Sunday, August 12, 2012


"Our Real Enemy is That Which Divides Us!"
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author on freedom and property rights issues.
We are helping to spread freedom and liberty around the globe.
© Copyright Sunday, August 12, 2012 - All Rights Reserved 

"The political machine triumphs because it is a united minority acting against a divided majority."  
Will Durant, American writer, historian and philosopher
Do Governor Romney and President Obama define America or define the American people?  Hardly!  The American people define America, not politicians, judges, or bureaucrats.  After Pearl Harbor and 911, we were Americans first.  During World War II, we pulled together like never before to defeat intractable enemies on two different continents, across two different oceans.  For awhile, after 911, we were united as one.  We were Americans.  Unfortunately, the unification didn't last very long.  Now we are Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, communists, socialists, fascists and religious ideologues, or irrational fanatics ..... again!  It is that division and those differences that now define America.  It is that division that impedes any progress to solving America's very serious, if not deadly, nation-destroying problems.
Freedom and liberty no longer seem to define America.  Our watered-down constitution that used to guarantee our unalienable rights, no longer defines America.  Does the sanctity of individual rights or property rights define America?  Highly questionable!  High moral, ethical standards, honor and integrity, do they define America?   Maybe, but not as much as they used to!  Do self-reliance, independence and individual responsibility define America?  Do hard work, achievement and excellence define America, or are we defined by dependency, sloth, freeloaders and laziness?  The unfortunate realty is, there is a large segment of American society that is more focused on what they can get for free from government, rather than focusing on the work that is necessary to achieve their needs and their goals with honor.  The deadly part is, they get to vote.  Now, if you watch the American athletes at the 2012 Olympic Games, you could say these positive attributes are still in existence today, but the American athletes are a miniscule minority of the American population and don't necessarily define America as much as we would like them to.
So what really does define America?  Right now it is our differences that define America, not our unity.  Take the current story on Chick Fil A.  A corporate officer of Chick Fil A speaks his conscience about his religion and marriage and the left-leaning media comes un-hinged, whipping up a controversy where there should have been none.  In contrast, the grass roots Christian right demonstrated their solidarity with the corporation, triggering the biggest chicken sell-out in the company's history.  It was a news story totally fabricated by the left, gay activists and the news media ..... on purpose!
Unfortunately, the American people are divided on war, religion, immigration, the environment, man-caused global warming, foreign affairs, the United Nations, Agenda 21, the one-world-order, central bankers, health care, abortion, women's reproductive rights, education, student loans, racism, affirmative action, guns, energy, welfare, social security, Medicare, Medicaid, states rights, property rights, individual rights and a whole host of other less important issues that they find to fight about amongst themselves.  Then there are the geo-political battles that America faces with Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, Egypt, North Korea, China, Russia, Central and South America and Africa and all the other little countries in between.  It is no wonder that the American people have little energy to fight a government, which is working diligently to see that the people fight each other instead of focusing their attention on the government, a government which is in dire need of the people's un-divided attention. 
We are truly the divided majority being controlled by a unified minority no matter to which party that "minority" belongs.  We are but pawns by our own hand that put our heads in the sand when confronted with a complex issue, the bully, or the enemy, foreign or domestic.  As long as we remain divided, dumb and fearful, we are at the mercy of the unified minority ..... that is government, in any form, local, state, or federal and those that lobby government for their own gain.
So the question remains, if we want to preserve freedom, liberty and American sovereignty, provided that is the goal of the preponderance of the people, how can a divided majority be converted into a united and unified force for political and moral good?  The first and only way is to focus on those things that unite us and upon which we can agree, rather than putting all of our emphasis and energy on that which divides us.  But even this won't work unless we can agree on some very fundamental, wholly American principles.
