Monday, October 24, 2011


From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President
Media Research Center
October 24, 2011

Dear Conservatives,
It has been described by the Washington Times as “a risky strategy to allow weapons to be placed in what Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents call the ‘Iron River’ of guns flowing south into Mexico.”
The misguided “Fast and Furious” operation, where the ATF  intentionally put thousands of guns in the hands of Mexican criminals, ended when two of the more than 2,500 weapons turned up at the site of dead U.S. federal law enforcement officer.  Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed in a firefight with Mexican bandits who used weapons purchased for them by U.S. taxpayers.

As a Congressional investigation begins to peel back the layers on this ill-conceived operation ― bringing to light serious questions and concerns about President Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder ― the liberal media couldn’t be less interested
This is a classic case of “bias by omission” where the media simply ignore huge stories to protect an official or program that they like.
With a collective yawn, the so-called “news” media have not bothered to provide any substantive information about the botched Fast and Furious operation, and in fact, are aggressively working to insulate Obama from any of the coming fall-out!
It is the media’s job to expose this exact type of government misdeed!

+ + Huge scandals are only news when conservatives are easy to blame
Given the lawlessness, violence and international intrigue of the exploding “Fast and Furious” scandal, you would expect this to be splashed across the front page of every major newspaper and the lead story on the evening news.  And it would be, if it involved conservatives.
But because it involves the Obama administration, the media go silent, while waiting for public interest to die down.
The Media Research Center isn’t going to let that happen!
To date ABC and NBC have ignored a blatantly illegal covert operation that stretches to the highest levels of government and left an American border agent dead.
We will use our petition to hold these major news outlets accountable by demanding the truth about the failed “Fast and Furious” operation!
Lee S, as a key member of the MRC Action team, we are urging you to click here now to add your name to this important petition.
The liberal media’s failure to responsibly cover this story and provide answers to the American public underscores what growing numbers of citizens already know -- that the media are the willing pawns of the Obama administration and as such cannot be trusted to report the truth.
Our goal is to move quickly to confront the liberal media’s “bias by omission” strategy.  By quickly rallying 25,000 signers we can deliver your signatures to ABC & NBC within the week.
Thank you for standing with us in holding the media accountable!
David Martin
P.S: After signing, please alert your friends. Again, we want to move rapidly on this issue. Encourage them to click here to sign our petitionand alert your friends!

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