Saturday, July 20, 2013

CHUCK KOLB 07/20/2013

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with
another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
1 John 1:7 KJV

Aliens Breeding 'Perfect' Humans
- your born again DNA !!!

Our Galactic History
- The Old Universe/Old Empire/Mind Eaters/DNA

from 2012Unlimited Website
recovered through WayBackMachine Website


A parallel universe exists which is referred to as the "Old Universe". This universe exists on its own time line.
The events that occurred in the Old Universe were very influential to the development of our universe.
The civilization that existed in the Old Universe was called the Empire.
The Empire controlled almost the entire universe and was extremely evil. In order to complete the capture of the entire universe the scientists of that civilization created entities called Mind Eaters. The Mind Eater was a geoplasmic energetic entity that attached itself to the physical brain and auric energies of the being it invaded, removing the being’s thought patterns and replacing it with new Empiric programming.

The scientists released these entities into unconquered worlds and also used them to program their own people. Imagine their shock when they realized that these entities could multiply themselves. When a Mind Eater absorbed a certain amount of energy it split into two separate entities. Eventually the Mind Eaters became uncontrollable and started feeding on their own creators the Old Universe’s form of A.I.D.S.
Over a period of centuries there was virtually no life left in the Old Universe except for the Mind Eaters. The only escape from them was physical death. A small band of survivors within the emperor’s court, or inner circle, created technology that allowed the survivors to physically transport to another universe, escaping both death and the Mind Eaters. Unfortunately the band of survivors entered this universe during the time of the Lyraen civilization.
This is the only way that DNA from another universe physically manifests in an alternate universe, otherwise, there is no physical link.
Thus, our universe became contaminated.

Satan wished to create a model universe for his beliefs. He almost achieved that in the Old Universe, but divine plan thwarted his ambitions. His own satanic creations are the means for his destruction. Satan’s goal was to totally control all physical universes and lock them off from salvation. Because he almost controlled the entire Old Universe through the negative Nine Aspects of the mind of god that he created, the importance of salvation in this universe and all others is evident.
Satan still wants to control the minds of all beings so that the only link they have to the mind of god is what he allows.

A group of beings descended (descended angels, demons) who operated at the right hand of
and created a civilization within this universe using the DNA from the Old Universe.
They developed into the Draco (cold blooded, reptilian) whose purpose was to create a Left Brain
influence and support structure for the contamination that entered this galaxy.
At the center of the galaxy was the Lyraen civilization which was border line E.T./physical reality. Totally Right Brain,
it was christlike, etheric, and very noble. The Lyraens were the greatest culture ever known to this galaxy; their sphere of
influence covered not only this galaxy but many around it for millions of years.
Without physical bodies in their pure state, they had bodies made of light. Their first colony on Earth was the beginning of the original Atlantean civilization which was etheric/E.T. like. The dolphin and whale population (warm blooded, mammalian) was its first attempt at physical structure. Because the Lyraens had no point of comparison for negativity, they were easily deceived by the survivors of the Old Universe who were accepted as brothers in christ.
Eventually the Lyraens realized that their civilization was in jeopardy from the infiltrators from the Old Universe as well as from the Draco. They decided to create a balance in physical form between themselves and their opposites in hope of preventing conflict. This was the creation of the Amphibian race (hybrid of reptilian/ mammalian) and was a gigantic galactic, inter galactic, and inter universal experiment.

The Amphibian races were designed by OhaIu through the Sirians to be a bridge.

Ohalu Council is an E.T./Angelic group that has the function of tabernacle (that which covers and protects) and acts as a bridge. Its purpose is to span the gap between physical reality and true reality. This book is one of their projects. The chairman of the Ohalu Council is Christ Jesus.

Because physical beings cannot mate with etheric beings and all of the Old Universe survivors were males,
the survivors recreated themselves genetically through the process of cloning.
Now temptation existed for the lofty Lyraens to incarnate into physical bodies this was the beginning of their end.
Gradually more and more Lyraens descended into physical bodies to experience physical reality from a physical body instead of a light body.
The mere idea of descension into physical reality is a temptation that causes an imprisonment through DNA and the need for Salvation.
In response, the E.T. group who performed the Ohalu function volunteered to descend a portion of itself to act as a bridge, or balance,
for this incorrect pattern. This group became known as Sidus A.

