Thursday, August 22, 2013


Richard Ruhling writes:
Dear Conservatives,
You probably saw Dr. Carson's National Prayer Breakfast Speech which was brilliant. 
If you missed it, you can still see it at (Preview)
Dr. Carson is considering a run for the presidency and is calling for the de-funding of Obamacare.
Now George Will, political commentator for ABC News, columnist for Newsweek and 450 newspapers is saying Obama Ignores Law, Like Nixon and you can vote to defund Obamacare (as Carson says)in a national poll (click link in the center of George Will's article here--   
Why not forward this to your email list?
If this news is true, Obama is in serious trouble. (Preview)  
(3 minute video produced by the Western Center for Journalism says evidence exists that Obama gave Egypt's Morsi(now deposed) $8 billion for Muslim Brotherhood to turn Sinai Peninsula over to Hamas (enemies of Israel)
Re Egypt, Ellen White says, "God went through the proud land of Egypt as He will go through the earth in the last days."
COL 286. 
She also says He will waste America as He did Egypt. This is the basis of an ebook showing a dozen parallels
between Egypt and America as King of the South in Daniel 11:40. You can see it and buy it on Kindle at It's only 6700 words with a picture on most pages--a quick, easy read,
and it would be my privilege to gift you a copy if you would kindly tell me what you think of it!
May God bless and guide you,
Richard Ruhling
PS: Exodus 2 has a dimension of the gospel (good news) that has not yet hit the radar of most SDAs yet,
but it's tied to the title that Ellen White gave to her last book. 99.99% of Adventists do not know her title, 
because publishers changed her title to a meaningless "Prophets & Kings" (pictured in my ebook.
I did not name Ellen White nor mention SDA publishers because the book targets Christians generally, but 
maybe you owe it to yourself to request the ebook to discover her title and understand an obscured message!

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