Saturday, March 16, 2013


Submitted by: Donald Hank
Congress stops talented immigrants getting into the country (and makes criminals of many who are there).
So when illegal aliens come to the US and give Phoenix, for example, the highest kidnapping rate in the country and second in the world, that is OUR fault for 'making criminals' of them? And our talented college grads can't find jobs but you want us to import talent?
And then he blames both Obama and the Republicans equally for the impasse in the budget.
Hold on, pal. Obama gave us an unpayable debt, job killing regs and a $trillion welfare bill every year and you're only complaint is that Congress can't find a way to agree with the president's insane policies?
Sounds like a benighted Brit who hasn't a clue!
The Economist?
They should call it The Socialist. We have enough bad ideas without importing them.
Don Hank
Luckily, dysfunction in Washington is only one side of America’s story
“THE greatest nation on earth—the greatest nation on earth—cannot keep conducting its business by drifting from one manufactured crisis to the next. We can’t do it,” fulminatedBarack Obama last month. The crisis of the moment, the “sequester” (a package of budget cuts designed to be so ghastly that Congress would pass a better version), duly came into effect on March 1st. Unless Congress agrees on an extension to its budget, the government will start to shut down on March 28th. In May the greatest nation will hit its debt ceiling; unless it is raised, Uncle Sam will soon start defaulting on his bills.

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