As the Lyraen Empire degenerated, factions developed as DNA was manipulated and altered to suit the various environments in which the light beings now lived. Physical bodies were designed to accommodate the atmospheres and conditions of the various planets that encompassed the Lyraen civilization.
This Galactic civilization, once comprised of unified beings each identical to the other, was now confronted with differences in body type, resulting in separation of races. Now they had no choice but to follow the pattern of the 12 rays emanating from the Mind of God, thereby producing the 12 frequencies, or main Galactic root races. At the same time the negative side (Draconian race) developed into the reptilian and eventually insect species. The Draco empire also had colonies modeled along the Old Universe Empire.
They colonized the Earth by driving the Moon, which is actually an artificial vehicle, into orbit. Their first colony on Earth was known as Lemuria. Androgynous and extremely physical, these beings existed side by side with the etheric E.T. Atlantean civilization. The positive side of the same energy developed along human and mammalian species.

In accordance with the incorrect mind pattern of being special or supreme, many of the 12 races of this Lyraen civilization rebelled against the other, each seeking dominance.
This was the end of that civilization as it was known, leaving the 12 groups open for attack by a strongly unified Draco. Many horrendous battles ensued (Civil War) and lasted many centuries and in fact, still occur. In their effort to create balance, the Sirians gave technology to both sides to keep them equal.
Thus began the loss of purpose for the Sirians as they were tempted into becoming merchants and peddlers of technology. Parts of the old Lyraen civilization were absorbed into the Draco empire. Among these were the star systems of Rigel, Zeta Reticuli 1, and Zeta Reticuli 2, which have since become known as the Orion Confederation. Another group formed called the Pleaidian Council.
The Pleaidians were refugees from the original Lyraen star system. The Pleaides is a group of 7 stars with 16 inhabited planets. The Pleaidian Council had the intention of recreating a physical version of the original Lyraen civilization modeled after the Old Empire from the Old Universe.
One group of Pleaidians which was adverse to this followed their E.T. ancestors to Earth. They started what is known as the first physical Atlantean Empire or the second Atlantean cycle knows as the Atlans, the first cycle was an etheric/E.T. type colony comprised of the original Lyraen civilization.
All of this activity was duly noted by other groups within other galaxies.

Never before in this universe had such a division between Left and Right taken place.
A congress, or council, convened in the Andromeda Galaxy (closest to Milky Way) on a planet called Hatona. Comprised of many civilizations and groups throughout the immediate area of the universe, this group decided that the solar system at the edge of the Milky Way would be an experimental area for the purpose of rebuilding the 12 rays which were now 12 root races.
Many of these root races branched off into sub races.
Earth was destined to be a focal point for the Salvation of the soul. Monitored from a Sirian outpost on Mars, different races representing the 12 root races, as well as those representing the negative side, would be brought to this one place to convert the negative side and release the positive side from DNA bondage. In addition to the introduction of genetic programming known as Kundalini which was created for the purpose of Salvation, there was the introduction of an object known as the Crystal Skull (refer to The Crystal Skull section on page 45).

There was also the introduction of a being, or model/prototype, called the Savior that would show the way back to true reality.

The head group within the council in Hatona known as the Krel monitored the physical situation in the Milky Way. One of the major civilizations in the Andromeda Galaxy, they were light beings who used physical bodies whenever necessary. There were several groups that opposed colonization on Earth; one group known as Marduk had its own agenda.
They created an artificial world also known as Marduk filled with beings whose purpose was to traverse the galaxy upgrading what they considered to be low level or animalistic DNA or genetics, to create a new race. The beings of Marduk known as the Abbenaki are not adverse to the use of slavery. Their vehicle was driven into our solar system with a force that destroyed the 5th planet that existed between Mars and Jupiter, explaining why there is an asteroid belt in that area. The Sirians rescued much of that civilization before the destruction bringing them to both Mars and Earth underground.
Marduk continued on its way toward the Earth, flipping it on its axis thus causing the first cataclysm of Atlantis.

In order to remove the Atlans and Draco from Earth, the Nordics, who are in control of the Pleaidian Council, took advantage of the situation. Working with the Abbenaki, they created a slave race from primate genetics which developed into the black race.
At the same time severe battles ensued between the allies of the Nordics and the Abbenaki against the Draco/Lemurians. When the Draco realized that they would be driven off the planet Earth, they prepared vast underground bases that were kept in suspended animation for future time.
They also created beings called the Deros, a cross between humanoid and Draco. Placed inside the Earth, they remain there to this day until the time of Revelation is complete. Many of the Draco/Lemurians fled to Venus. The Amphibians were attacked for being a balance between the two groups. They sealed much of their civilization in underwater chambers guarded by the dolphins and whales. The remainder of the Amphibians fled to Triton which is a moon of Neptune.

