Sunday, November 20, 2011


They're Lying To You. They've Been Lying To You All Along And They're Still Lying To You Right Now!

"Tensions have mounted in recent days as two of the GOP’s most fervent anti-tax stalwarts on Capitol Hill... have lobbied party colleagues behind the scenes to... break campaign promises by embracing hundreds of billions of dollars in tax hikes." -The Washington Post 

     No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you... the "stupid party" is at it again. Although they tried to keep their behind-closed-door meetings secret, it has become all too clear that Republican members of the so-called "Super Committee"are quietly and secretly reaching across the aisle to "make a deal" that will raise your taxes through the roof and further entrench the out-of-control spending and massive growth of big government that has become the legacy of the Obama Regime. 

     Enough is enough. It's time for our so-called Republican leaders to make some hard decisions. It's time for them, once and for all, to show the American people that they can keep their promises. It's time for them to show the American people that the days of giving lip-service to the American people during the campaign season and then rushing to accommodate their political opponents after the election are over. 

     It's time for them to decide if they're going to start doing what is right and stop"crossing the aisle" just for the sake of doing so. It's time for them to decide if they're going to start fighting the proponents of big government, fascism(mistakenly labeled "crony capitalism" by the Main Stream Media), and socialism. 

     And yes, it's time for them to decide if they're going to continue betraying the conservative Americans who elected them or start living up to their stated conservative principles and it's time for us to tell them that either they shape up or the American people will ship them out

     And with their artificially created deadline of Wednesday to "strike a deal" fast approaching, the time to send that message is now. We can't wait

There is not a second to lose. Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican Members of the so-called Super-Committee and Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternately, you can send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the House and Senate... that's over 280 Blast Faxes.

Tell them that you are sick and tired of the lies! Let them know that you will not tolerate any "deals." Make it clear to them that they break their promises not to raise taxes on the American people at their own political perils!

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

Smoke, Mirrors, Artificial Deadlines, Scare Tactics And Other Lies...
     Of course, our Republican leaders will likely tell us in the coming days that theyMUST reach a deal. 

     They're already incredulously telling us that failure to reach a "deal" will automatically trigger massive and draconian cuts to defense spending and entitlement programs that will weaken the national security of the United States and cause undue hardship to millions of Americans. 

     Make no mistake, you'll hear a lot of scary talk about the end of the world as you know it. Elected officials will imply that children will starve, schools will close, police and fire protection will end, lightning bolts will fall from the sky and the scariest of our enemies will rejoice unless they reach a "deal" to raise your taxes right now

     And just how did we get here?  Well, as you probably already know, when our Republican leaders betrayed us earlier this year and gave Barack Obama yet another massive credit line increase, they also agreed to abdicate legislative responsibility to craft a solution to our spiraling debt to a so-called "Super Committee" of six Republicans and six Democrats. 

     In essence, they told us: We're going to continue spending your hard-earned money like there is no tomorrow, but don't worry, these twelve members of the House and Senate will propose some real spending cuts down the road. And just so you know we're serious this time around (honest injun), if these twelve legislators can't agree on how to solve our budget woes, 1.2 trillion dollars in spending cuts will trigger automatically and we'll make these spending cuts so horrendous that we'll have no alternative than to come up with a real solution. 

     And now that we've hit the end of the road, our elected officials have changed their tune and are trying to scare us... they're trying to scare you... those automatically triggered cuts, they're telling you, are just too draconian. 

     In essence, they're now telling you:  We must reach a deal... we can't permit the automatic trigger on these draconian cuts to be pulled... we must raise your taxes... our only alternative is to raise your taxes right now... or else

     It's all a load of bull! 

There is not a second to lose. Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican Members of the so-called Super-Committee and Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternately, you can send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the House and Senate... that's over 280 Blast Faxes.

Tell them that you are sick and tired of the lies! Let them know that you will not tolerate any "deals." Make it clear to them that they break their promises not to raise taxes on the American people at their own political perils!

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

And It's All A Big Fat Lie! There Is No Trigger. 

      They were lying then and they're lying now. The trigger-threat is a red-herring.There is no trigger.  As columnist George Will tells us; "the trigger will not be pulled until 2013. No Congress can bind another, and any trigger Congress creates Congress can disable." 

     More precisely, the draconian cuts that they're waving in front of our faces would not even take effect for another 14 months... not until January of 2013

     But you can be certain, they won't wait that long to continue squandering your hard-earned money like it's going out of style. Other than death and taxes, the only certainty in life is that if you give them more money, they'll simply spend more! 

     And there it is, the "automatic trigger" was nothing more than a ruse designed to trick you into allowing them to raise your taxes and continue their out-of-control spending. 

     It's a cruel joke and the joke is on you... more smoke and mirrors... more business as usual... more tricks and betrayals.  There are no draconian cuts... there are no automatic triggers... and our Republican leaders know it. And there's no need whatsoever for this so-called "Super Committee" to make any "deals." 

