Sunday, March 3, 2013


Submitted by: John Butler

Compromise Again

By admin ~ March 2nd, 2013 @ 14:07
Aaron Cantor USAF (ret)
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Just hours after across-the-board spending cuts officially took effect, President Barack Obama pressed Congress on Saturday to work with him on a compromise to halt a fiscal crisis he said was starting to “inflict pain” on communities across the United States.
I am sick to death of hearing that word come out of the mouth of every Demorat that ever was.
Why is it that all the compromising has to come from the Republican side of the aisle?
Republicans insist that any deficit-reduction replacement deal include only spending cuts. Democrats want a mix of spending cuts and tax increases.
O-idiot wants more tax revenue to counter the cuts, which doesn’t make any sense that is playing a zero sum game, cut here and raise there and what you have is nothing, zero, zip, nada.
I would bet my most expensive pair of engraved silver spurs that Congress will not be taking a pay cut, nor will their staffers any time soon.
The only ones who will be grabbing their ankles will be “We the PEOPLE”.
We need to get rid of the 546 vermin who reside in the Cesspool known as Washington D.C. while we still have a country, because it appears that these snakes don’t care what happens to the country as long as they keep getting theirs.
I don’t think these mindless idiots have a clue that if the bad guys take over the country they will no doubt be the first ones to meet A FIRING SQUAD.
History does have a way of repeating itself, just look back through history, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, or go as far back as the Roman Empire, their Senate was one of the most corrupt political organizations that ever existed, and the only difference seems to be that they wore Togas and now the uniform of the day is a three piece suit, other than that, they are the same bunch of scheming, conniving, backbiting scumbag politicians typical in any century.
“These cuts are not smart,” Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address. “They will hurt our economy and cost us jobs, and Congress can turn them off at any time”.
What this posturing, narcissistic jackass forgot to mention boys and girls is, the Sequester was his idea in the first place, but his aim is to try and make everyone think it was the mean nasty Republicans who just love to inflict pain on the American people, while he is supposedly fighting them on behalf of the people, which we all know is a bloody damned lie.
The jackass in chief has a very simple playbook. 1. Create anxiety about an issue. 2. Demand action on it. 3. Hammer the Republicans for their inaction. Every morning the main stream media’s news stories are mostly a reflection of one of the three phases of that strategy.
Is there any doubt in any thinking person’s mind that the Main Stream Media is in the tank for this Moron and his merry band of incompetent idiots?
As far as the media is concerned this clown can do no wrong even though they know he is a phony from beginning to end.
While Obama has put the blame for the cuts on Republicans’ intransigence and their determination to protect tax breaks for the wealthy, Republicans insist he is responsible for the fiscal predicament. They also accuse him of exaggerating the expected impact.
Obama appealed for Republicans to work with Democrats on a deal, saying Americans were weary of seeing Washington “careen from one manufactured crisis to another.” But he offered no new ideas to resolve the situation, and there was no immediate sign of any negotiations planned over the weekend.
You, O-idiot, and your assorted henchmen are the ones responsible for manufacturing most of this financial hole we are in, but that is not to say that there is no blame on the other side, as I have said on so many occasions, there are no saints on either side of the aisle.
Greed is the password for all of you snakes in D.C. that is the real reason the country is in the shape it is in.
There is no adult supervision or leadership in Washington on any level.

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