The Orion Confederation decided to create a race of beings out of humanoid genetics to monitor the occurrences on Earth for the Draco. Famous for abducting humans, they are the 4 foot and 3 foot "Greys" with the black wrap around eyes and are under the control of the Rigelians who work directly for the Draco Empire.
The Rigelians were once part of the Lyraen Civilization and were physically equal to the tall blonds or Nordics. During the Draco invasion of that sector (Civil War), their planet was so bombarded and contaminated by nuclear waste that they degenerated into a genetically and hormonally weak race which survives by using the life material of others. In the meantime, the survivors of the 5th planet developed into a civilization known as the Sumerians using Sirian aid. Simultaneously, the 3rd Atlantean empire developed and was quite evil.
Divided into 2 religions, one was called the Children of the Law of One, and the other the Sons of Belial. Belial was a Draconian god. Infiltrating this civilization were the influences of the Sirians, the Pleaidians, and the Orion Confederation, each vying for dominance. In response to this hostility, many of the inhabited interior galaxy worlds bonded together to form the Galactic Federation.

During the last two thousand years of the 3rd Atlantean civilization, horrendous genetic experiments were performed by the Atlanteans and aliens.
Slaves were necessary in the mind-pattern of these people since they relished technology and a life of leisure. Beings who were part human, part animal/insect were developed to perform various tasks. This was done because there was a certain impure strain in genetic material available. During the initial colonization on Earth when the light beings first appeared, many attempted to incarnate in animal bodies to experience Earth.
When they finally hardened into physical form with the influx of the Atlans, many retained animal features in addition to their humanoid form. The same occurred for the Lemurians whose genetics included dinosaur/reptilian DNA. When the 2 groups finally merged at the end of the Lemurian civilization, the reptilian brain became a central feature in the new human prototype.

Herein lies the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The role of Kundalini, represented by the curl of the coiled snake (reptilian), is necessary as a method to overcome the lower side of existence.

During this time period colonies were created on Earth from Arcturus, Antaries, Tau Ceti, Procyon, Sirius B, and several other races. It was also determined by the council on Hatona that it was Marduk’s responsibility to monitor the new race it had created.
The problem was that Marduk was on a programmed orbit through the galaxy, only coming near the Earth once every 12,000 years. During the periods when Marduk was not in the area, it monitored its creations through an alien race known as the Bear, who are under the direct control of the Abbenaki. The last time that Marduk passed through the solar system the last portions of Atlantis sank beneath the sea.
The Atlanteans had so abused the magnetic field of the Earth and weakened the axis stability so dramatically that nothing could be done to prevent the Earth from flipping on its axis. Marduk is scheduled to return in 1998. The Earth shifting on its axis will raise Atlantis as a result of this. Symbolically, the sinking of Atlantis was the submergence of the Right Brain leaving the Left Brain unchecked.
The next axis shift will bring Atlantis above the surface and all the records will be revealed, including those beneath the Sphinx and in the Yucatan.

  • When Atlantis sank for the last time its refugees fled to its various colonies around the Earth.
  • Some fled to newly created land such as North America.
  • The colony in Egypt (Khem) was guided by the beings of Sirius A.
  • The colony in North Western Europe (Celts) was guided by the beings of Pleaides.
  • The colony in North America (east coast Indians) was guided by the beings of Procyon.
  • During the period that the Sirians influenced the Egyptian civilization, further genetic purification was needed.
  • The Hebrew race was introduced by the Sirians as a further attempt to overcome the reptilian brain and balance the Left Brain and Right Brain.
  • Symbolically, the Hebrew race is a Pineal Gland through which global Kundalini can rise by way of a Christ figure emerging.
  • DNA is programmed to be released at various stages until this is accomplished.
  • The separation of the children of Israel from bondage in Egypt is symbolic of the separation of the Pineal Gland from the Left Brain.
  • Egypt is representative of ego.
  • The 12 tribes of Israel represent the 12 frequencies as they relate to Earth and their unification back to the source.
People now live in what might be called the end of time, or the final stages of the 9th completion of the Book of Revelation programming.
All frequencies are returning to claim their own and in the purification of their frequencies on Earth, they themselves will be purified, leading to the perfection of the illusion for each of the 12 rays and allowing for return to the Mind of God.
The purpose of DNA will be fulfilled for some, but for others a time of tribulation and further imprisonment will be necessary.