     Congress still has plenty of time to go back to the drawing board and do what the American people are demanding and put a stop to the out-of-control spending that is bankrupting this great nation and killing the prospects of prosperity for our children and grandchildren. 

     It's sad but it's all too true. Our Republican leaders aren't just playing "Let's Make A Deal," they're also playing another round of "How Can We Fool Them Again Today." 

     And, as an aside, isn't it rather ironic that a "deal" to impose a massive tax increase on the American people will follow on the heels of a failed vote in the House of Representatives on a balanced budget amendment? 

     That's why we need to send them an urgent message. They need to know that you're on to their little political games and that the American people will not tolerate any "deals." They need to know that if they make any "deals" they make them at their own political peril

There is not a second to lose. Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican Members of the so-called Super-Committee and Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternately, you can send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the House and Senate... that's over 280 Blast Faxes.

Tell them that you are sick and tired of the lies! Let them know that you will not tolerate any "deals." Make it clear to them that they break their promises not to raise taxes on the American people at their own political perils!

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

Republicans May Be Playing "Let's Make A Deal," But We Say, "No Deal." 

      And yes, they are playing Let's Make A Deal

     George Will tells us just how the game is played when they close the doors and shut the American people out: "Committee Democrats demanded more revenue; Republicans offered $500 billion; Democrats responded with the one-syllable distillation of liberalism: 'More!'” 

     And, in what has become a far too typical scenario, our Republican leaders are going along with the program. They'll offer "more," just to reach a "deal." But they're won't call it "taxes" ... that would be double-plus ungood... instead they'll call it "revenue enhancements." 

     Our weak economy is teetering on the brink and they're actually helping Barack Obama write the epithet to our great nation. 

     The liberal Washington Post reports: "Although it’s not clear how many Republicans are willing to raise taxes, the numbers have been growing in the House and Senate," and some of our so-called Republican leaders are already putting out trial balloons in an attempt to soften the blow of betrayal. 

     Congressman Charles Bass recently said: “I want my constituents to know that I am not in favor of raising taxes. ... And if I have to break that pledge for some reason, it would be because I think there’s a far greater good associated with it....” 

     Yeah right, Congressman Bass, that's what we always hear when buffoons in Washington raise our taxes... it's always for "a far greater good." 

     And Steven LaTourette has joined the party as well. Making reference to the Taxpayer Protection Pledge he signed back in 1994, he could only utter:“Circumstances change.” 

     "Circumstances change?" 

     You're darn tootin' "circumstances change" and it sounds to us like it time we had a "change" in Congress. 

There is not a second to lose. Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican Members of the so-called Super-Committee and Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternately, you can send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the House and Senate... that's over 280 Blast Faxes.

Tell them that you are sick and tired of the lies! Let them know that you will not tolerate any "deals." Make it clear to them that they break their promises not to raise taxes on the American people at their own political perils!

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

What's Going On With Our Republican Leaders? 

     It's hard to put a finger on what is motivating our political leaders but it's clear that far too many of them have been in Washington for far too long and have lost all capacity to actually identify the problems that are facing this great nation. 

     Case in point, Senator Lamar Alexander recently said: “This is about more than money." He went on to say that it's about whether Barack Obama and Republicans can, "working together... solve" problems. 

     Wrong, Senator Alexander. It's all about money. Specifically, it's about stopping your insatiable addiction to squandering our hard-earned money

     And it's most certainly not about "working together" with the very people who are attempting to destroy our great country. 

     Senator Alexander, in spite of what you may be hearing from the liberal media, the American people are not upset because you're not "working with" Barack Obama and the radical socialists in Congress; the American people are upset because you are so willing to "work together" with Obama and the radical socialists in Congress.  We're upset because you can't get over your addiction to spending our hard-earned money. 

     And moreover, the American people most certainly don't want you scheming with the other side to find more ways to support your horrendous and nasty spending addiction. 

     As far as the American people are concerned, this so-called "Super Committee"needs to fail, so you can get busy and start figuring out how to cure your outrageous spending addiction

     We're with radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh: "The problem is Barack Obama. The problem is the Democrat Party. The problem is the American left. America's greatness is not behind us. America's greatness is here. It's on the horizon. ... and the first step in the process is getting rid of Barack Obama and the Democrat Party and moving them out of the way." 

     And so, it's time to tell these so called Republican leaders that they must either move Barack Obama out of the way or the American people will move them out of the way. Frankly, it's the only message they will understand and the time to send that message is now

There is not a second to lose. Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to the Republican Members of the so-called Super-Committee and Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. Or alternately, you can send your urgent and personalized Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the House and Senate... that's over 280 Blast Faxes.

Tell them that you are sick and tired of the lies! Let them know that you will not tolerate any "deals." Make it clear to them that they break their promises not to raise taxes on the American people at their own political perils!

If button above does not work, please use this hyperlink.

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