Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Donald Hank writes:
Mark Zuckerberg wants more immigrants to work cheap in his sweat shops. He has founded FWD.us, a front org for his pro-immigration plans and is partnering with false 'conservative' group 'Americans for a Conservative Direction.'
Cutting to the chase, any conservative organization at this dreadful juncture in the US economy would have to oppose the importation of labor tooth and nail. Our employment is nowhere near where the government says it is.
The government is sweeping millions of statistics under the carpet by saying that people who have given up looking for work are not unemployed. The 100 million on welfare are 'employed'? We are probably about where Spain is now, were it not for welfare and food stamps. We certainly don't need to import labor--even if that would make Zuckerberg a lot richer.
To make matters worse, the plan supported by traitors Rubio and Graham, who play the lead roles in the linked videos, would give amnesty to the people making up over 90% of dangerous criminal gangs in our cities. If they said, 'hey, let's import more terrorists,' that would actually be an improvement over their current plan. Gangs kill, rape, steal and deal 24-7. Terrorists only kill on special occasions.
These men need to be thrown out on their ears.
And that is exactly why Mort Zuckerberg supports them. They are Democrats in drag.
Don Hank

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