  • DNA, represented by chains, symbolically refers to Satan and his Angels imprisoned in the abyss of physical reality.
  • Their DNA will be reprogrammed until their cycle is complete
  • The E.T. level of existence has several experiments and projects along these lines
  • The encoding of DNA is of paramount concern to them
  • Over the course of history many humans have been removed to other places in the universe for development along different lines
  • Those humans who will be taken away during this cycle refer to this as the rapture
  • Even within the solar system laboratories exist stored with genetic material to be used if and when necessary for further experiments
  • The:
    • Sirians have similar laboratories on Mars
    • Draco on Venus
    • Amphibians on Neptune and Triton
    • Pleaidians on the moons of Jupiter
    • Orion Confederation on the Moon
    • some E.T. groups on the moons of Saturn
  • Many of the moons within this solar system are not natural objects but rather giant observation posts and laboratories
  • The Draco are already driving a ship into the solar system that will be used as a second moon
  • Some groups have the intention of stopping this craft by crashing the planet Jupiter into it
  • The resulting explosion and chemical reaction would turn Jupiter into a second sun, thus creating a binary star system. If this occurs, the effect on the other planets will be devastating 
Stewart Swerdlow on the Illuminati and the structure of this reality 
In his 2.5 hour video, "The Illuminati", Stewart Swerdlow presents new info on the reptilian influence on
human history
and the copper based blue blood royal families.
An extensive and intense view of Earth politics, the Illuminati and the reptilian factor is shared including
the prehistory of this solar system and our artificial moon!

Also covered are the conspiratorial nature of the chem trails and why Aryans were chosen for secret projects in
Nazi Germany and at Montauk (Long Island, USA). This is a complete view of Earth’s history and how the alien agenda fits in.

Stewart Swerdlow ~ Blue Blood True Blood - FULL (2:00:52)

As far as the history of this planet is concerned, you can consider that everything you ever learned is a complete lie.
All history and science books are rewritten to accommodate the agenda of the controllers of this planet. These books
are just as false as the New Age material spewing forth from such places as Sedona and Santa Fe, to name a couple of
Illuminati meccas. Disinformation is rampant everywhere. My information comes from my Montauk Project indoctrinations,
experiences, conversations with scientists involved in Illuminati programs, communications with alien and interdimensional
beings whom I met at various government projects, and through the probing of my own Oversoul. [...]

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You (DNA) Must Be Born Again
by John Baptist

The Words of Jesus are Literal
Science is Revealing the Truth in the Bible

Glory to God what an incredible time we live in.   Jesus told us that ALL the mysteries will be revealed and indeed they are. 
Tribulation-Now has published a number of articles in the past about this amazing reality.  And God Bless Jonathan Kleck and his amazing teachings of this supernatural dynamic associated with the mystery of the “seed of the serpent” vs. the “seed of the woman”.  AMEN.
Some of the related articles written here on Tribulation-Now include:
Before I continue, I will leave you with this quote:
“[A]bout the time of the end, in all probability, a body of men will be raised up, who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist upon their literal interpretation in the midst of much clamor and opposition.[65]“
- [65] Rev. J. W. Brooks “The Literalism Elements of rophetical Interpretation”.
E. G. Dorsey, Printer.Philadelphia USA 1840. V. Preface. page VI

Praise Jesus – Welcome to my world.   The Bible is an UNDERSTATEMENT.

