Monday, January 9, 2012


80% of U.S. Mosques Promote Jihad
The More Pro-Shariah, The More Pro-Violence

A new study published in a scholarly, peer-reviewed international journal on terrorism research found that 80% of U.S. mosques provide their worshippers with jihad-style literature promoting the use of violence against non-believers, and that the imams in those mosques expressly promote that literature. The more pro-Shariah the mosque, the more pro-violent jihadist its teachings.
Perspectives on Terrorism issued by the Terrorism Research Initiative (TRI) recently released a comprehensive study on violence-advocating texts in American mosques. The study is titled Sharia Adherence Mosque Survey: Correlations between Sharia Adherence and Violent Dogma in U.S. Mosques.

auf_shariahpunishment The study also found that when a mosque imam or its worshippers were "shariah-adherent," as measured by certain behaviors in conformity with Islamic Shariah law, the mosque was far more likely to provide Muslim Brotherhood-sponsored materials and speakers, violent literature – and the imam was more likely to promote it.
TRI is a collaborative effort established in 2007 of scholars from various disciplines tracking, studying and analyzing terrorism, to provide the global research community with common tools of assessment and reporting. It has provided a wealth of data on the mounting security threat posed by the systematic onslaught of Shariah into Western legal and cultural institutions, standards and norms.
The research for the U.S. mosque study originally was published in the summer 2011 edition of Middle East Quarterly (MEQ) under the title Shari'a and Violence in American Mosques. Because of the ground-breaking direction and scope of the study, which brings a rigorous empirical methodology to the question of home-grown American jihadists, MEQ granted permission to TRI's Perspectives on Terrorism to publish a more extensive analysis of the study's conception, methodology, and results. The new publication includes additional material, charts and graphs that reveal deeply disturbing data about the Shariah threat on our native soil, and American-based jihadist activity.
The abstract for the study summarizes the research findings:
  • A random survey of 100 representative mosques in the U.S. was conducted to measure the correlation between Sharia adherence and dogma calling for violence against non-believers.
  • Of the 100 mosques surveyed,
    • 51% had texts on site rated as severely advocating violence;
    • 30% had texts rated as moderately advocating violence;
    • 19% had no violent texts at all.
  • Mosques that presented as Sharia adherent were more likely to feature violence-positive texts on site than were their non-Sharia-adherent counterparts.
    • The leadership at Sharia-adherent mosques was more likely to recommend that a worshipper study violence-positive texts than leadership at non-Sharia-adherent mosques.
  • In 84.5% of the mosques, the imam recommended studying violence-positive texts.
  • 58% of the mosques invited guest imams known to promote violent jihad.
    • The leadership of mosques that featured violence-positive literature was more likely to invite guest imams who were known to promote violent jihad than was the leadership of mosques that did not feature violence-positive literature on mosque premises.
The study's authors, Professor Mordechai Kedar of Bar Ilan University in Israel and David Yerushalmi, have both published widely on terrorism, Islamic Shariah law and its underlying doctrines of jihad and violence against unbelievers or infidels.
The Perspectives on Terrorism study can be accessed here:
The earlier Middle East Quarterly study can be accessed here:
America's security vulnerability as jihadists expand their operations in U.S. mosques at home is greatly intensified by the disastrous foreign policy the Obama administration is pursuing in the Middle East…

auf_rushlimbaughIn a recent show, Rush Limbaugh openly pondered whether our disastrous Middle Eastern foreign policy is a result of a belief by Barack Obama that he is the 12th Imam come to unite Islam under worldwide Shariah rule. "Obama is now into Caliphate building… and Obama might believe he is the 12th Imam," said Rush.
auf_superobamaAccording to Islamic belief, the 12th Imam will unite Muslims under one final Caliphate which will reign over a period of terror, during which time Islam will rule the world and infidels will be eliminated. Ahmadinejad has already announced numerous times that he and Iran are doing everything in their power to pave the way for the 12th Imam. Egyptian clerics have declared Egypt to be the heart of the new worldwide Caliphate. Now Islam just needs a single Muslim leader to restore power to the faithful hard-line Islamists.
Rush speculated that perhaps that person has already appeared. Or perhaps a certain someone simply has delusions of Islamic grandeur.
In every single venture into Middle Eastern affairs, Barack Obama has not only apologized for American actions, has not only bowed to Islamic leaders, has not only undermined and abandoned Israel, but his foreign policy has also united the Middle East under Shariah Law.
  • Obama Invades Libya: Victorious Libyan Rebels implement Shariah Law
  • Obama Backs Egyptian Rebels: New Egyptian "Constitution" based on Shariah Law
  • Obama Supports Tunisian Rebels: New Tunisian legal system entirely based on Shariah Law
  • Obama Supports Palestinian State: PLO/HAMAS demand statehood based on Shariah Law
  • Obama Abandons Iraq: Leaves fledgling democratic government unprotected from Hezbollah
Obama's State Department this week met in closed door meetings with Islamic clerics and United Nations officials to find ways to completely stifle any criticism of Islam, using "hate speech" laws as well as (to use Hillary Clinton's words) "pressure and shaming" people into silence about Islam. It should be noted that one of the most basic tenets of Shariah Law is Islam must never be criticized – by anyone.
Fellow American, we CANNOT allow even one iota of Shariah Law to be implemented here in the United States. The most objective reading of history shows even a small move "accommodating" Shariah now WILL result in compulsion, coercion, and full capitulation later. WE MUST support HR 973, which prevents the implementation of Shariah Law in the United States.
Shariah Law is despotic and barbaric; it is incompatible with liberty and our Constitutional order.

God bless America,
Lynne Roberts

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and mail it with your donation to this address:

Americans United for Freedom
PO Box 1310
Herndon, VA 20172


  1. We are becoming a nation of tolerance and political correctness. Through the lack of education and knowledge, the American people and the people of other world nations are giving away our rights to a government bent on destruction. Most Americans are unfamiliar with Muslim's in general and their true intent for the world. If they were, they would not fall for this scheme. Shariah law cannot be allowed in the U.S. I honestly feel that a civil war would break out in America if the government tried to impose Shariah law in the U.S. The citizens and the government would be at war. Any "sane" American would not tolerate it. I know that there is an agenda to change this country and it is slowly being put in place, as we watch other events taking shape in the world. We all need to keep our eyes on this country and start asking questions of our politicians and President. A New World Order is in development an this country is looking at joining a one world government. Wake up people.

  2. I think we are headed for civil war eventually. They have built over 2000 mosques here in America and I am sure they do not plan to stop building and converting others to their cult. Their Shariah law is unconstitutional and opposes all freedoms and liberties that Americans stand for. If our government ever caves in and allows them to practice their shariah law it will all go downhill from there. They believe that others are beneath them unless they convert to their Islamic cult. They will eventually tear this country apart. Just look at what they are doing in other countries like England, France and Germany. I really hope that America does not come to that fate. I wonder why the U.S government puts up with these barbaric countries that do not recognize human rights and equality. Americans wake up before its too late!

    1. I am of the mind that Obama is responsible for the surge in Islamic invasion of our nation. Bush 'kicked the anthill' and Obama uses that as an excuse to allow entry by 'suppressed masses.'
