Thursday, June 28, 2012




Congratulations Liberals
by Lee S Gliddon Jr

Congratulations to those Liberals that have elected a President and a Congress that was allowed to further the biggest lie know to man! Actually there are two lies of monumental proportions that will have a negative effect on the United State of America for years to come.

First: Liberals elected a ineligible President to the White House. I won't get into that lie in detail as it has been made known for several years without any doubts of the truths made known.

The Second lie: Liberals, while in the majority in both Houses, Senate and Representatives, passed a Health Care Law, with the assistance of their President, that created the most horrendous tax hike any could imagine.

With these two points being made it appears as if our (illustrious) President and a Democrat led Congress can lie with impunity. They can refer to a 'tax hike' as merely a 'fee' and walk away unscathed as they laugh up their sleeves.

We, the citizens of the U.S.A. have but one recourse. We must, and I stress 'must,' vote out all members of Congress that perpetrated these immense frauds on us!

SCOTUS chose to back the lies repeated by the President and the Democrat led Congress and allow the lies to be acceptable. It stands to reason that any politician can voice any lie and do so without fear of retribution. With that in mind the duty of those in opposition, the Conservatives of America to 'fight fire with fire.' 

We must unseat every Liberal member of Congress as well as President Obama as every one of them is mentally deranged, dangerous to all citizens, and on the payroll of lobbyists! Then we must see to it that every single American, children included, is paid the sum of $1,000,000.00 forthwith. The 'forthwith' comes to pass the moment a Conservative government come to power.

Ask where the money will come from and Conservatives can say, 'the same place it comes from when Liberals are in power,' Currently the Liberals are spending the money on their personal projects and with Conservatives in power that money will be given to American citizens!

Now all Americans must realize why they should stop abortion and give birth to as many children as is possible as each child represents $1,000,000.00 !!!  

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