Saturday, September 15, 2012

MUTH'S TRUTHS 09/15/2012

A Simple, 7-Step Way to Feel Better…while Saving the State!
Dear over-taxed, over-regulated, under-appreciated citizen of Nevada:

Conservatives in Nevada’s new State Senate District 19 – stretching along Nevada’s eastern border from Primm in the south to Idaho in the north – don’t have a whole lot to cheer about.

The district is a solidly Republican district…but with a moderate, tax-hiking GOP candidate heading into the general election.

aaAssemblyman Pete “Tax My Meat” Goicoechea – named after his embrace of a tax-hiking proposal to tax groceries in Nevada during the last election cycle – is hoping to move up to the state Senate on November 6…

Where he will once again…as he did in 2011…vote to re-impose some $600 million worth of tax hikes on Nevada’s citizens and small businesses!

But Pete’s not just bad on tax issues.

In fact, his conservative rating by Citizen Outreach for the 2011 legislative session was a paltry 42%...the second worst score of any Republican in the state Assembly (only Pete’s left-wing deputy, Assemblyman Lynn Stewart, scored worse).

That makes Tax My Meat Pete a genuine, bona fide, card-carrying RINO: Republican in Name Only.

The bad news is: A recent auto-dial poll of the district showed Pete presently with just over 50 percent support.

The good news; however, is that there IS a conservative alternative on the ballot in this race…

Independent Janine Hansen - an experienced, rock-solid, highly-respected, Tax Pledge-signing, fire-breathing, boat-rocking, limited-government conservative.

In fact, Janine was Citizen Outreach’s “Nevada Conservative of the Year” recipient in 2009!

Now get this…

In that same robo-poll of the district, 36% of voters said they would be more inclined to support a conservative independent candidate than a moderate-to-liberal Republican candidate…

While 42% said Goicoechea could not count on their vote after learning of his support for a tax on groceries.  Another 31% - after learning about Pete’s meat tax - said they were no longer sure about supporting him.

That means that if Janine is able to raise enough money to expose Pete’s actual voting record – as opposed to what he says on the campaign trail – as well as inform people of her 40-some years working in the conservative grassroots trenches…well, who knows?

Conservative, tea party-backed candidates such as Ted Cruz in Texas and Richard Mourdock in Indiana have already pulled off huge, unexpected upset wins this election cycle.

Maybe lightning can strike here, too?

So here are the 7 things I want you to do:

1.)  Reach into your pocket, wallet or purse right now and pull out your cash.

2.)  Select one bill of the largest denomination you have…be it $20, $10, $5 or even $1.

3.)  Take out a pen…and on a piece of paper (no, it doesn’t have to be recycled!) write the following: “This is for the RINO Hunter!”

4.)  Underneath, print your name and address.

5.)  Fold the piece of paper with your contribution tucked inside and place it into an envelope of any size or color (just like how you tuck money in your nephew's birthday card).

6.) Place a first-class stamp on the envelope…preferably a Reagan stamp if you have one!

7.)  Mail your contribution to:

Janine Hansen for Senate
186 Ryndon #12
Elko, NV 89801

Or if you prefer to make an online PayPal donation, click here

Or if you prefer to make a larger contribution or don't trust the post office, send a check instead of cash.

Folks, it’s as simple as this…

If we keep supporting and rewarding wishy-washy tax-hiking Republicans, we’re going to keep getting wishy-washy tax-hiking Republicans.

Put another way, if we keeping doing what we’ve always done, we’ll keep getting what we always got.

aI know Janine’s campaign is a longshot; so does she.  But the fact is she has EARNED our conservative support; not in words only, but in deeds.

Janine has been in the trenches fighting for conservative principles since 1971…and in Carson City as an UNPAID conservative grassroots lobbyists for longer than any incumbent member of the Legislature has served.

Janine has always been there for us.  Now it’s time to return the favor.

Me?  I already contributed to Janine’s campaign months ago, but I mailed her a crisp, new $20 bill today, as well!

Can YOU spare a fin ($5), a sawbuck ($10) or even a Jackson ($20)?

Of course you can.

Not only will it be money deserved, earned and well-spent, but I practicallyguarantee that the minute you seal your envelope and pop it in the mail…

  • Your blood-pressure will lower
  • Your heartburn will disappear
  • Your acne will clear up
  • You arthritis will subside
  • And an overall feeling bordering on euphoria – if not existential peace - will fill your entire body!
At least that’s how it worked for me.

Give it a shot.  You’ll never miss that bill from your wallet…but Janine sure will appreciate the heck out of it!

And so will I.

Thanks for your consideration.  We now return you to our regular programming…

Conservatively yours,
Chuck's signature
Chuck Muth
RINO Hunter

P.S.  By the way, you don’t have to live in Janine’s district to support her financially.

Indeed, if Janine gets elected she will be THE legislative representative for ALLconservatives in Nevada…so ALL of us conservatives everywhere in the state have a dog in this fight.

So give now.  Give often.  Give ‘til it hurts!

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