Sunday, October 16, 2011


President Obama recently told his supporters to put on their marching shoes, and a whole lot of angry unemployed people have responded!
Over the last three weeks, the "Occupy Wall Street" protests have spread from New York to Boston,Los AngelesChicago, Washington D.C., and other major cities, including my hometown and base of operations, Charlotte.
I expect a major escalation of this activity, with a probable peak on election night. (Depending, of course, on the outcome.)
This is NOT the revolution we need!
The "movement" so far is a muddled one, but it has already attracted a significant segment of extremists. Some are angry about banking industry bailouts. Others are upset about climate change. Still others are enraged by high unemployment rates and what they perceive as a growing disparity between rich and poor. And, nearly every one of them blames capitalism and businesspeople for their woes.
No matter the message, it's the Big Brother solutions this mob is proposing – and their increasingly violent actions – that you and I need to stand up and take notice of.
These protesters want more government regulations. They're calling for a full-on revolution to change the very foundation of our political and economic system. And, many of them would be more satisfied to see the well-off knocked down a peg, rather than seeing their own situation improve.
If this mob gets its way, people like you and me will become bigger targets of the government more than ever. I'm talking much higher taxes, larger obstacles to creating jobs, more regulations, and more petty laws. We may become physical targets, too, on the receiving end of death threats, intimidation, and mob violence.
Accelerating Toward a Breakdown
Keeping Healthy in the Long Term
I don't know if Occupy Wall Street will be the spark that sets off widespread social chaos. I do know violent movements have started from less. But if it is, expect such results as roving mobs and looted grocery stores, overwhelming the containment capacity of local law enforcement.
I also know that this is one more reminder that every family needs to do three things, starting right now. (Hopefully you've already begun taking these three steps, and NOW is the right time to complete them or review them.)
  1. Prepare your household to shelter in place.
    That means that you're ready to weather economic and social disruptions from a complete economic breakdown to essential item shortages to violence in the streets. You have food, water, medicine, and fuel to last for 90 days. And, you have a means of protecting yourself. In the event of a major breakdown, whether it's triggered by violent protesters or a natural disaster, being able to survive and thrive at home is ideal. However, it's not always possible.
  2. One thing you must not put off any longer is preparing for a quick exit.
    You and your family need to have a pack of essential items that you can grab and then immediately move to a safer place. Whether there's a flood of water or a flood of angry people heading your way, the ability to get out fast may be what saves your life.
  3. There's no point in a safe and speedy exit if you don't have some place to go.
    I've briefed subscribers on this subject in past issues of Lee Bellinger's Executive Bulletinand in my subscription newsletter, Independent LivingI'm starting to see like-minded groups of people set up vacation properties that double as a safe haven should they need to make a quick exit from the spreading chaos in the cities.
    You may be lucky and have a close relative in the country with plenty of space to put you and your family up if you need it. If not, now is the right time to start considering a cabin in the woods, a mountain retreat, or a second home in the country. If that's not financially feasible, talk with people in your family or community who share your concerns and look into sharing the costs.
Growing Unrest in the Big Cities Means Big Trouble
for Those Who Aren't Prepared
Occupy Wall Street began as a call for 20,000 people to gather as a group and remain on Wall Street for at least two months. Their point? Well, they're still working on that!
But one thing they do agree on is that they have a whole slew of perceived entitlements that aren't being fulfilled. They have the right to food, shelter, education, a good job, medical care, and recreation that they enjoy. And, if they can't afford it... well, people like you and me either need to foot the bill or guarantee them a job with a high enough wage that they can live in the manner in which they want to become accustomed.
These outlandish demands should have you worried for two reasons.
First, pay close attention to the sense of entitlement coming from these people. They think they're owed a life of comfort. They've so greatly expanded the meaning of the word "right" as to render it meaningless. To these people, a right is anything they want and feel they've been deprived of. A right is especially a right when someone who has worked harder or smarter than they have possesses something they want, but don't have the means of acquiring.
Eventually, when people gather in a mob like this, they react violently if they don't get their way. It's already happening. Protesters have rushed police officers, attempted to storm office buildings and defecated on police cars. As the violence grows, people like you and me become their targets.
Second, think back in history to the widespread protests of the sixties. I'm not talking about the civil rights protests that brought about a reasonable change in the way people think and interact. I'm talking about the pro-socialist protests that helped shape U.S. policy for decades. We're still living with the damage today.
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Can we really afford another round of that kind of influence on U.S. policy? Can our system of government even withstand such a sweeping increase in obligations?
We can't. Ben Franklin hit it on the nose: "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the Republic."
You know if new laws and regulations are implement based on these mob demands, you and your family are going to suffer for it for years to come. That's why it's so important right now to take steps to protect your wealth and to prepare for difficult times.
Little Things You Do Now Will Make a Big Difference Later
I'm a big believer in the power of small, incremental actions. It's works for business. It works for wealth-building. It works for personal goals. And, it's a great way to continually build your levels of preparedness.
If you don't already have basic supplies in place, get 30 days worth as fast as you can. Then, add to your supplies every week. A dozen more cans of food. A few more gallons of water. Extra medical supplies. New books for your library.
Add to your skills every week, too. Practice shooting. Take a first-aid class. Learn about gardening.
Slow and steady growth like this means that you're always in tune with your preparedness plan; that you have a good handle on your supply inventory. And, it means that you're more prepared today than you were yesterday. That's a good trend to establish and stick to.
Things are coming to a head, and the changes we're going to see are unpredictable. You can't know if you'll be able to stay safely at home or if you'll need to escape a tidal wave of chaos and violence. Take action to prepare for both possibilities and you and your loved ones will have greater peace of mind.
Yours in Self Reliance,
Lee Bellinger Signature
Lee Bellinger, Publisher

Independent Living
and Money, Metals, and Mining

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