Thursday, June 14, 2012


Thursday, June 14, 2012 3:10 PM

The political establishment in Maine really has no shame, and if they get their way, they'll make sure you have nothing at all.

Ever since Olympia Snowe decided to hide behind the skirts of retirement and end a 40 year career of collecting taxes for the Welfare State, the establishment has been on the hunt for a new champion.

They're trying to do what they've always done here in Maine.

They're trying to force you to choose the lesser of two - or maybe even three - evils.

The Republicans want you to choose more of the same corruption from Paul LePage and Charlie Webster. They think you're too scared of people from "away" to care about anything else. They think you hate gay people more than they hate seeing your tax dollars funneled to establishment cronies in Washington. And they think you're so offended by sexual deviance on the internet that you'll let them censor the entire world wide web.
Never mind that Paul LePage is from Maine, and he's already hurt this state more than any foreigner could. Never mind that all the gay people in Maine getting married tomorrow would do less damage than six more years of our representatives whoring themselves out to Washington. Never mind that if you censor the internet over sex, we will all get screwed.

Then there's the Democrats, who want you to punish the corruption in Augusta, just so long as you ignore the corruption in Washington.

And what do they want to do? They want to punish your business with Cap and Trade regulations. They want to steal your health care and replace it with welfare. And they want to raise your taxes and cut your self-reliance down to size.

Never mind that the only Cap and Trade we need is a cap on government power and a trade of the government dependent slogan "yes, we can" for the self-reliant "yes, I can." Never mind that the only way to protect our health or the general welfare is to take both completely out of the hands of government. And never mind that the Founders got it right on taxes when they complained about too much taxation and not enough representation.

Make no mistake, friend, the establishment knows they do not represent you. What scares them even more is that the usual dog and pony show run by their puppet parties might not fool you this year.

That's why the establishment isn't just focusing their efforts on the two parties. They're also running fake "independents" to try to distract you from the real reformers. Never mind that these supposed "independents" are just has-been officeholders who want to start feeding out of your pocket so badly that they've given up all their principles before the fact.

The establishment knows this, but they don't think you do. They are running their cronies under the banner of "independence" because one way or another, they are determined to make you pick one of them to be our next Senator.

It does not have to be this way. There is a candidate in this race who still wants to represent Maine as Maine is, not as the establishment wants it to be. There is a candidate who cares so much about public spiritedness that he's willing to put down his own money to be on the ballot, rather than collecting that money from out-of-state special interests or establishment kingmakers.

That candidate is me, Andrew Ian Dodge. I am a self-employed, self-made, non-career politician, and I think the establishment has lived off your livelihood enough. I am running to be a Senator for the great state of Maine because it's time for a Senator who loves all shades of freedom, not just the freedom to do what he likes.

For me, politics is a passion, not a career. I am an activist for liberty, not a crony for hire. I work for myself, and I know how to make the economy work for you. I've traveled all over the world speaking about liberty not because I like to waste time with empty words, but to spur other liberty lovers into action. I believe that entering this race is the best way for me to bring the principles of liberty to bear.

With the power of a US Senator, I will do everything possible to advance those principles. I will lessen the burdens Americans face in a hard hitting recession like this. I will eliminate unnecessary taxes that are designed only to flex Washington's iron fist. I will cut through the red tape of the regulators and the red ink of the censors like a hot knife through Washington's guns and butter culture. Most of all, I'll always remember that, as a representative of a fiscally prudent state like Maine, it's my job to make sure Washington balances its books the way families do.

I am endorsed by the national Libertarian Party, and by liberty lovers all over Maine. But unlike other third party candidates, I am not a running to be a footnote in history, or to please all my old establishment friends. I am running because I know that in order for liberty to win, candidates like me have to win, and win decisively.

That's why I'm asking for your help. I know I have a message that resonates with Mainers of all stripes. But I can't get that message out on my own. Politics is a blood sport, and no one fights dirtier than the establishment. They constantly break the rules most people live by while letting their lackeys in the Maine media pounce on true reformers. And if I can't count on a fair hearing from the media, then I have to be able to get my message out through other channels.

I'm not asking for much. Even a donation as small as $10 may make the difference between my way and the establishment's way. And unlike them, I'm not arrogant enough to turn up my nose at fellow fighters for what I believe in.

That's why I'm giving it my all for freedom. And I know that if you love freedom the way I do, you're willing to give yours, too. Maine deserves nothing less. Maine requires nothing less. Our state's motto is 'Dirigo,' which is Latin for 'I lead.' I am willing to lead Maine away from its corrupt current leadership and down the path to freedom.  Are you?


Andrew Ian Dodge

PS: Check out our campaign website for the latest campaign news, video of various Dodge appearances, debates, etc.
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Dodge for Senate
PO Box 98
Harpswell, ME 04079-3100 <<<MAKE DONATIONS HERE!

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