Thursday, December 13, 2012


Dear Survivalists,

Under normal circumstances your body needs a minimum of a gallon of fluids per day to maintain optimum performance but a survival situation is not normal.
When your body is in survival mode you need as much as three times that amount of water just to stay functional.
Any less and you run the risk of quickly becoming severely dehydrated.
Just because you have plenty of seemingly fresh water sources near you, don’t think that you can just run down to the nearest stream and take a sip. Want to know why?
Click here to find out.
Contrary to popular belief, fast flowing water is not safe to drink.
You never know what nasty parasite or virus is waiting to decimate your insides, even with a single gulp.
Do you have the skill to properly purify any water source to make sure that it is absolutely safe to drink?

Even if you have stockpiled hundreds or thousands of gallons of water you are still not completely safe. It will eventually run out, or you may need to leave your stockpile for any number of reasons.
Water weighs just a little less than 8.5 lbs per gallon. Even carrying just three gallons of water, on top of your other gear will make it nearly impossible to make any type of escape for most people.
There is no way that you could ever carry enough water to support you for more than a couple of days; it’s just not practical.
You absolutely need to know how to make ANY water safe to drink, not just what you already have.
Don’t take chances; know exactly what you need to do.
This will help you get started:
Remember, we're all in this together!
'Above Average' Joe
P.S. Your water can become unsafe to drink at a moment’s notice. Any failure in your city’s filtration system can leave you open to countless biological and chemical contaminants.
Make sure you know how to get safe drinking water with or without your city water supply:

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