Sunday, April 1, 2012


"The Mollycoddled Generation"
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author on freedom and property rights issues.
We are helping to spread freedom and liberty around the globe.

© Copyright Sunday, April 1, 2012 - All Rights Reserved 
"Life is a fight, a fight to stay alive and a fight to keep others from taking your life or your liberty from you!"  Ron Ewart
A few days ago we ran across a web page from the Seattle Public Schools website wherein it discussed "Equity and Race Relations" and provided  a series of definitions about race, as part of a curriculum.  When learning of what the Seattle Public Schools were teaching our kids, we responded to the entire school board and the local news media with a rather terse e-mail on our thoughts about what this web page was implying:  "White kids should feel guilty about being genetically pre-disposed to racism."   We received one response from a school board member who told us the page was from 2006 and out dated.   We responded to the board member's reply with:
"It doesn't matter that your web page was from 2006 because this kind of so-called "education" has become common place in public schools and even colleges.  Washington State University in Pullman, WA has a high-paid department devoted entirely to diversity at the college.  We don't believe for one minute that the Seattle Public Schools have torn themselves away from this folly of teaching internationally trumped-up social justice, racial equality and diversity in its class rooms.  For one, it is being shoved downstairs from the U. S. Department of Education, to public schools all across the country and tied to the blackmail of federal money.  Teach it, or lose the money.  It is systemic government brainwashing and indoctrination in which the public schools should have no advocacy position at all, but they have unilaterally decided to do it anyway, " ..... for a greater social good."  This also goes for teaching the homosexual lifestyle to grade school kids.  That is an abomination!  High school maybe."
"When the public schools decided to dilute reading, writing, history, geography and arithmetic, and go off the reservation by teaching social justice, racial equality, diversity and out-of-the-mainstream sexual lifestyles, it strayed out of the arena of public policy and into the domain of individual and parent's rights."
"There are millions of us in America who still believe in individual freedom and unalienable rights.  It's too bad that our next generation has to be pummeled by a socialist, collectivist agenda from our public school system, the antithesis to the foundation of our Republic.  It is no wonder that people who can, are pulling their kids out of public schools in droves and sending them to private schools, or home schooling them."
"It is truly a sad, if not a tragic day for America that we head down this crooked path.  We do so at our own peril."
So what does teaching social justice, racial tolerance and diversity in public schools and colleges have to do with mollycoddling our kids?  Read on.
Ladies and gentlemen, why is it we, in America, continue to stray from the lessons that the natural order teaches us.  Have you ever watched a couple of cubs (dogs, cats, bears, lions, tigers, etc.) play rough and tumble?  Do you think they are doing it for fun?  Not hardly!  They are learning the lessons of life and survival and building up the strength of their bodies and their brains through play.  It's dead serious business.  Somehow, because people believe we are above the animals and don't have to play by nature's rules, we remove, inhibit, protect, or shield our kids from the struggles of life that would ordinarily prepare them for meeting those struggles.
We, as a culture, have decided to level the playing field and shield our kids (the liberal/progressive mantra) when the reality is, you cannot level the playing field, or the natural order, by legislation or education, you can only pervert it.  Adversity breeds strength.  But instead of allowing adversity to work its wonders, we protect our kids from germs.  We protect them from injury and suffering.  We protect them from bullies.  We protect them from insults.  We in fact, mollycoddle them and by that we make them weak and unable to compete in a rough and tumble world.  We become by practice and controlled behavior, a genetic mutation, not field-tested for survival.
But it goes even further than this.  Government, in order to garner political loyalty and votes to increase their power, protects our adults in much the same manner as we protect our kids, with safety nets, welfare, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, farm subsidies, college loans, school lunches and God knows what else.   None of these actions by government appear in the Constitution.  We have become and are becoming more so, a weakened nation, almost wholly dependent on government.  Even worse than that, we are breaking the back of the most creative, productive, industrious and generous society that ever graced planet earth and sucking the lifeblood of commerce and industry from its grasp, by having to pay for all this mollycoddling.
So let us pose a question:
"How many, poor, helpless, indigent, disabled, free-loaders, ne'r-do-wells and mollycoddled (subsidized) kids and adults can America afford?" 
It has been estimated that over 43,000,000 Americans are now on food stamps, almost 14% of the total population and growing.  As this big lump of the un-employed, non-producers and free-loaders grows and it is growing, it slowly but surely sucks the financial life out of the gross domestic product (GDP), until it reaches a point where the GDP and the taxes paid from it, can no longer pay the bill and the system collapses when the government can tax no more without causing a revolution. (i.e. Greece) 
As we stated earlier, adversity builds strength.  A government filled "pig trough" breeds weakness and dependency.  America got its start on the greatest kind of adversity, first taming the wilderness and then the Revolution.  Pioneers that settled the west were tough and resilient.  Some got sick and some died, but many got stronger from the experience and from those families came a kind of American that built things and won wars.  We're not seeing that toughness and resilience in too many Americans today.  We've grown soft, self-absorbed and overly indulgent.  It could be America's downfall.
We have also become a permissive society where kids get away with bullying others and a whole host of other misdeeds because they have no fear of any consequences.  When confronted by authority, like a teacher or school principal, the kid just says, "... you can't touch me or my parents will sue your pants off."  Unfortunately, schools get sued by parents all the time for these very reasons and the school authorities are hogged tied to administer any discipline as a result.  How can you run a school of kids without discipline?  You can't!  What do you get instead, a rise in bullying for one?
Parents, busy with working and paying for a two-working person lifestyle, don't have time to administer any quality time or discipline to their kids for getting out of hand or mis-behaving.  We've done away with the paddle or spankings because that is too hard on the kid's self esteem, or so the highly educated experts tell us.  And let us not fail any kid in school for fear of damaging his little delicate id.  God forbid!  No, let's just pass them on to society as a failure and let society deal with them.  So what does society (government) do?  They give the now young adult, money for doing nothing!  Poor baby!
SIDE BAR: The only place that government has a significant role in taking care of the people from our taxes, is their solemn duty to fund generous benefits and health care for those who are chosen by government to serve their country in the defense of freedom, along with their close family members, covering rehabilitation for injury, disability payments, extended education and death benefits.
One of nature's inviolate rules is that there are consequences for bad or careless behavior.  Sometimes the consequences can result in death.  But oh no, we don't teach that lesson to our kids.  If we punish them they won't like themselves any more and might just do themselves harm, or worse, commit suicide.  If you let adults or kids do as they please without consequences for doing as they please, a civil society will eventually break down into chaos and anarchy and ladies and gentlemen, that is where we are headed.
Because of mindless psychological mumbo jumbo, coming out of the educated idiots that are spit out of our liberal colleges like so much cord wood, we have discarded common sense and time-tested methods that have worked for generations, in favor of complex, soft-ball solutions to fairly simple problems that are based on some wild-eyed theory of an over-paid, tenured academic, who never worked at a real job in his entire life.  This ridiculous condition seriously violates Occam's Razor Principle wherein:
*  "The simplest explanation for some phenomenon is more likely to be accurate than more complicated explanations."
On no, we can't keep things simple.  We have to complicate the hell out of them.  It is obvious that "man" has the propensity, if not the compulsion to complicate and/or mismanage almost everything he touches, especially if those "men" (and/or women) are part of the government, or academia.

