Sunday, August 21, 2011


Sunday, August 21, 2011 edition
Copyright August 21, 2011 by Ron Ewart
The first article in our new column entitled
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"The only justice that is a true deterrent to crime, or tyranny ..... is swift justice."   Ron Ewart
The other night we again watched the movie "Extremities" with Farah Fawcett.  As we were watching the attempted rape of Farah by a male intruder, we were struck by a powerful, almost overwhelming emotion for Farah to "get" the guy.  We kept hoping she would finally resist his terror and maim him, hurt him, disfigure him, bash his head in and if necessary, kill him, because that is what he deserved.  He was systematically removing every vestige of her reason to be a living, breathing and free individual, piece by piece.
The look of rage and anger grew in her face as this man forced his will upon her and demeaned her and embarrassed her, hurt her and terrorized her.  In the movie, when she finally disabled him, she did almost everything unspeakable to him that she could and then set about to kill him, that is until her roommate who happened on the scene, convinced her otherwise.  She had even started to dig a grave for the guy in her garden, but relented when her roommate intervened.  Our emotion to these happenings was so intense, we wanted to see this guy buried, alive if possible.  We ached for a swift justice to this horrible and vicious injustice.
In the parallax view between liberals and conservatives, the liberal dwells on the side of and come to the defense of the perpetrator, while the conservative tends to side with the victim.  Common sense would tell a normal, reasonable and prudent person (a legal term) that any and all empathies or legal arguments should be with the victim, not the perpetrator.   Our legal system should emphasize the injustice and injury to the victim, not what led the perpetrator to do the crime.  That would be true justice.  We quickly dispatch a mad dog and a human rapist, of any kind, is the epitome of a hopelessly insane, mad dog.  Light sentences for rapists by liberal judges, is an inexcusable insult to the victims.
When we watched the "Extremities" movie a year ago, it was the catalyst for our article entitled:
"The Brutal Gang Rape of the United States of America"
We don't often repeat an article, but this one bears repeating because of the picture it paints of what is truly happening to America and Americans, in a slow, insidious, brutal, almost imperceptible raping of our freedoms and liberties by the intruders that occupy the seats of power in our country.  Our anger and rage should be growing by the day.  How is it we can be so incensed by physical rape with deep emotions of violence and revenge, but stand by while our country and our men, women and children are raped by our so-called political representatives, having the same effect as physical rape ..... terror, fear, intimidation and self-loathing for having not resisted.  Being raped is an invasion of body and mind, but it is also a loss of personal, individual empowerment.  Being a slave to a tyrannical force has much the same, long-lasting effect.  Ask any prisoner of war.
Now we are not advocating violence and revenge in response to this raping of America and Americans, because there are still peaceful ways to restore our freedom.  But if these peaceful means don't work, we may be left with only one final alternative, as describe by Winston Churchill where in he said: 
“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” 
It is our firm wish that Churchill's admonition will never become necessary in America.
Join with us now as we revisit:
"The Brutal Gang Rape of the United States of America"
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author on freedom and property rights issues.
© Copyright August 2, 2010 - All Rights Reserved
The rape of noblewoman Lucretia
HISTORY: Lucretia is a legendary figure in the history of the Roman Republic.  According to the story, told mainly by the Roman historian Livy and the Greek historian Dionysius of Halicarnassus (who lived in Rome at the time of the Roman Emperor Caesar Augustus), her rape by the king's son and Lucretia's suicide, were the immediate cause of the revolution that overthrew the monarchy and established the Roman Republic. The incident kindled the flames of dissatisfaction over the tyrannical methods of the last king of Rome, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus. As a result, the prominent families instituted a republic, drove the extensive Tarquin family from Rome, and successfully defended the republic against attempted Etruscan and Latin intervention. The rape has been a major theme in European art and literature.  (source
We watched the 1986 movie "Extremities" the other night, staring the now deceased Farah Fawcett.  It was a powerful movie on the subject of individual terror and rape.  It explored the raw emotions of both victim, rapist and the hapless witnesses who stumbled on the scene.  In the movie, the victim turned the tables on the rapist by fighting back and taking every opportunity to get away, or attack the attacker.  In the end and even though she was not raped, she subdued the would-be rapist with a toxic spray and then used the same terrorizing tactics on the rapist as the rapist used on her.  She turned from victim to attacker.
Rape is a particularly brutal crime.  It not only is an invasion of the body, but it steals the victims individuality, pride, parts of memory and well being, as well as leaving the victim mentally scared for life.  The rape is bad enough, but the terror leading up to the rape can be permanently devastating.  The victim can be left numb, depressed, dazed, detached and inflicted with long-term psychological trauma.  Constant dreams of the attack invade quiet sleep and result in frequent nightmares.   The desire for social contact is diminished.  Fear is a constant companion and it is by the use of fear, intimidation and threats that the rapist uses to "control" the victim during the terror leading up to and during the rape.
Gang rape is even more devastating on the individual because in most cases there is no "fighting" back, the victim being overwhelmed by the force of the "gang".  The victim is helpless to reclaim her pride, her dignity and her freedom by resisting. 
According to sources we consulted, there seems to be no single theory that conclusively explains the motivation for rape.  The motives of rapists can be multi-factorial and are subject to debate. Several factors have been proposed: anger, a desire for power, sadism, sexual gratification, and evolutionary pressures.
We focus here on a desire for power, which to some politicians is all consuming, as is their desire for sex, which gets lots of them in trouble.  As the rapist desires to control his victim (99% of all rapes are conducted by males) through fear and intimidation, so too do politicians desire to control the masses with laws and the threat of enforcement of laws, thus fulfilling their "need" for power.   In contrast, a dictator needs no laws, as the dictator is the law.  All the dictator needs is an enforcer, usually a loyal military, to enforce his dictates with brutality.
Subjugation of the masses can occur by two methods, 1) draconian over-regulation of every aspect of the individual's life and the rising enforcement of that regulation, or 2) by mass killings, executions, maiming, torture, false imprisonment and mock trials.  In the latter, the masses know where the control is coming from and they rightfully fear the source, not un-like the victim reacting to the fear and intimidation of the rapist.  In the case of the former however, control comes a little bit at a time, stretched out over a long time period, say like a hundred years or more.  The masses (victims) don't recognize that they are being enslaved, until it is too late.
Americans, at least those that value liberty, have two choices in the year 2010 and beyond, being 234 years after the birth of liberty.  They can regain their pride, their dignity and their freedom by subduing the brutal gang rapists of the United States of America, like the heroine had the courage to do in the movie "Extremities", or they can succumb to the slowly tightening chains of draconian over-regulation, perpetrated by the gang rapists who currently hold the seats of power.  For this second choice, the people of America will live in permanent fear of the "gang rapist" for the rest of their lives.  Their choice will also condemn their children's lives and their grand children's lives to slavery by draconian regulation and the eventual police state it will spawn
The first choice is the act of courage.  The second choice is the act of cowards.  America was once a nation of heroes.  Has it now become a nation of cowards?  We don't think so.
The question is, will Americans turn the tables on their domestic attacker in time, or will America forever remain the victim of the brutal gang rapist, into the foreseeable future?

Also, if you are not a fan of President Obama, perhaps you will find some things of interest on our new website at:
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In liberty .....
Ron Ewart, President
P. O. Box 1031, Issaquah, WA  98027

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