Dear Conservatives,
Just over two years ago, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid tried to pull a fast one on the American people.
Hoping no one would notice during the "lame duck" session before Christmas, Reid tried to ram through a new version of the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill.
That bill was designed to FORCE virtually every police officer and firefighter in the country under union boss control.
But concerned citizens like you were paying attention and rallied to defeat it.
And it was the filibuster that let us block it.
Now Harry Reid wants to change all that by gutting the filibuster -- and even threatening to break the Senate rules to make it happen.
Just over two years ago, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid tried to pull a fast one on the American people.
Hoping no one would notice during the "lame duck" session before Christmas, Reid tried to ram through a new version of the Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill.
That bill was designed to FORCE virtually every police officer and firefighter in the country under union boss control.
But concerned citizens like you were paying attention and rallied to defeat it.
And it was the filibuster that let us block it.
Now Harry Reid wants to change all that by gutting the filibuster -- and even threatening to break the Senate rules to make it happen.
You see, Senate Rule 5 makes it clear that the Senate rules continue from one Congress to the next, and that changing them requires 67 votes.
But Reid's scheme is to pretend that Rule 5 isn't there, and just declare that a simple majority of 51 votes can change the rules.
And now he's using that threat to twist arms to reach a "compromise" that will have the same effect.
That's why I'm so grateful tens of thousands of you have submitted fax petitions over the last week to your U.S. Senators and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell urging them to oppose Reid's scheme.
But it's vital we continue to keep up the pressure.
Please, using the links below, send your U.S. Senators an email right away.
(Note: Some freshman Senators have not yet set up their email addresses. Please call them tomorrow at the number listed at the link instead -- and while you're urging them to oppose Reid's scheme, feel free to tell them to set up their contact pages.)
Insist they vote against ANY attempt to change the rules with less than the 67 votes required by Rule 5.
Insist they vote against ANY so-called "compromise" plan that would weaken or eliminate the filibuster.
Your Senators MUST hear from you right away. This vote could be the most important vote your Senators cast in the next two years. Please contact them at once -- and to stay up-to-date with the latest news in this developing battle, please "like" us on Facebook.

Mark Mix
P.S. Harry Reid is trying to ram through a change to the Senate rules that will gut the filibuster and make it easier to ram through Big Labor power grabs.
Please email your Senators using the following links and insist they oppose Reid's scheme and any "compromise" that would water down the filibuster. P.P.S. The National Right to Work Committee relies on your voluntary contributions to fund its programs. Please chip in with a contribution of $10 or more today.
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