The DNA Structure – The Battle of Good and Evil

Here below is an amazing testimony of a 16 year old young lady from South Africa.  It is an astonishing confirmation of the battle of good and evil and how it lives within us from birth.  It is again a supernatural confirmation of the truths found in the Bible from Genesis through Revelation.  It is a confirmation of the Daniel 2:43 problem where “they” mingle themselves with the seed of man.
I pray this both edifies and blesses you with the reality of how our science, indeed God’s science, is found in our Holy Bible.
DNA Structure ~ A Word from I AM to His True Set-Apart Bride in these End Times
… given through His beloved daughter, Sarah (16 years old) on 5th July 2013 … Please NOTE that this Word from the mouth of Yahushua haMashiach is not specific to South Africa only, but is for His Set-apart Bride collectively.
Yeshua stood next to me dressed in white light, He stretched out His pierced hand and said: “Come with Me My Sarah Princess, My Deborah warrior”… It was as if we were eagles, flying over South Africa. He showed me different things in the country. I saw fires in many places, Yeshua smiled and said: “It’s My fire, My Spirit is fanning the flame in the hearts of those who choose to walk the road less traveled, in those who chose to let go of the passions of the flesh, I am busy in this country you call home, My love. There are many things to come as you know…
I see a big statue of Nelson Mandela with a rainbow around it, Yeshua looked at it and turned His face… “Sarah look at the way people make an idol out of man – REPENT THEREOF. Then He said: “The nation’s pride will come to a fall.” I saw the statue slowly diminishing on the inside until there was nothing left on the inside of the statue, but it was still standing. I saw people crying, lots of people stood in groups and cried.
“Tell those who so humbly and faithfully stand in the gap for this nation, pray and plead for this nation that they will soon start to see the fruit of their supplication.” While He said that I saw many people praying and repenting for the things in this country.
“My love, remember I said in My Book, I put before you light and darkness, blessing and curse, and you have the choice, which one do you choose? You are between 2 Kingdoms My love, at the same time I am busy, the wicked one is also busy… I AM shining My glorious light through the words of My prophets and messengers and those who give ear will receive blessing, the blessing of knowing the truth and having it make you free.
I want to speak to you about what I am busy with so that My people can catch up with My heartbeat, so that they can dance in the rhythm of My ways, My truths, My desires…
I am busy gathering My bride into the ark where she will be safe. It is only those who have cleansed their DNA, those who have pure blood that can enter. Sarah, tell My people to give attention to what I will tell you now, it is very important, it is a matter of purity and harlotry, salvation and deception, luke-warmness and fire… Give ear!”
The next moment it was as if I was inside of a body and I see conception taking place, the sperm cell and the egg cell colliding, merging and ‘becoming’ a baby. I see the seed in very much detail; there were these little things like white vessels that looked like trees inside the seed and at the same time, while I was looking at that, I also saw that the seed is like a book and there are many, many words inside that very tiny seed.
Yeshua started to speak to me about the DNA once again… “My love, do you see, look at it, it’s beautiful… out of these little tiny seeds a human grows, inside of these little seeds I put everything for a baby to grow, it is perfect (it was very, very special to see Yeshua so excited about how perfect and amazing and AWESOME He made the human body, soul and spirit). Look inside the seed, do you see the written things? It is a code, it’s a DNA code, it’s far above what any human can understand. That code, My love, determines who that baby will be, that code will form its character, personality, likes and dislikes. It forms the body and it forms the soul, but not the spirit. The spirit is born of Spirit, My Spirit. In your spirit you inherit My DNA when you are saved, but this DNA, this seed and inheritance, is not saved yet. Sarah, inside of that seed is blessing and curse, sin and righteousness as an inheritance from your fathers.
This DNA is very, very important. Inside of the DNA code, there are supposed to be key essentials so that your body and soul can function the way I purposed them to. These seeds in the DNA are love proteins, and when you are born, the seed will sprout if it is exposed to the right elements. The mother and father are to nurture, comfort, affirm, accept and love this gift from Me and the result will be gender identity and spiritual identity, a healthy and whole soul and body. But now the babies are being exposed to trauma – even at birth – with the way this precious child comes into this world. The children are vulnerable to whatever the parents expose them to, even in the womb, and it has a great effect on them. It is the parents work to build the child’s identity through teaching them to find their identity in Me, but they are exposed to the trauma of rejection…
This DNA speaks all the time. It speaks of every word written inside of it. You can hear it and I can hear it too, you hear it in your mind every day. Sarah, your inherited DNA affects your soul and body in a great great way. Let Me explain to you how it affects you in a physical and mental way.
Your soul area is your mind, will, emotions, desires. The seed in your DNA grows like trees throughout your soul. For example, if you inherited a seed of rejection, that seed will carry the hurts and pain of the generations before you. That seed is in you and when you experience any kind of trauma, trauma at birth, as a child, or any kind of trauma, the seed sprouts and a stronghold forms inside your soul. A stronghold forms to suppress the pain. The stronghold is always rooted in pride, and fear keeps it in place. These trees are rebellion against Me. This tree bears ungodly fruit in your soul like perfectionism, judgment, fear, pride……
Because I love you so dearly and because you struggled so much as a little girl to understand why ‘this Father of love’ would create imperfect, disabled little babies I will show you why this happens.
This seed of rejection, for example, can affect your body in many ways, sometimes the sickness manifests in a later stage because of trauma, and other times, because of open doors in the mother and father. Because of generational curses, spirits latch on to the DNA and the baby can be born with a defect, a disease or disabled. It is part of the curse that came upon man at the fall. Sarah, there are many things I want to teach you about the DNA. My people have a lack of knowledge!
