Monday, November 11, 2013

RedState Briefing 11/11/2013


Morning Briefing
For November 11, 2013

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1.  Repeal is the Only Fix
There are, winding their way through the House and Senate, several Republican proposals to fix or ameliorate the effects of Obamacare.

I get the desire to message. The Republicans are always messaging. Heck, back in 2009, the GOP offered up a series of amendments to contrast Republican ideas on healthcare to Democrat ideas. Senator John Kyl, then the Republican Senate Whip, went on Bill Bennett’s radio show to talk about the GOP effort to stop Obamacare and said, “I think we can be fairly upfront about it. Our strategy is not actually to delay and not take votes. . . .Our strategy is to have a lot of good amendments and highlight the problems in the bill,” and “it is not our strategy to somehow slow things down.”

Thus the GOP hit on the strategy of “messaging” Obamacare to death. They refused to fight to the bitter end.

Now, with Obamacare failing and people hurting, the GOP has decided to message it to death again. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

2.  Criminalizing America
The growing role of big government in our lives presents a continual attack on the cherished and hallmark American values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In no area is this expansion more troubling than the criminal justice system. Actions defined as crimes have proliferated to the point that the average American now inadvertently commits an estimated three felonies a day. This explosion of criminal statutes has little to do with protecting our communities; it is simply another symptom of the expansive reach of big government.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post

3.  NRSC Wants a “Conservative” Not “Republican” Senate, But Declares War on Conservatives
The New York Times reports that Republicans are moving quickly to shut down the right wing of the party.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee has declared war on conservatives — punishing any groups that work with the Senate Conservatives Fund.

Likewise, the NRSC is paying people to attack conservatives without disclosing they’re on the payroll.

So you might find it very funny that the National Republican Senatorial Committee, which wants you to know it is not about principle, but about winning, is declaring it wants a “conservative” Senate, not a “Republican” Senate. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

4.  Comparing Man-Made Disasters: The BP Oil Spill and Obamacare
It is always a good idea to study ones mistakes so as to avoid repeating them. In that light, we will compare and contrast the two man-made disasters that will shape the legacy of the Obama Administration: BP’s Macondo oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and the Affordable Care Act, a/k/a Obamacare.

The focus of the reporting on these disasters has been on the failure of execution, but not until you consider the bigger picture, the failure of management, do you achieve any real understanding. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

5.  The Case for “No Ball”
Several years ago, while camping in the high country, my brother and I were sitting around the camp fire and throwing out ideas for a “get rich quick” scheme. We were nearly hysterical considering the things we could market on TV and raking in our fortunes.

I came up with “No Ball”.

We embellished the idea of a new toy product with which no one could be hurt and no damage could be done to personal property. We would simply buy an assortment of boxes, empty, and ship to buyers for $19.99, plus shipping & processing fees. Larger boxes, of course, would cost a little bit more.

We would fill the advertisements with people on video experiencing the joy of playing with the new toy. The actors would be shown just after having thrown the toy at windows, other people, etc. We could guarantee the toy could pose no risk to people, pets or property. It is environmentally safe. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

6.  A Question for Mitch McConnell: Will Any Reporter Ask It?
Mitch McConnell and his merry band of lobbyists have a clever little line attacking the Senate Conservatives Fund. They claim the Senate Conservatives Fund (“SCF”) has gotten more Democrats elected than the Democratic National Committee.

It’s their favorite attack these days, now that attacking SCF for raising money has proved fruitless given that this particular attack is being made by dandified lobbyists and other hangers on.

But reporters, if they are not lazy, will need to ask a question. . . . please click here for the rest of the post
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Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson
Editor-in-Chief, RedState

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