Tuesday, June 19, 2012


From the Desk of:
L. Brent Bozell, President
Media Research Center

June 19, 2012
Dear Conservatives,
Barack Obama's adoring cheerleaders at NBC are back in the editing room distorting the truth, and, not surprisingly, Andrea Mitchell has the gall to make no apologies for it.
First it was their vile attempt to make George Zimmerman sound like a racist to gin up racial conflict, and now they've set their sights on Mitt Romney who they're desperately trying to paint as an out-of-touch, silver spoon Republican wowed by Wawa sandwiches.
This is a brazen attempt by NBC's Andrea Mitchell to create a modern "supermarket scanner" moment for Mitt Romney where one clearly does not exist. This "gaffe" is a complete fabrication deliberately perpetrated by MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports." Her attempt to right this wrong by playing a few more seconds of video today is a slap in the face. Romney was making a valid point about the efficiency of private sector innovation. He was not amazed that he could order a sandwich with a touchscreen. His message is clear as day to anyone who watches the full video of his stump speech, and should sicken anyone who compares it to Mitchell's sensational hatchet job.
Please watch the video that we've put together that shows Ms. Mitchell's hatchet job next to the quote in context.

This isn't journalism. This is make believe. Barack Obama has been damaged by his careless comment that "the private sector is doing fine" — exposing how out of touch he is with reality — and his friends in the liberal media are busy dicing up video clips to pin the "out of touch" label on his Republican rival. Several media outlets picked up on Mitchell's "report" — including CNN and Politico — and now have to eat crow as her deception has come to light.
Please join our http://email.winwithuprising.com/wf/click?upn=c-2FU4u84I-2FmiT0Q54XcfXVZHu9qU6vaOTQyyQfkWI2TnBzADVDZnHjtOoD4uXyPEC_St-2Bq7FGdpaj4OT2nGCh5oI-2Bm-2B1TXwLAiWqnslLM176zay8bc2MY8vLzyJGdJtswXa0GC3mZP2JjZ732Qpv5-2FFijzlxRnF1kxxdQ8PYIyFQzLbndDKNDBAuI3jUuiQtXUqb6PdkM6kefB6yKGeKPkYSMmBJhGnFS3Ztnje3sUL9YiWqLKx48eYKGd-2FDVaqw25EtNnLyDdILcuanfsHgb5plC7Qa9XBgjMaYwACyLgJgRRGSuvAyEGYcKkfDs7HbkSv4pKUL-2B9-2F-2BBQNcrA9reVGdGWcHxdjzyJYi-2BrDqkEJLk5syp8LUp6Ys-2BJUAl7OApp3wOOcowIQNtIMG22mQM53Q-3D-3D effort, and help us stop Andrea Mitchell and company from hijacking this election. This is another outrageous example of how NBC will do anything to help Obama in 2012, no matter how unethical, irresponsible, and dishonest it is.
Be sure to share this video far and wide to make clear to everyone just what the media is up to in 2012.
Thank you for all that you do for the cause of conservatism,

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