have we lost our courage to enter into a fight to prevent being enslaved? Are we so afraid of losing what we have, that we would back away from aggressively challenging those that are trying to take it away, even if those that are trying to take it away are some of our own people? Just because our enemy is a domestic one and not foreign, does that preclude us from taking them on? Have we grown so timid and apathetic that we shrink in fear when a fight is thrust upon us and ladies and gentlemen, a fight is being thrust upon us like never before? It is a deadly domestic fight between two opposing ideologies and a government that uses those opposing ideologies to divide, conquer and enslave us.

Must we be frozen like a deer in the headlights until a charismatic leader appears, before we challenge those that are hell bent on robbing the fuel from our engine, the bullets from our guns and the faith in our God and then locking us in chains and throwing the key away?
If this is true, then America has little chance to restore itself. But we don't for one minute believe that this is true. Still it begs the question, who is going to re-start America's engine? Who will find the combination that will unlock our gas tank and fill it with fuel? Who will turn the key that starts our engine, revs it up and peels rubber towards the goalpost of freedom?
We know for sure that it won't be one man. It will be millions of men and women who have united under the foundation of unalienable rights and the willingness to sacrifice all to preserve those rights for current and future generations. It will be a million charismatic individuals, or just hard-working, determined plodders, that will inspire others to follow him, or her. Some will take on the city, or county council. Some will take on the school board. Some will take on the state legislatures and it will make no difference what political stripe the council member or the legislator wears. Each will be equally challenged by those who will not tolerate the destruction of "THEIR" America!

2. A Lawless President & A Sleeping Congress
Andrew Napolitano: Barack Obama’s Law Writing Violates His Oath
Judge Andrew Napolitano

3. How The Usurper ‘Usurped’ 
RoseAnn Salanitri 

4. When The Lawmakers Go Lawless  
Lee Duigon

5. Updated Formal Articles of Impeachment – Impeaching Barack Hussein Obama,
President of the United States, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. –
by Michael Connelly, Constitutional Lawyer

6. The Benghazi Four +1

7. Pardon My Paranoia
Alan Caruba

8. Urgent Update–Inside Source Just Contacted Me:
“Start Making Cash Withdrawals RIGHT NOW–
It Is Coming Down Soon!!” (Shocking Videos)
Lyn Leahz

9. Dead Banksters ‘Harbinger To The Economic Collapse’ –
“V” The Guerrilla Economist (Video)
Susan Dulcos

10. Banksters Are In Serious Trouble
Pt 2 Steve Quayle & ‘V’ The Guerrilla Economist
Stefan Sanford


12. Imminent Danger and Dead Fish
Daymond Duck

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