Thursday, July 12, 2012


A Look At How Democrats And Republicans Differ
By Chuck Baldwin

July 12, 2012

Archived column:

It is an absolute fact that no matter which of the two major parties
in Washington, D.C., is in power, the freedoms and liberties of the
American people continue to be eroded. However, this does NOT mean
that there are not basic differences between the two parties. The two
parties differ greatly on HOW government will take our liberties.
Where they are similar is in the fact that neither of them has any
interest in preserving liberty. Until the American people awaken to
this reality, whatever freedoms we have left in this country are

Let me ask you a question: does it really matter whether a free man
is enslaved by a socialist state or a fascist state? Are the prisons
any more accommodating? Are the lashes from the whip any less painful?
Is the agony of losing a loved one any less grievous? Is the
persecution any less revolting? What difference does it make to a free
man if his liberties are stolen by an Adolf Hitler or by a Joseph

Do you want a quick reference to the difference between how the
Democrats and Republicans in Washington, D.C., are stealing our
liberties? When the Democrats control things, America gets more
socialism; when the Republicans control things, America gets more
corporatism, which is a polite word for fascism. Socialism requires
government to own everything, while fascism requires government to
control everything. And remember, too, fascists and socialists have
always hated each other. Big deal! Fascists and socialists alike hate
freedomists, which is why inside-the-beltway Repubs and Dems can’t
stand people like Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and yours truly. (Remember the
MIAC report identifying the three of us, and our supporters, as being
potential “dangerous militia” members?) So who cares which of
these two parties happens to be in power? Our freedoms continue to be
under siege. That’s why the battle in Washington politics has
nothing to do with preserving freedom, but everything to do with HOW
government will take freedom. Will they take it by ownership or by
control? And, unfortunately, what we have right now is the worst of
both worlds: government is using a combination of both ownership and
control to steal our liberties. Why? Because except for a very
precious few elected civil magistrates (like Congressman Ron Paul),
there is no one on Capitol Hill or the White House who remotely
understands--or fights for--the principles of liberty.

Even worse is that when the Donkeys and the Elephants do agree, it
almost always is in an effort to point the bayonets at the American
citizenry. What does it matter whether government owns it or controls
it? What does it matter whether it more resembles socialism of
corporatism? What it doesn’t look anything like, is FREEDOM!

Take the Democrat/Republican debate over Obamacare. Even if Mitt
Romney and the GOP prevail in the November elections, Obamacare will
be replaced with Romneycare. And Romneycare will be 85% Obamacare,
with a slight shift toward government control and a slight shift away
from government ownership. Again, I say, BIG DEAL! What neither party
is talking about is that the federal government has no business being
in health care. Period! Just like the federal government has no
business being in over 90% of everything it is involved in today. But
who do you hear saying that in Washington, D.C., except Ron Paul?

Take the issue of the burgeoning surveillance society. What does it
matter which major party is in power in Washington, D.C.? The TSA gets
more and more obnoxiously tyrannical; abuses of civil liberties under
the guise of fighting a “war on drugs” continues unabated; abuses
of the Bill of Rights under the guise of fighting a “war on
terror” continues unabated; the federal police state continues to
grow exponentially; unconstitutional foreign entanglements continue to
proliferate; ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

In a book that I have recommended numerous times, “Hitler’s
Cross,” Erwin Lutzer writes on page 72, “Through surveillance,
wiretaps, spying, and rewarding those who betrayed their friends,
Hitler tried to control the citizens of Germany.” On page 73, Lutzer
continues the thought saying, “But Hitler did not have the
technology to bring every subject of his realm into line.” So, given
the technology that is available today, what would Hitler do
differently if he were running things in Washington, D.C.? I ask
readers to think seriously about that question. What would Hitler do

Today, the federal government monitors virtually every piece of
electronic communication. The federal government monitors virtually
every major banking transaction. It has spies infiltrated in even
harmless organizations all over the country. It threatens people with
the loss of their jobs or freedom (or both) to betray their friends.
It spies on us with satellites; it spies on us with drones. On July 6,
2012, President Obama signed an Executive Order authorizing the
federal government to take control of America’s entire
communications industry. In 2006, under President George W. Bush, the
US military began planning armed confrontation against the American
citizenry. (I have the document in my possession.) And, of course, we
must not overlook the Patriot Act which has been authorized and
reauthorized under both Republicans and Democrats; the Military
Commission Act which was signed by G.W. Bush; NDAA 2012 and 2013 which
was signed by President Barack Obama, and which was passed by both
Republicans and Democrats. And let’s not forget the federal attack
against the Branch Davidians under Democrats Bill Clinton and Janet
Reno, and the assault against the Randy Weaver household under
Republican President George Herbert Walker Bush.

So, again, pick your poison. Both the socialist-leaning Democrats and
the corporatist-leaning Republicans in Washington, D.C., meet together
in pointing the bayonet against the American citizenry. And you really
wonder why nothing significant changes in this country?

And in this regard, the platforms of the two major parties are
completely meaningless! I dare say that Barack Obama has never read
the Democrat platform and doesn’t care one iota what it says. I also
guarantee you that Mitt Romney hasn’t read the Republican platform
and doesn’t care one iota what it says either. Can anyone remember
when Republican Presidential candidate, Bob Dole, in a rare moment of
candor, publicly admitted that he had not read his party’s platform
and didn’t care what it said? Party platforms are for the benefit of
rank and file party members to make them feel like their ideas count
for something to the party leadership. They don’t!

So, do the Democrats and Republicans in Washington, D.C., differ?
Yes! They differ on how our freedoms will be taken from us. They
differ on the degree of government ownership and control. They differ
on the nuances of political tyranny. Where they are twins is in their
lust and ambition for power, in their approval of stripping more and
more freedoms from the American people, and in their absolute and
total disregard for constitutional government.

Without some sort of “Great Awakening” both politically and
spiritually, whatever is left of our liberties is doomed--and both
major parties in Washington, D.C., are equally culpable.

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