Saturday, December 29, 2012


Submitted by: Donald Hank
Subject: Petition Calls for Gun Free Zones Around the President, VP, and their Families
To gauge the disenchantment and dissatisfaction of America’s citizens,
all one needs to do is to visit the White House’s “We the People” site.
One of the most contentious subjects, of late, is the issue of gun
control. The President wants it, and the pesky 2nd Amendment keeps
getting in his way.
Lawmakers, politicians, commentators, broadcasters, and journalists have
debated the fundamentally flawed theory of “gun free zones.” “Gun free”
zones are a bad idea; but the powers-that-be can’t seem to grasp the
concept. Seems like a such a simple concept too: Bad people are going to
do bad things; and gun control makes it harder for the good people to
defend themselves against the bad people.
One, recently created, petition offers a solution for testing this
theory of the “Gun Free Zone.” To paraphrase…if it’s good enough for our
children, it should be good enough for our leaders. What do you think?
Eliminate armed guards for the President, Vice-President, and their
families, and establish Gun Free Zones around them.
Gun Free Zones are supposed to protect our children, and some
politicians wish to strip us of our right to keep and bear arms. Those
same politicians and their families are currently under the protection
of armed Secret Service agents. If Gun Free Zones are sufficient
protection for our children, then Gun Free Zones should be good enough
for politicians. View the Petition:

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