Thursday, December 27, 2012


Dear Survivalists,

In this issue of the Survival Life Newsletter, Dave Scott shows us how to create both primitive and improvised weapons from just about everything  In Survival Tips, we give you a few tips on how to ring in the new year... safely.  In Practical Prepper  it took a while to get here, but I have a new toy to play with... Check out the ATAX.
'Above Average' Joe

So Easy A Caveman Can Do It

Dave Scott

If you are ever faced with an imminent or active life threatening attack you can significantly increase your chances of survival by creating an improvised weapon out of everyday items that you would find around the house, on the street, or in the woods.

Creating basic improvised weapons in most instances is not a complicated process. This skill, like any other survival skills requires improvisation with the materials at hand.
A weapon, as I would define it in this context is anything that could injure or deter an attacker allowing an escape from the conflict.

The Problem With Guns

Do you know what the real problem with guns is?
Bullets run out.
And you need a ton of training to be effective with them.
Your survival and safety can't depend on guns and ammunition alone!
Learn how to make even the most common items around you into a deadly weapon:
An improvised weapon does not necessarily have to be lethal it just needs to be dangerous enough to give you a physical or mental advantage.
In the case of an inexperienced, insecure, or unmotivated attacker, the presence alone of a simple improvised weapon might be enough to deter an attack.
Perhaps the simplest improvised weapons are those that are used for striking. Simple improvised weapons also happen to be the most primal. For most of human existence we have been fending off enemy attackers and large wild creatures with nothing but sticks and rocks.
However, in modern times we can add a short piece of pipe, a wrench, or chain to the list. The advantage to these weapons is that they do not require much, if any, modification, time, or ingenuity.
The disadvantage is that they can be very ineffective if used improperly and/or against someone who knows how to counter them.
For example, if you swing a stick at someone who anticipates your action it will not be difficult for them to step out of the way or glance your blow.
If swinging with force, the action of the swing will likely throw you off balance which will in turn give your attacker a momentary advantage.
The next major category of improvised weapons is those that are designed to puncture. You can make puncture weapons fairly easily by finding or creating a rigid pointed object.
To resolve a long propagated myth of Hollywood, if you stab an attacker with an improvised puncture weapon they are not going to collapse and die instantly like you see in the movies.
Realistically, their injury might not physically alter their immediate body function at all, however, being stabbed is a tough thing to deal with psychologically and will generally be enough of an assault in itself to allow escape.
Inmates in many high security prisons have mastered the art of the improvised puncture weapon. If you ever get the chance to see a display of confiscated prison shanks you will observe that the ingenuity is quite impressive.

Lee ADDS: In an airplane you see magazines. Take one, tightly roll it up lengthwise, and pull a small portion out. You now have a weapon to poke eyes with!

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