Thursday, March 29, 2012


Submitted by: Debbie Warren
Liberals Are Losing Their Minds AND SO ARE THE 'PATRIOTS'
Liberals only?  How about the so called 'patriots' and TEA Parties?
How about a simple Quo Warranto?  Under what authority did the Usurper sign this 2,700 page roll of toilet paper?  Where is the only challenge that matters?  Where is the proof, documents, etc proving he is legally occupying our White House or has any legal right to sign anything?  Where is the demand for prosecution of public servants like Pelosi and Reid and even Bush, Sr. who are behind this domestic war being waged upon U.S.?
Take this to the root and we solve a lot of our problems.  But, we have too many individuals and organizations fighting brush fires instead of the raging inferno behind the fires.  We have too many self appointed organizations jockeying for the same kind of position as the very criminals we set out to fight together.  This is pure unadulterated idiocy.  And the criminals are sitting back laughing and enjoying the confusion, human frailty and struggle instead of sitting in the sewage filled torture chambers they are routinely relegating citizen patriots to while the opportunists who claim to be on our side rake in personal profits and celebrity status.
This is rich...Congress & Administration cry about the lack of line item veto.  They forced this thing through (and don't forget this was a Bi-Partisan shame) without proving legitimacy of the Pres/Pretender, without backing it up with the Constitution as they are legally required to do, without following legal procedure and our Republican 'fiduciaries' did not stand up and demand legal procedures be followed prior to a vote being taken (ie: all voting members MUST read all legislation in full and UNDERSTAND it PRIOR to taking a vote).  Republican and Tea Party 'darlings' played dumb...ran from the questions and demands regarding the usurpation of the office of POTUS.  They acted surprised and indignant about what was contained in the illegal non-healthcare bill and then disingenuously shocked an entire year later over the funding that was built in and already being squandered.  It's all a load of excrement and we all know it.
Now...there is a possibility the Supreme Court of fraud will strike only 'portions'?  Really?  But Congress could not do that?  Really?  There is much in that mess that most Americans don't even know about and nobody, NOBODY, in the ranks of our public servants or even the self-serving Tea Party groups are talking it.  Human chipping, access to all private bank accounts, the authority of the 'government' to make WITHDRAWALS as they deem appropriate and so much more woven in that has nothing to do with health care reform or reducing cost and availability or reigning in out of control insurance companies.
There is no way to use the severability clause with regard to this Marxist attack on America.  And the only way the jackasses running for office are going to garner a modicum of credibility and trust is to lay it all out there, regardless of how many of their peers and donors are exposed in the process and burn all 2,700 plus pages.
Unless and until the citizens and organizations who claim to be Americans get on the same page and challenge the cabal behind the usurpation of President, the Communist/un-American Administration, the underlying fraud of Agenda 21 and the U.N. which is enmeshed in this and all of the illegal assault and takeover of America; we will not restore our nation.  It is simple and the math and look at history.
The TEA Party organizations have been seriously remiss in attempting to represent Conservative Americans as only being interested in budget and economic issues.  Playing politically correct games and going along with the status quo...pushing Republicans whom we know are part of the problem...playing naive and 'nice'...avoiding the real and deeper crimes and criminals who set our nation up for this horrific failure; will not achieve the goal we should all be focused on.
We have to kill this monstrous fungus at the root...dig it out and blast it into oblivion...and that includes all the perpetrators and abettors.
The bottom line:  who the hell are all of these cretins to decide and determine issues that are protected as private...that are guaranteed within the immutable foundational documents of America?  There is allowance of and abuse of power that is not enumerated in the first place.  And therein lies the real problem.
Dear Patriot,
The Supreme Court has been hearing arguments about the constitutionality of Obamacare, and nearly all of the analysis seems to show that their is a VERY GOOD chance that our Supreme Court will block the federal government from seizing a new incredible power.

Nearly every decision we make in life can have an impact on the cost of our healthcare, and under this new power the government would have the authority to regulate everything we choose to do and regulate everything we choose not to do.  We co-sponsored AFP's Hands Off My Healthcare rally because we believe that this is just another continuation of the erosion of our constitutional rights.  We pray that the court will have the wisdom and courage to uphold its oath of office.

Predictably, liberals are furious that the court may deny them new unlimited power.  Their tactic is to call into question the very legitimacy of the Supreme Court.  They are claiming that because many important cases have recently been decided on 5-4 lines with Justice Kennedy siding with the 4 constitutional constructionist judges that the court is no longer "impartial."  They are calling into question the integrity and objectivity of loyal public servants at the highest level, failing to see that the decisions would not be 5-4 except that the LIBERAL JUSTICES vote the wrong way!

We are currently engaged in a political battle with self-described radicals whose only solution to fixing government problems is to throw more money at it.  They are well-funded, organized, and tactical - but they are wrong.  This organization is strategic, well-funded, and driven because of the generous financial contributions that keep our organization running!  Please help us keep the momentum by making a contribution today!

We are planning the strategic launch of ideas and events that will change the country.  Everyday we are blessed to fight for a better America and we are optimistic about what the future holds.  When you make a contribution to this organization I know that you share the passion and drive to keep America great, no matter how long it takes!  You can make your contribution by clicking HERE

Thank You,

Todd Cefaratti
Freedom Organizer

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