Friday, February 17, 2012


Submitted by: John Butler
For what it's worth, the following are my thoughts & opinions only (we all have them) ... Make no mistake, the S**t will hit the fan when you least expect it! Are you prepared?! BTW, the following letter written by me, is for publication to the entire world, feel free to email/send it, save it or delete it, the choice is yours.
Protecting & defending the United States of America against a 'foreign & domestic' invading enemy will be a FIRST for the USA & it's citizens, breaking NEW GROUND ON OUR OWN SOIL, NOT some other country this time, as we have in the past. This will be the most difficult task America has ever faced, especially with adjoining foreign countries to our north & south (Mexico & Canada), already in the 'invading America mode' with thousands of foreign illegal invaders crossing our borders as we speak. The big invasion will be by land, sea, air assaults & amphibious/vertical landings. 
The U.N, all anti Christian/Judaism & anti American nations will also join in the fight against us, for this piece of ground we call America, the last bastion of freedom. The big invasion will be by land, sea, air assaults & amphibious/vertical landings. The prisons & jails on this continent imprison both non-enemy (American patriots who are with us) & enemy (Muslims, Mexicans, Hindus, Buddhists, foreign & domestic communists terrorists, etc) and will empty quickly, some with us & some against us.
Since the manpower involved in this operation will be a mix of active duty & military veterans (combat & non combat vets) and civilians (healthy/unhealthy & young/old alike), there will be a costly (KIA, MIA, WIA) casualty learning phase called 'ON THE JOB TRAINING' (OJT) that will last for the duration of the war. When weeks turn into months & months turn into years, the fire fights, incoming mortar rounds, artillery rounds, air strikes etc, the 'ALL WEATHER PATRIOTS' will quickly be separated from the 'FAIR WEATHER CROWD'! To all FREE LOADING 'FAIR WEATHER CROWDS' ... 'NO WORKEE, NO EATEE!!' Now, let's add all the elements (sub zero cold & extremely hot, rain, snow, sleet, hail etc) weather conditions to the scenario causing frost bite, malaria, heat exhaustion, UNIMAGINABLE diseases caused by wartime conditions, too numerable to list.
A combination of existing military (optional) & military veterans whose Military Occupational Specs (MOS's) are 'infantry/infantry support' oriented (Corpsmen land, sea & air), medical doctors, dentists, nurses, mechanics, construction (ammo/fuel dumps etc), water purification etc, you name it, we'll need it, We are & will be our own supply/resupply. Combat preparation & training for this huge operation is called ... 'On the Job Training' (OJT). There will be NO coordinated, razor sharp, military type operations, in our RESTORATION EFFORTS. The casualties & confusion will be beyond belief!  We can expect the war (victory or defeat) against the world to last for 2, 3, 4 or more years or ... Until the good Lord, Jesus Christ , our lord and savior, puts a stop to it.

There's usually 'WINNERS & LOSERS' in a war. No such option exists this time if we allow the New World Order (NWO/666) known as 'WORLD WIDE COMMUNISM (WWC/666)' to succeed without a fight, THERE'S ONLY "LOSERS!!
After more than THREE (3) YEARS OF THE EVIL FRAUDULENT TRAITOROUS muslim communist USURPER, barry soetoro AKA harrison j. bounel AKA barack hussein obama, the TRAITOROUS TURNCOAT Washington DC & State government establishments, the TRAITOROUS TURNCOAT judicial branch/joint chiefs of staff & their comrades have proven beyond any doubt that they CANNOT BE TRUSTED NOW & FOREVER MORE!

I no long listen to the singers, strummers, the Constitutional readers, the video makers and those requesting petition creators/signers! We're way past that, the communist (NWO/666) IS IN OUR HOUSE AS WE SPEAK! When the shit hits the fan and the going gets rough and I mean real rough! When weeks turn into months & months turn into years, the fire fights, incoming mortar rounds, artillery rounds, air strikes etc the 'ALL WEATHER PATRIOTS' will quickly be separated from the 'FAIR WEATHER CROWD'! To all FREE LOADING 'FAIR WEATHER CROWDS' ... 'NO WORKEE, NO EATEE!!'
We MUST NEVER (that's a long time too) allow the percentages/numbers of 'ALL WEATHER PATRIOT' FREEDOM FIGHTERS to influence our 'GOOD-TO-GO' decision to RESTORE & DEFEND Christianity/Judaism, the Constitution of the United States, the Republic and the freedoms and way of life we say we value so much! I'D RATHER BE DEAD THAN RED!!
I REPEAT ... The 'SHOOTING' has already started!! The 'MLR' (Main Line of Resistance) for now is on our 'SOUTHERN BORDER' FROM CA to TX!! The United States is being 'INVADED' as we speak! The invasion of thousands of ILLEGAL INVADERS (mexicans, muslims, hindus, buddhists, foreign & domestic, etc) is underway as we speak, through our 'UNSECURED BORDERS' TO THE NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST & VERTICALLY!
'No man who refuses to bear arms in defense of his nation can give
A sound reason why he should be allowed to live in a free country'
T. Roosevelt

AMID THE GUNS BELOW ...In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead, short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Fields.
~Lt Colonel John McCrae~ (1872-1918)
You don't vote a NWO/666 communist government out! The BUZZ WORDS are "you don't vote a NWO/666 communist government out!! In fact, with a NWO/666 communist government in place, you don't get to vote!!
BE ADVISED ...I will fight to the death to help ensure that the Constitution of the United States remains the law of the land of the United States of America! I will fight to the death to help ensure that the freedoms and way of life that so many of us U.S. Military Veterans served, fought and died for are maintained! This is my promise to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior and those great American heroes who gave their all so we could enjoy the good life, the freedoms and way of life that we American citizens had before the EVIL FRAUDULENT TRAITOROUS muslim communist USURPER barry soetoro AKA harrison j. bounel AKA barack hussein obamahis EVIL wife michelle obama & family and the TRAITOROUS TURNCOAT Washington DC & State government establishments, crawled out of their SLIMY SNAKE HOLES and into the white house, our house & our Republic!!!
THERE ARE ALWAYS ...Too many democratic congressmen
Too many republican congressmen
And never enough U.S congressmen.
~author unknown~
A United States Military Veteran is someone who ...At one point in his or her life
Wrote a blank check made payable to
"The People of the United States of America"
For an amount ... "up to and including my life."
~Author unknown~
FREEDOM IS NOT FREE ...God Bless America!
God Bless Israel!
God Bless CA, AZ, NM & TX!
Bob Pinkstaff
Gunnery Sergeant
United States Marine Corps Retired
American Citizen By Birth, United States Marine By Choice!

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