Wednesday, February 12, 2014


We Legalized Abortion, So Why Not Legalize Child Sacrifice?

by lisarichardsrocknrollpolitics

America legalized abortion because many Americans believe that a child is not an authentic child until the child is born and kicking and screaming their way to the school bus on the first day of kindergarten.
Abortion is putting an unborn child to death so the mother doesn't have to sacrifice her life-style. In that case, why not legalize child sacrifice so over-tired, over-wrought mothers can decide whether or not being a mother was worth it? Shouldn't stressed mothers have a choice?

It sounds shocking doesn’t it? But what is the difference between killing the child in the womb and killing the child born?
We legalized abortion because left-wing feminists and the Supreme Court believe women should have full control over their bodies to decide whether or not they want to be mothers. I agree women have the right to decide whether or not they want to get pregnant, but if you don't want to get pregnant single girls, don't have sex, that's the best birth control..
Married couples who cannot afford children should use the birth control choices. 
As to women who become pregnant because of rape, that is never their fault, but it is not the child's fault either, the child deserves to live, and, if the mother cannot cope with raising the child, adoption is the best option.
America legalized abortion because we believe woman have rights to destroy their unborn children's lives, yet we’re mortified when mothers drown their children because they said motherhood is too stressful. 
We call that murder a cruel and evil deed. Of course there are some who say women who murdered their born children would have been better off had they had abortions.That's because the unborn murder is far less murderous since the mother only has to look at a kid’s face on a sonogram…or not really see the baby because you’re only looking at a pee strip.
Murder is murder, so why not make all child murder legal? Why not hold child sacrifices for distraught mothers who want less stressful lives?
If you think there’s no difference between abortion and child sacrifice, then why not sacrifice your born children?
Those who believe abortion is a noble sacrifice need to give me a very good reason why it’s not noble to sacrifice children who are born? In some African countries women sacrifice their born children and it's considered noble.
Better yet: If abortion is such a noble sacrifice, why don’t those of you who believe in abortion sacrifice yourselves by taking your own lives and prove to those of us who believe life is sacred that murder is noble.
Pro-abortion readers are reeling with indignation right now, coming up with every excuse for why abortion is justifiable and sacrificing born children is murderous and vile. So is vacuuming unborn children from the womb and tossing them into the trash like they are nothing more than rotten tomatoes.
I consider abortion sacrificing the life of children for one’s selfish want: You don't want the pregnancy but you wanted the sex that leads to pregnancy.
Again: I do not say this to rape victims, they did not ask to be brutalized.
The sad fact is we are a society that views human life the same way we view old, worn out shoes: Worthless. The only time we view life as valuable is when the life is that of a violent criminal who raped and murdered and is sentenced to death. Then people run to the defense of the criminal who violently destroyed life as if the murderer is worth more than the brutally raped and murdered victim.
Is the violent criminal's life worth more than their victims? In the minds of many who protest their death sentence, sadly yes. Does God view anyone’s life as more valuable than another? No, God loves every person. God died for all, but choosing God and His righteous ways are just that: A choice. Can criminals choose God and not crime? Yes, but that doesn’t mean they should never be punished for their actions. Yet we do not punish murderers, we let them live well-fed and kept on death row for 20 years while their victims are either dead or suffering for life.
Don’t we do the same by accepting abortion? We suffer unborn children as something we can pick and choose like Door Number One.
Here’s another thing concerning murder: We never see protest marches for rape and murder victims. Protest marches are always in defense of the murderers on death row or violent terrorists. That's because we view life as something to toss away if we get sick and tired of it.
Our society views unborn children as something to get rid of if it hinders our lives. How does that make us any better than violent criminals? Not much different, because abortion is a conscious decision to take the life of an unborn child.
Do all women want abortion? No. Many are forced by family members and those women suffer emotionally in silence. Some women have been forced into abortions by doctors like Kermit Gosnell who performed illegal abortions on impoverished black women to rid society of poor black children.  Those women suffer emotionally and physically because others saw their unborn children as hindrances to society.
Again: How is that different from woman who drowned their children or people who sacrifice children to gods? How is abortion different than cold blooded murderers who murder men, women, and children they pick at random to commit violent crimes?
It’s not. But people will say it is to defend abortion. There are Christians who will defend abortion, claiming it's nothing like child sacrifice (even though one is sacrificing the life of their unborn child) or violent criminals committing cold-blooded murder.
Perhaps we should make all murder legal and call murder a noble sacrifice of hindering lives.

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