Friday, February 10, 2012


Who Elected Obama As King?
By Lee S Gliddon Jr

Apparently Obama has decided that he can get away with any transgression that runs afoul of the U.S. Constitution with absolute impunity. He disdains Congress and blatantly says, "I can't wait on them."

Where does his power to tell Insurance Companies to pay for birth control pills come from? Where does his power to 'settle' with banks for foreclosure problems come from? Where does his power to ignore Court Orders respecting Oil, Drilling, Court appearances, and other issues come from? Where does his power to ignore Congress as he issues Presidential Decrees that go far beyond the scope of the powers of the Office he holds?

We have a person in the White House that has the gall and utter disdain for Congress or any other authority that does not allow his misguided, and often dangerous, acts. He glibly has his stooges blab obvious national secrets and acts as if he has nothing to do with anything said.

"Israel will probably bomb Iran in March, April, or May," says a member of Obama's Cabinet and Obama smiles! "I know nothing about Fast and Furious," says Eric Holder, and Obama smiles.

If Congress does not wake up to its duties and begin to fulfill their sworn oaths, they will be replaced!

The House of Representatives has PASSED 27 Bills that directly relate to employment and Harry Reid, a fervent Liberal supporter of Obama, refuses to allow our Senate to vote on them! Obama, in his unctuous fashion says, "I will act as Congress will not."

So, I will repeat my question once again. Who elected Obama as King?

I, for one, am sick and tired of listening to Obama's daily lies, the lies of his minions and, the lies of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

This nation WAS formed as a Judeo Christian nation and fought tyranny to get out from under the 'thumb' of a King. Now a man, Barack Obama. has come along and is acting as if he was named king!

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