I also want to teach you about the DNA structure: It is an order. There are 2 orders – the one comes out of hell and the other out of Who I AM! Out of hell comes the order of Baal and man plays harlot with it, and I will call My order the order of I AM! This is the structure in your DNA.
Inside the order of Baal is the structure, the nature and the seed of lucifer. Curse is a result of it, most sicknesses are a result of it, spiritual death is a result of it, poverty is a result of it and destruction is a result of it. I have spoken to you a lot about the pure bride and about what it means to be the pure bride. The pure bride has My DNA, she has My structure, My order, My nature and My seed in her. Blessing is a result of it, life is a result of it, prosperity is a result of it, holiness and righteousness are a result of it.
My bride has I AM flowing through her veins while the harlot bride – that has not cleansed her DNA – has hell operating through her … mixed seed. My people are playing harlot because they have the order and the structure of Baal in them – that is why they are double minded, that is why they are still sick. Even though by My stripes you were healed, they have remained still sinful, unholy and unrighteous, but they call themselves Christians. I tell you the word Christian is reserved for those who are lukewarm. You are either My bride, holy, pure and righteous, building your spirit house upon the Rock of Ages, living in My Kingdom, or you are a ‘Christian’, lukewarm, so-called saved but deceived, so-called good but led astray without even knowing it. This ‘Christian’ is part of the harlot, she is in fact worse than the sinner because she is the same as the sinner in heart, but she thinks she is good.
My people, if you want to go into the ark like Noah, you have to cleanse your DNA through applying My blood through repentance, through petitioning in My heavenly courtroom. Remember, your spirit can be holy and righteous and you can think you are on the right road because of it. But if you do not take the next step through cleansing your DNA and working on your soul dimension, you are divided within yourself – in your spirit, on fire, and in your soul, cold, and therefore you are mixed, mixed and lukewarm. My bride is not mixed, she is single minded and in unity with Me, one in soul and spirit.
I want My people to break down the altar, the order and the structure of Baal in your blood (DNA) that your forefathers have cast up. Like Gideon had to break down the altar of Baal.
Judges 6:25-26 Tear down the altar of Baal that your father has, and cut down the wooden image that is beside it; and build an altar, to the LORD your God on top of this rock laid in proper order [proper arrangement].
I was petitioning and repenting for my DNA and while I did that I saw a vision of inside of my body, I saw the many blood vessels, and Yeshua took me inside of my blood where He showed me how my DNA looks in the spirit. I saw the structure of the DNA and I saw 2 doors inside of my DNA (blood). There was a black door and a golden door. The golden door was closed and the black door was open. Out of the black door the DNA structure flowed, on the black door was written- ‘Order of Baal/Curse’ and on the golden door was written ‘I AM (which is filled with the FULLNESS of ABBA’s character, attributes, nature, in the name of I AM is the fullness of who He is)/Blessing.
There were things written on the black structure that flowed out of the black door. I recognized it as pride and rebellion against I AM (everything YHVH stands for), the nature of hasatan. So I started to pray for I AM’s light to shine in my DNA and I just started to repent of generational sin as Ruach haKodesh revealed it to me. He went really deep and I carried on for hours. While I was busy repenting I saw the structure going back into the black door, like it was being reversed. I literally saw Yeshua inside of my blood, He closed the black door (shattered the order of Baal and curses) and the door and the structure disappeared. It is as if the black door was a gateway of hell.
Yeshua said: “Each and every human has these 2 doors in their blood; hell operates through the black door through pride, rebellion and curses – it is his nature flowing out of it; while I AM and blessing flows through the way, the truth and the life. My people, you are in a DNA war, awaken and see that the battle you are in is a blood battle, the enemy is out to defile your blood. Break down the order of Baal inside of you through repentance and petitioning. Your DNA is who you are, it is the core of you, I want who you are to be a vein, a vessel for I AM, for who I AM to flow through you and be an altar of worship, singing holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart), holy (set-apart) …!”
While He said that, the golden door flung open and a white structure flowed out, with golden and silver writings on it. I AM’s character and nature was inside of it – humility, holiness(set-apartness), love, gentleness, etc. “Sarah My love, this is the message for this hour, teach My people how to sanctify their DNA because this is what My bride looks like. I see what flows out of that door is His seed [love and righteousness]. If it is the black door, it is hasatan’s seed [pride and rebellion]. Father’s seed births purity and holiness (set-apartness) and results in a set-apart virgin bride, where satan’s seed births pride, harlotry, idolatry – it is mexed seed – and this makes you a harlot bride that can give birth to Nephilim babies.
Yeshua showed me that the written things on our DNA become what our mind meditates upon. Your mind literally records whatever is inside the DNA. For example, when there is generational racism seed in your DNA, you have a judgmental, prideful, racist stronghold in your mind (of course you don’t acknowledge it as that) because you inherit the seed from your fathers, it hides in you and when trauma occurs it explodes like a bomb in your soul.
It is the same with homosexuality; if there is a seed of rejection, to which a spirit latches that attacks and breaks down your identity physically, because there is no love inside of that seed, it can very easily manifest in one becoming homosexual. The homosexual spirit is the stronghold that the structure of your soul puts up to defend itself, but it comes out of a seed of rejection out of the pits of hell.
We are in a spiritual battle that manifests in the natural and the war is already won, if we would just start to apply the Blood of the Lamb, we would start to taste victory and freedom. Our weapon is the BLOOD OF THE LAMB (which carries Yeshua’s DNA) because it is the fullness of I AM’s LOVE, poured out for our salvation, redemption, deliverance, healing, freedom…
REPENT, so that you can be called righteous like Noah was righteous in all his generations!

