Wednesday, October 2, 2013

RedState Briefing 10/02/2013

Morning Briefing
For October 2, 2013

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1.  Hold Your Ground and Shut John Cornyn Up
After three years of getting ready, yesterday the nation signed on to get Obamacare only to have websites across America crash. The ones that were not crashing were scam sites designed for identity theft. Amid all of that, if you tried to get Obamacare through an internet search engine, you probably got scammed. “[S]ome of these scam sites actually have better search-engine rankings than official sites,” reports UPI.

This is the backdrop to the fight to defund Obamacare. Some pundits claim if it were not for the shutdown the press would have covered the disastrous launch. A press that has refused to cover all the painful stories of people harmed by Obamacare would never do this. Consider MSNBC, which like the North Korean propaganda ministry, claims the website crashes were because Obamacare is too popular.

Riiiiggghhhhhtttt. That gets us to Congress and the embarrassing performance of John Cornyn and a bunch of House staffers. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

2.  Barack Obama spitefully *chose* to make WWII Memorial inaccessible to veterans.
Every time I look at the WWII Memorial story, it gets worse.

It’s bad that the Obama administration closed down national monuments and museums, because it thinks that attacking DC tourism will give the Democratic party leverage over the Republican party.

It’s bad that the Obama administration tried to keep WWII veterans away from the monument that honors them. It failed, of course, but they shouldn’t have tried.

It’s bad that the Obama administration deliberately – deliberately – targeted the WWII monument for special restrictions after a veterans’ group made the mistake of thinking that Barack Obama is a reasonable man who runs a reasonable executive branch, and thus would treat that group’s request for assistance with the respect that it deserved.

But this is the nasty part. This is the part where the spite comes into play. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

3.  Joe Manchin is a Coward
If you ever listen to Democrats run for office in a red state, you will hear a tortured soul.  They usually parse words and decline to take a stance on any confrontational issue, opting to take both sides or no side at all.  We are seeing this with Alison Lundergan-Grimes in Kentucky.  When forced to utter a word about Obamacare, Grimes will throw out platitudes about some of the law being bad:  “there are many things wrong with it, but instead of trying to repeal it nearly 40 times and wasting our taxpayers’ money, we should be talking about solutions.” [WHAS, Grimes Distances Herself from Obama on Key Issues, 7/18/13] But if you want to know what she would really do were she to win the seat (unless we save the seat by nominating Matt Bevin), look no further than Joe Manchin from West Virginia. . . . please click here for the rest of the post

4.  ObamaCare software is incompatible with American hardware
When you try to run software that’s incompatible with your hardware, this is what happens.  ObamaCare’s failure is spectacular, and not just the coast-to-coast sharknado of error messages, system crashes, pages not found, and unresponsive technical support.  The data processing problems will eventually be worked out; every computer problem can be solved, if you’re willing to spend enough time and money on the effort.  The commissars of ObamaCare aren’t spending their own money, and they couldn’t care less how long it takes to get things up and running, since they believe they have permanently and irrevocably altered America’s society, economy, and politics.

Maybe they should have put less money into propaganda slush funds for left-wing special interests, and hired some more IT guys… but they know they have an unlimited line of credit to handle all that infrastructure stuff later.  In fact, ObamaCare’s failure will be folded neatly into the relentless demand for more money from the American people.  Anyone who objects to borrowing more money from China to get the exchanges up and running will be portrayed as a heartless monster who just wants to let poor people die, a careless anarchist who’s ready to throw away all the time and money already poured into ObamaCare.  In a year, or six months, or whenever we hit the debt ceiling again, anyone who hesitates to raise it will be accused of trying to duck out on bills Congress has already incurred.  Then we’ll be told that anyone who really cared about the deficit would be eager to pay more in taxes to reduce it a bit.  Those foolish enough to buy that argument will not notice that the national debt just keeps piling up, no matter how much money we hand over to the big spenders. . . . please click here for the rest of the post
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Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson
Editor-in-Chief, RedState

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