Sunday, April 28, 2013


Submitted by: Doc David Wilkerson sermon 'Anguish', May 2009.
                                                                   The Final Anguish
    --Our grandparents told us about you, but now, God is too far away and society is fallen down.
    --My parents used to own expensive items, but the foreigners now own those things.
    --Our fathers were killed in the wars and our mothers are but weeping widows.
    --Since the sequestration, we now must pay too much for clean water and cost of energy is through the roof.
    --The overlords hate us when we look into their eyes, and they push us to work harder.
    --We must walk for miles to find a grocery store for staples.
    --Our parents spent too much for stuff they couldn't afford, and we are stuck with their debt.
    --We wanted to get wealthy like them, so we borrowed loans for rich educations, but we became indentured slaves.
    --We have no means of defense, and the aliens have guns and swords.
    --Many of us are killed while we forage for food. The days are always too hot or cold. Our tongues are dry and bellies stuck hard against our backbones.
    --Women are frequently raped in broad day light or in the dark alleys in the towns.
    --Former important officials are nailed on walls or trees. What's more, the elders are always jeered and spit upon.
    --The young boys harvest grain, grind wheat, and carry heavy wood upon our bent backs.
    --The old men wander from their families, and the the young men sing no more.
    --Our happiness is gone and we mourn more than we dance.
                                                     -- Adapted from Lamentations 5
Albert, weeping waiting watchman

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