Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Don Hank writes:

I had forwarded a link to a video regarding the accusation that the US had been allowing drugs to enter the US in exchange for favors from foreign leaders. I had said I don't know enough to opine. I am, however, getting productive responses from you.
I received one email from someone involved in the resistance movement in Nicaragua, and he says this did not happen, that no links were found between drugs and the US government.
However, with regard to Obama's gun running operation, apparently there is at least one government document -- according to testimony -- stating that drugs were allowed to flow in exchange for cartel cooperation with Operation Fast and Furious. That is stated in an interview with Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America (near the end of the interview):
Don Hank
The DOJ continues it stonewalling of Congress as if the truth were known Obama and Holder might be arrested!

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