Sunday, May 12, 2013


Submitted by: Debbie Beatty

The Mob Action, introduced in Egypt and other embassies and its claimed cause was to be an Anti Muslim movie trailer. That was the planned cover for the Kidnapping in Benghazi. The action at Benghazi was supposed to be blamed on the same mob action as in Egypt.
Question: Does anything done by "Any Actor" make any sense, except in the context of "The Secret Plans"?

A few questions that can be completely explained by Obama's and Morsi's "Secret Plans".

1. Why did Amb Stevens have dinner with the Turkish General Council?

2. Why did the terrorist attack on the Consulate begin immediately after the Turkish General Council left?

3. What happened to the 15,000 SA-7 Grail/Strela-2 missiles that Muammar Qaddafi had acquired and the USA Stinger missiles provided by Barack Obama to overthrow Qaddafi?

4. Was Amb Stevens running guns and missiles to the Al Qaeda in Syria through Turkey?

5. Because Al Qaeda has been at war with the USA, openly attacking the USA for about 20 years, since 1993; would Running Guns and Missiles and other War Material to Al Qaeda be Treason?

6. Did Obama want to release the Blind Sheik, but had no justifiable reason to do so?

7. Why were 3 MST and 1 SST security details removed from Libya?

8. Why did Hillary request/demand more security, but Obama denied more security, several times?

9. Why were ex-Seals, Doherty and Woods, told to stand down 3 times?

10. Why did Obama tell the CIA to NOT help defend the Consulate?

11. Why did Obama and his minions watch live video of the attack and not act?

12. Why was an American Drone flying over the consulate recording video BEFORE the attack began?

13. Predator Drones carry Hell Fire Missiles, why were none fired?

14. Why were the Seals Lazing a Target, giving away their position and no Hell Fire missiles were fired?

15. Why did Obama blame it on a video that no one (only 17 views on YouTube) had ever seen?

16. Why did Obama fire General Ham for moving to assist the Consulate?

17. Why was an AC-130 Gunship, 90 minutes away, not sent to aid the Consulate?

18. Why did Obama who had authority to Endorse cross border C-130's to come to Benghazi's aid.
19. An FEST security detail prepared itself and was about to board an Aircraft to Benghazi and was told to "Stand down"?
20. Why were the F-16's only 45 minutes away in Sicily not sent to help the consulate?

21. Was the reason that the Aircraft were not sent, because Obama was afraid that USA A/C would be shot down with the anti-Aircraft missiles (Stingers) that Obama supplied to the Terrorists?

22. Why did the plan stick with the plan's excuse of the Sham "Mohammed is an Idiot" Movie Trailer?

23. Why did the Ansar al-Sharia try to save Ambassador Stevens by taking him to a Hospital/Emergency Room?

24. Why did Ansar al-Sharia surround the Hospital where Ambassador Steven's body was taken and not let anyone in or out?

25. Why was a Libyan Military person photographing the Consulate before the Attack?

26. Why could the President not get an interview with a participating Terrorist for weeks when Senator Lindsey Graham got Tunisia to permit the FBI interview him within 24 hours of the request?

27. Why was the Terrorist that was held by Tunisia never interviewed by the FBI or the CIA.

28. Why was the Terrorist in Tunisia released and got totally Free without the USA stopping his release or questioning him?

29. Why were Senior counter terrorism personnel cut out of the Loop, the Foreign Emergency Security Team was not called?

30. The Embassy in Egypt was attacked by a Mob Action and the motive was the Film Trailer. This was part of the Plan and does not make sense, except if it was a part of the Kidnapping Plan with the joint actions in Egypt and Benghazi?

31. Why did the Idiots in the White House stick with the Planned Motive of the Film Trailer, claiming that it started the attack?

32. What are the Names of the 25 people saved by the Navy Seals?

33. Where are the Sworn Statements, describing the details of the attack, made by the 25 witnesses who were saved by the Seals?

34. The President seems to have not been around, physically or mentally, not even knowing what happened at Benghazi, or he was stoned on his favorite candy, Crack Cocaine.

35. Larry Sinclair says Barack Obama is a Crack addict. Check out Sinclair's You Tube Video in which he claims he has hard evidence of his two Homosexual Trysts with Obama and Drugs. Or just buy Larry Sinclair's book he wrote about Obama and his sexual Trysts, dealing Cocaine and Murders. It is named: "Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies & murder". The Amazon online book store has it: use this web URL:

36. The Fly in Obama's Treasonous Plans; Two Brave American Heroes, Navy Seals. They should both receive, posthumously, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, after Obama's Conviction for: High Crimes, Misdemeanors, Murders and High Treason.

BOTH OR EITHER OF THESE PLANS AND ACTIONS ARE ABSOLUTELY TREASON. Barack Obama is guilty of High Treason and Murder and should be IMPEACHED NOW.

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