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... most recent starting point

Absolute excellent review ...
Chuck Missler - Return Of The Nephilim (2:00:02)

1952 Washington, D.C. UFO incident

Nephilim - Who were the Sons of God?
What Was Their Sin? What Happened ? (13 page pdf)

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UFO Sightings Are Aliens Breeding 'Perfect' Humans? Special Report 2013 (57:29)

Thirdphaseofmoon radio does it again, gets you, the public, to tell their story to you, the world! Thirdphaseofmoon founder, Blake Cousins & Researcher On A Mission, Dr. J. Andy Ilias have an amazing conversation with Dr.Roger Leir who talks about the 17 alien implants he has removed over the years from 16 different people. We talk about the purpose of why these aliens insert these implants, their composition and more. And we also had an amazing caller who shared his incredible story about his alien abductions. This is a must see if you want to get some new info on abductions and why they are happening. Also, check out thirdphaseofmoon's latest documentary shown right here on youtube for FREE, shot in 1080 HD "Alien Abduction Diaries" as well as our other amazing documentary showcasing Dr. Leir and his work (including a look and analysis of these these alien implants),"Alien Human Project also out for free here on youtube. Also, this Thursday 7/18/13, we have Stanton Friedman joining us again from 8-10pm eastern standard time (GMT-4) at an we invite you the public to call in, ask Stanton Friedman, Blake Cousins or Dr.J a question or better yet, tell your own ufo story right here on Thirdphaseofmoon radio! Call in during the show at 818-923-1713. If you have captured anything amazing, contact us via skype or facebook at Thirdphaseofmoon and we will see you again next time!

Mars Alien Photo Provided by ProjectUFOs
Thirdphaseofmoon 3-D Graphic by Moad Hadi
Music by Kvfive Paul Barret & Eivind Bjordal
Visit our new website

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UFO Sightings Alien Abduction Reptilian Hybrid Breeding Explained? Full Length Documentary (15:26)

-  as well as our other amazing documentary showcasing Dr. Leir and his work
(including a look and analysis of these these alien implants),"Alien Human Project
also out for free here on youtube. Also, this Thursday 7/18/13, we have Stanton Friedman joining us again from 8-10pm eastern
standard time (GMT-4) at an we invite you the public to call in, ask Stanton Friedman, Blake Cousins or
Dr.J a question or better yet, tell your own ufo story right here on Thirdphaseofmoon radio! Call in during the show at 818-923-1713.
If you have captured anything amazing, contact us via skype or facebook at Thirdphaseofmoon and we will see you again next time !