If we as Americans, can’t agree that we are sovereign, free, independent Americans that have declared our independence from all foreign nations and dictates and governed by a blue print called the Constitution and that the land we now occupy is sovereign land for all legal Americans subject to our laws, we have no hope whatsoever of solving the problems we face today.  Remember!  Our domestic enemies are those people in power, (that unified minority) or those that lobby those people in power, who attempt to manipulate us like puppets and divert our attention away from the fact that we are sovereign, free and independent citizens of this great and exceptional country called the United States of America and that we are endowed with certain unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but not the guarantee of happiness.
Our problems exist because of the human failing that makes us focus on one single issue, while ignoring all the other very important issues that secure our freedom and liberty.  We found evidence of this single focus when giving speeches around the country.  After we ended our speech, conversation would ensue and many times one person would get on his or her high horse about some single issue that was deeply troubling for them.   That unchecked emotion would infect the rest of the audience and arguments would break out between individuals defending their position on one side of the issue or the other.  Without a strong moderator, the meeting would descend into chaos and because of our national division, that is where we are in America ..... divided in chaos.
Many times that single issue has a great deal to do with what we are receiving in the form of government assistance or handouts.  Sometimes that single focus has to do with religious beliefs, perceived behaviorial abnormalities, or the abhorrence of war, or perceived unfair treatment, or discrimination due to race, creed, national origin, or the color of our skin.  Although these issues may seem very real to those involved, they tend to overshadow why we are Americans, why we are exceptional and why we have built the most powerful and most generous nation on earth.  It is because we are free, it is because of our capitalist system and it is because of our free markets that rewards and provides incentives for exceptionalism, success and achievement.  But we won’t be free much longer if we cannot come together on some absolutely fundamental, unalterable American principles and return to rewarding achievement instead of penalizing it.   Once we have agreed upon those founding principles, we can then move onto those other issues upon which we can agree and for the moment, set aside those issues upon which we cannot agree.
To that end, we have created a 73-question survey to help unite Democrats, Republicans, Independents and Libertarians by the issues upon which they can agree.  These are not trick questions and are to be interpreted literally, as they are written.  They only require a simple YES, NO or NOT SURE answer. We have covered a wide range of subjects, which should elicit some significant answers and provide a cross section of American beliefs and values.  The questions are grouped by subject, however it would be impossible to cover every American issue in this survey.  There are only three main categories under which to tally the answers: party affiliation, political leaning and age group.   Our attempt here is to look for common ground between Democrats, Libertarians, Independents and Republicans and build on that common ground in the hopes of reaching some unity, but as unified Americans, not as party-affiliated individuals. 
We suggest that the survey be given to as many people as is possible in your neighborhood, group, institution, company, or wherever people gather to discuss the problems that America faces today.  No names are required in the survey.  The concept is to find those areas in which all, or most all of us can agree and build on that agreement. 
We suggest that three (3) individuals you trust be appointed to tally the survey and present the results to the group.  Set those areas aside in which you disagree and start building on and emphasizing the areas in which you do agree.  You can take those areas you don’t agree and save them for a day when solidarity is built within the group and the anger or frustration has subsided due to disagreements.  Only then, in unity, will we have the strength to take on our enemies, because a divided army is a defeated army and as of now, we are seriously divided.
The 73-question unification survey can be found with a group of documents we call the "20 Documents to Freedom" under our aptly named "S-O-S Kit."  The Kit is available by e-mail, or on a USB Flash Drive.  The 20 documents and how to obtain them are listed at this link:  A considerable amount of effort, time and money went into the construction and assemblage of these all-important documents, including the survey.
But surveys won't save America.  Only unification in principle, purpose and commitment will save America from self-induced national bankruptcy and sovereign suicide because, you see, our real enemy is that which divides us and as such we are but a hopelessly divided majority being controlled by a united and determined minority ..... determined to bring absolute control on the masses through the mechanism of an Absolute Democrat Monarchy.

The freedom-preserving power of ORDCA is coming soon.

Ron Ewart, President
P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA  98027

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