Saturday, July 7, 2012


Don Hank Writes:

All right, let's see.
The EU and many "national" governments (de facto EU puppets) in Europe have succeeded in packing millions upon millions of Muslims into European towns, where they refuse to assimilate, routinely cause trouble, and have established vast "no-go" zones in various areas where police, fire personnel and ambulances dare not go for fear of being stoned or having their vehicles burned or destroyed. Just a decade ago, Sweden had almost no rape cases to report.
Then the Muslims came and now violent crimes like this have risen exponentially.
Yet the immigrants are encouraged to build mosques where they teach children to hate Christians and to carry out terror acts, while Christians who speak too frankly with these guests are in violation of laws against "proselytizing."
Web sites that boldly proclaim the biblical view of homosexuality (Romans 1:26, 27 for example) often get shut down, and one web minister, Julio Severo, was denied PayPal service for declaring that he is in agreement with the Bible. Yet, the hordes of immigrants in Europe, and most Hispanics in the US, openly express this same view that homosexuality is not natural. And somehow, that seems to be fine with the authorities.
Can we admit that there is a campaign specifically against Christianity, NOT against religion, throughout the West, and that, despite an ocean between the US and Europe, the campaign is ubiquitous.
What would cause this?
Is it really just a random phenomenon that suddenly is taking over the West? There seems to be something going on here that can't be explained rationally on the basis of historic, anthropological, psychological or any other scientific explanation.
As for the results of this phenomenon, just look at the way Europe is being bankrupted by its own "leaders." They think they are powerful, but the more power they grab, the less they have.
Ephesians 6:12:
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Don Hank

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