Saturday, February 26, 2011


Submitted by: Kevin Cannon

Caution! Demonstrations are being held by the Progressives in every state capitol this weekend. Many tea party groups are planning counter-rallys. If you participate, be careful and take your videocams! I guarantee you, there will be anarchists in the crowd who have been trained and instructed to bring out a state of emergency, and thereby allow Obama to declare martial law. I personally saw such anarchists create the demonstrations on college campuses in the late 60's and early 70's, and the trained eye can spot them. Most people drawn to either side of these demonstrations are there to watch, or possible vent some feelings & frustrations. They will not be alone; they will be with friends or associates; part of the group they are in. The anarchists will be the people that appear out of a crowd to agitate, incite violence, throw a bottle or even a Molotov cocktail, cause conflict; dissolve back into the crowd; but not be part of the crowd or any group; and move quickly back from the frontline or disappear altogether once they have successfully created conflict. Their intent is to create an incident that will inflame the passions of the crowd, or invoke a response of the police, that drives passive people into a situation that becomes violent. When you see such people, get them on tape. If a situation develops, back away and get your group to back away. Disperse the crowd. If a situation does occur, after it is over, turn your videos over to the police.


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