Mars Alien Photo Provided by ProjectUFOs

Thirdphaseofmoon 3-D Graphic by Moad Hadi
Music by Kvfive Paul Barret & Eivind Bjordal
Visit our new website -
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Kabbalah And The Rise Of Mysticism
The Hebrew Language and Bible Codes - Chuck Missler (14:18)

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UFO Sightings Top 7 Sightings Of July Amazing Footage Special Report 2013 (10:12)

Video Second Angle Of Myrtle Beach
Shot By Ciarra Baeulieu, Joe Kiernan Shot Web Cam Mrytle Beach

Visit His Channel
3rd Camera Shot From Myrtle Beach Perons Wants to Remains Annoymous.

Breaking News UFO Sightings Massive UFO Over Dearborn, MI Multiple Eyewitness Accounts 2013  (11:00)

UFO Lights over Portland Oregon (2:33)

Portland UFO video Captured by Peter Ramirez original link
Possible Asteroid Footage was caught in Portland the person who caught the footage wants to remain anonymous!
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Swastika Rehabilitation Day 2013: Raelians UFO Religion Group
Say Nazi Symbol Has 'Positive Connotations'

by Howard Koplowitz

The Raelians, who have set up an embassy for aliens, have scheduled "Swastika Rehabilitation Day" for Saturday.
Members of the UFO religion known as Raelians think the swastika is getting a bad rap, and have designated
Saturday as “Swastika Rehabilitation Day.”

“The swastika’s ancient, honorable heritage and positive meaning are well known in many Eastern countries,” Thomas Kaenzig,
Raelian guide and president of the ProSwastika Alliance, said in a news release. “But we also want people in other parts of the
world to know what they know, so that we can once and for all fully rehabilitate this symbol that’s so dear to billions of people.”

The group doesn’t exactly have any affection for Nazis, who they claimed usurped the symbol from Eastern religions.

Raelians use the swastika and two interlocking triangles as a symbol of their religion. Believers in the UFO religion say its leader,
former car racing journalist Claude “Rael” Vorilhon, came into contact with an alien, described as “a human being from another planet,”
in France in 1973. They say the universe had multiple creators, whom the group calls “Elohim” (Hebrew for God).

“Swastika Rehabilitation Day” is the fourth annual iteration of the group’s event.

“This year, we’ll again display swastika-themed banners in U.S. and Canadian skies,” Kaenzig said. “But the real emphasis
s on worldwide recognition and vindication for the true and positive connotations of this symbol. This is a global re-education effort.”

“The swastika has been used around the world for thousands of years as a symbol of well-being and good luck, so when
Westerners interpret it as meaning something ugly because the Nazis used it, they’re denying millions of people the right to live
their religion freely,” he continued. “It’s time to rehabilitate this lovely symbol once and for all, and to eliminate any remaining taint from
those who hijacked it in the 20th century.”

Rael has weighed in on any number of other topics, according to his own website.

“Over the years, Rael has inspired several public actions from the promotion of the use of condoms in schools to the promotion of
masturbation; from worldwide campaigns in support of minorities with the slogan ‘to tolerate differences is not enough, one
should love differences’ to the disturbing request to have all religious books censured where they don't respect Human Rights; from
the support of human cloning through the founding of Clonaid, to the promotion of GMO as the only chance for all human beings on
Earth to have food; from the creation of Clitoraid, an association to help women who have been circumcised to have their clitoris
repaired so that they can experience pleasure again to the call for the gathering of all African traditional chiefs to create the
United States of Africa,” his website states.

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David Icke on the Secret of the Universe & DMT
Luke Rudkowski sits down with David Icke to talk about his thoughts on the
secrets of the universe and life. They also spoke about the similar messages
during their DMT experiences. (22:58)

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Gay activists would play Russian Roulette with our blood transfusions.
Dr. Henry Makow

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'HAARP' TTA SHOCKS THE WORLD with Ascension Isle Hydroacoustic

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Excellent short review ...
2012 Something Is Going On! (19:39)

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Tom Horn updates ...
What do U know about Transhumans - end times news update 4-12-13 (8:18)

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