Monday, August 1, 2011


From the Desk of:
David Martin, Executive Vice President
Media Research Center
August 1, 2011
Dear Conservatives
In a just-released Media Reality Check from the Media Research Center, the so-called "journalists" of our country’s newsrooms are exposed for the narrow-minded liberals that they are.  Too focused on their plan to blame all economic problems on conservatives, the media are happy to hide the consequences of the mountain of debt that their liberal friends have piled upon our children and grandchildren. 
CBS’s Bob Schieffer is so oblivious that he questioned whether conservative lawmakers “understand just how serious this debt limit crisis is?” Conservatives are right to question if Schieffer understands how serious the DEBT is.  Rather than belittling conservatives desperately fighting to balance the budget, it would help if he could honestly report the devastating impact that out-of-control spending is having on our economy.
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews was not to be outdone by Bob Schieffer. He compared budget-conscious Tea-partiers to Islamic fundamentalists trying to bring down our country, General Custer attacking the U.S. on a suicide mission, and the white supremacist apartheid government in South Africa.

David Brooks, the so-called “conservative” at The New York Times had the following to say about those men and women fighting to restore fiscal sanity to Washington:
The members of this movement do not accept the logic of compromise, no matter how sweet the terms....The members of this movement have no sense of moral decency....The members of this movement have no economic theory worthy of the name.”

Lee S, these aren’t bloggers on left-wing websites or hosts on left-wing radio, these are leading voices on cable, network news broadcasts, and one of the most widely read newspapers in the country.  They are shamelessly pushing the White House spin that TRYING TO BALANCE OUR BUDGET and trim the deficit is dangerous and insane.
As an MRC Action team member, you know that the threat of out-of-control spending puts our nation in grave danger.  But you can read the words of Bob Schieffer, Chris Matthew and David Brooks above.   They are telling our fellow citizens that the danger lies with us - conservative Americans who want limited government that lives within its means, not massive government that will crush future generations with debt. 
After you’ve added your name to the thousands of others who have already signed, please forward this to everyone in your address book.  Fellow conservatives need to stand with us in this fight and every other American needs to be made aware that the dishonesty of Bob Schieffer and his Marxist cohorts are putting the United States on a road to ruin.
Thank you and God Bless,

P.S. This is the only major petition to challenge the media on their debt lies. This battle is just getting started and will continue through next year.  Please join with us today!

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