Monday, May 7, 2012


STAND UP FOR THE TEA PARTY The differences between Tea Party activists and Occupy Wall Street protestors could not be more stark; however, Democrats have desperately tried to make Tea Party members out to be racist terrorists with an evil agenda.

They somehow manage to do this with a straight face, while ignoring the social disruptions of Occupy Wall Street groups altogether. Or at a minimum, acting as though their behavior is the most normal thing in the world.

Compare how Democrats PRAISE the Occupy Wall Street "movement"...

Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY):
"The American people have had enough. They're mad as hell, and I agree."

Paul Krugman in the New York Times:
"Mr. Obama's party has a chance for a do-over. All it has to do is take these protests as seriously as they deserve to be taken."

Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-NY):
"I'm so proud to see the Occupy Wall Street movement standing up to this rampant corporate greed and peacefully participating in our democracy.

Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT):
"It's got a clear message, and that is frustration with the way that business is being done, the way that wealth is tilting towards the high end and the middle class is shrinking. And that message needs to be given."

...versus how they speak about the Tea Party:

Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN):
"Some of them in Congress right now of this Tea Party movement would love to see you and me ... hanging on a tree."

Rep Maxine Waters (D-CA):
"As far as I'm concerned - the tea party can go straight to hell."

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Democratic National Committee Chair:
"The discourse in America, . . . has really changed. I hesitate to place blame, but I have noticed it take a very precipitous turn towards edginess and lack of civility with the growth of the Tea Party movement."

Rep. Mike Doyle (D-PA):
"We have negotiated with terrorists [Tea Party members]. This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money."

Vice President Joe Biden:
They [Tea Party members] have acted like terrorists.

Conservative Action Alerts is asking every Member of Congress to show integrity, and stand up for Tea Party supporters. Even if our representatives don't agree with every aspect of the Tea Party's politics, they should support their peaceful protests requesting meaningful change in Washington. We also ask them to condemn the violence by Occupy protestors. Send your Personalized Faxes to Congress now and ask them to stand for democracy-not anarchy!

Tea Party supporters are honest, loyal, patriotic Americans of all political ideologies who want to see this country get its fiscal house in order and stop the reckless spending that will bankrupt our future generations.

A great cause for Tea Party concern is the fact that President Obama will have added over $5 TRILLION to America's deficit during his four years in office...which works out to a debt of $17,000 on each American citizen.

These citizen activists are upset over the crushing debt our country is burdened with. They have asked a simple thing: for our representatives to be honest and diligent with our money, and to govern by their principles.

Occupy protestors are upset because...well it's never been very clear what they are upset about. That people have jobs? Or success?

Occupy Wall Street protestors are disrupting businesses. People are getting hurt. Both private and public property is being destroyed. Occupiers have been involved in robberies, thefts, sex crimes, public indecency, and the like.

President Barack Obama:
"In some ways, [Occupy protestors] are not that different from some of the protests that we saw coming from the Tea Party."

Mr. Obama feels that the Tea Party and Occupy movements are equal in nature. Or, as he said, "in some ways."

In what WAYS are the pictures below equal? Which looks most like terrorism?

Conservative Action Alerts is asking every Member of Congress to show integrity, and stand up for Tea Party supporters. Even if our representatives don't agree with every aspect of the Tea Party's politics, they should support their peaceful protests requesting meaningful change in Washington. We also ask them to condemn the violence by Occupy protestors. Send your Personalized Faxes to Congress now and ask them to stand for democracy-not anarchy!

Occupiers and May Day protestors, by contrast, are cartoon-like examples of what a mob mentality can become, especially when they are backed by Hollywood, the media, and the elite liberal pundits who let them get away with whatever they want to-as long as they don't criticize President Obama.

  • Members of Occupy Cleveland tried to blow up a bridge. (And the mainstream media has widely failed to report the connection between the culprits and the Occupy movement).
  • Hundreds of Occupy protestors in San Francisco cut through a chain link fence, took over a building owned by the Archdiocese of San Francisco, and threw a brick off the roof, which hit a man below. They have already caused over $25,000 in damages.
  • Now, the Occupy movement has begun to comingle with the May Day protestors, who take to the streets every May to riot and demand privileges for illegal immigrants.
  • Their "call to action" via Twitter went something like this:
-Happy May Day Everyone! Let's Riot!!!! Kill My Landlord
-"All my heroes kill cops"
-happy may day kill all men
-May Day for our Labor and kill all enemy

Where is the call to action here?

It's certainly not with the young schoolkids who were encouraged by their teachers to take the day off school and "protest" in New York City.

It's not with the guys who used sticks to smash store windows in Seattle.

It's not with the Occupy protestors who blocked an intersection near the Los Angeles International airport.

True change is going to come through townhall debates with representatives, as the Tea Party demonstrated-and through the voting booth, as we saw in November of 2010.

Not through violence. Not through intimidation. Not through people beating each other up and camping out for months in public parks.

If Obama and Congress are truly interested in raising the political discourse in this country to a culture of civility, they should have no problem standing up for the decent Tea Party supporters who are trying to change our country for the better.

Ask that Members of Congress-especially Democrats-make a positive statement in support of Tea Party activists. They should also denounce the Occupy Wall Street protestors and their May Day accomplices who have perpetuated violence and riots for much too long now. Send your Personalized Faxes to Congress, now!

Do you believe Democrats are capable of supporting Tea Party activists? After all, they must realize that thousands of these people are members of their districts, and all of them are ready to vote when the time comes. More importantly, reports say at least 4 out of every 10 Tea Party activists are Democrat or Independent. This isn't just a "Republican" thing.

Politicians would do well to realize that unlike the hazy, lazy and misguided Occupy protestors, Tea Party activists WILL REMEMBER in November!

Conservative Action Alerts

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