Sunday, April 17, 2011


Raise The Debt Ceiling And Lose Your Job!

We can't state the message any plainer and it's a message that we need to send to Mr. Boehner and the rest of the so-called Republican Leadership in Washington right here and right now.

     It's high time our Republican leaders come to understand what is so apparent to the rest of us... raising the debt ceiling is NOT a "bargaining-chip" to be used to extract a "compromise" out of Barack Obama and Harry Reid and it's NOT necessary to stop the United States from defaulting on its debt. Simply put, raising the debt ceiling is something that must NOT be done, under any circumstance, and that point is NON-NEGOTIABLE!

     And so, it is time to tell Speaker of the House John Boehner and the rest of the Republican leadership that the American people WILL NOT TOLERATE any "deals" or "compromises" whereby Mr. Obama and Mr. Reid promise (with sugar and cream on top) to stop spending our hard-earned money like drunken fools in exchange for their consent to raise the debt ceiling.

     You read that right!  The debt ceiling can only be raised with Mr. Boehner's CONSENT AND WE WANT HIM TO WITHDRAW THAT CONSENT!

     The American people do NOT want the debt ceiling raised Mr. Boehner and the American people did not give Republicans the majority in the House of Representatives to put a GOP-stamp on the radical Obama agenda. They placed you, Mr. Boehner, in your present position to stop the Obama agenda. DO IT OR RESIGN YOURSELF TO EARLY RETIREMENT. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE HAD IT UP TO HERE AND WE'RE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!

     They say that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Well, today is the day that you're going to learn that hell hath no fury like an electorate scorned. No "deals" ... no "compromises" ... no more, Mr. Boehner. The madness stops today. The American people will not tolerate a rise in the debt ceiling for ANY REASON WHATSOEVER, and the sooner you get the message... the better.

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