In a western song there is a line that we remember whenever we think about the behavior of kids and adults today.  The line goes like this:  "you surround yourself with people who demand so little of you."  The line defines how far we have allowed our common decency standards to sink into the cesspool of debauchery, excessive drug use, crime, cheating, constant swearing and licentiousness?   You see it everywhere on TV, at the movies, on the Internet, in e-mails, on the playfield, at sports games and even driving on our roads.  The bar of acceptable behavior keeps getting lower and lower.
"The Parallax Prophecies" predicts that unless America starts building strength, character and morality in its people throughout the culture and from family to family, quits rewarding bad behavior and encouraging dependency on government and mollycoddling our kids and adults, America will decay into a dumbed-down, broke, third-world country, destined for mediocrity, free-loading and self-loathing, and juicy ripe for the taking by a more powerful country.
Politicians tend to be a reflection of the people that elect them.  If the people do not have honor and integrity or are of good moral character, it is quite likely that our politicians will exhibit the same qualities.    If we find it acceptable to cheat on our insurance company, or the IRS, or a test, how then can we expect a politician to behave any differently?  Ladies and gentlemen, we cannot expect to heal our political life, if we can't heal our own personal lives.  By mollycoddling our kids and adults, we take from them the pride of being self-reliant and responsible for their own lives.  We take from them the necessary skills needed to survive in a rough and tumble world.  Instead, we teach them that failure is rewarded and government will penalize success.
Now some of you will jump to the conclusion from what we have said here, that we are heartless and without compassion.  That would be totally inaccurate.  We strongly believe in helping those who truly cannot help themselves, but that help should come from voluntary charity, not enforced charity by an arrogant, abusive and vicious government that tells you that if you are not charitable by paying exorbitant taxes, they will punish you severely. 
But God help you if you are rich.  If you are rich, you must have come by your wealth dishonestly and stolen it from the "little" people, or so the liberal mantra tells us.  You are subjected to constant ridicule and scorn.  Government can tax the rich person to death and the people on the street will applaud the government's actions, in the direct application of government-sponsored class warfare, Obama's core strategy for re-election.  We'll subscribe to the validity of class warfare when one poor person with no money offers a job to someone else.

NOTE:  We have added a new 13-part video series to our website on the U. S. Constitution from Columbia University that should be mandatory viewing for all high school and college kids.  We especially recommend the last of the 13 videos entitled "Federalism".
Ron Ewart, President

P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA  98027

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