Saturday, July 24, 2021



Let’s realize a few axioms before we examine Christ’s actual words. Jesus taught the people of Israel, the Jews, the people around Galilee and Jerusalem, who were all religious people and followed the law of Moses. Jesus’ most stinging words were to the religious leaders and rulers of Judaism. On the very few occasions where Jesus even spoke to a non-Jew, He often expressed the greatest admiration for their faith, rather than condemnation for being Gentiles. After all, how much faith did Jesus find among His Own people?

It is essential that we keep in mind to whom Jesus preached. Jesus did NOT berate the atheists or pagan Romans in Judea for their sins, but rather "The lost sheep of the House of Israel." That is, the Jews—the commandment-keeping people of Judea.

If Jesus were to come to America today and preach His Gospel Message, little would have changed except for one prophesied difference. Everything has gotten even worse than it was 2000 years ago.

"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worsedeceiving, and being deceived(II Tim. 3:13).
Notice carefully that one word the Scriptures use to tell us how Jesus preached to the hypocritical people of Judea:

"Then began He [Jesus] to UPBRAID [Greek: oneidizo] the cities wherein most of His mighty works were done, because they repented not" (Matt. 11:20).
"Blessed are ye, when men shall REVILE [Greek: oneidizo] you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you FALSELY, for my sake" (Matt. 5:11).
Notice that Jesus "upbraided" the cities TRUTHFULLY while He said men would "revile" His true followers FALSELY. 

The same Greek word is used to describe both. No matter how stern or cutting our Lord’s words might have been, they were always truthful. As for any sarcasm and anger that Jesus exhibited, your argument must be with Him and not me.

Clearly, oneidizo is not a pleasant word, but what does it mean when it says that Jesus began to "upbraid" the cities where He taught?

I will consult Strong’s Dictionary of the New Testament to help us define this word, because if I were to define it myself and tell you what it means, no one would believe me. Oneidizo is a powerful word of rebuke and condemnation.
Here is the definition:
Strong’s Greek Dictionary, "#3679, oneidizo, from #3681 [notoriety, that is a taunt (disgrace): a reproach] to defame, i.e. rail at, chide, taunt:--upbraid, reproach, revile, cast in (one’s) teeth" (page 179)"
And here is what all those words mean:
Notoriety: notorious, ill fame, infamous.
Taunt: reproach, mocking, insulting, contemptuous, scornful, tirade.
Disgrace: loss of honor, shame, disapproval, disfavor, discredit.
Reproach: disapproval, criticism, disappointment, shame, disgrace, blame, rebuke.
Defame: to attack or damage the character or reputation of.
Rail: to express objections or criticism in bitter, harsh, or abusive language.
Chide: scold, correct, improve, reprimand, disapproval, strife, contention.
Let me be quick to add (I can see the emails flowing in by the hundreds…), that not every word used to define the words that define oneidizo are always 100% applicable when a word such as "upbraid" is used to translate that Greek word. So all of you who were getting ready to write me or inform the chat rooms that "Ray Smith says that Jesus was ‘disgraceful,’ used ‘abusive language,’ and went into ‘tirades’ during His ministry," hold off a little and continue reading.
It is possible to condemn the sinful actions and teachings of men without hating the men who commit these things. Jesus loved everyone. Jesus died for everyone. Jesus forgave everyone. Jesus forgave those who crucified Him before He expired and probably thousands of years before most of them will repent in judgment. As I have said many times, except for the grace of God, everyone of us could have been any of the world’s most evil people. We are saved in God’s grace, not by our cleverness in choosing to follow and obey God. Grace CAUSES us to obey God. The carnal mind CAUSES men to disobey God. It is that simple.

And so we expose, exhort, teach, challenge, forgive, and LOVE. That these can take the form of sarcasm, exaggeration, satire, irony, anger, and LOVE, are clearly demonstrated by the examples of our Lord.

Now then, let’s see some examples of "upbraiding" used by our Lord in preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God: After the High Priest asked Jesus about His disciples and teachings, Jesus said:
"‘Why are you asking Me this question? Ask those who heard me. You have some of them here. They know what I said.’ One of the soldiers standing there struck Jesus WITH HIS FIST. ‘Is THAT THE WAY to answer the High Priest?’ he demanded" (John 18:21-22, The Living Bible).
One of the guards felt Jesus was so contemptuous and out of line, that he slapped Jesus in the mouth with the palm of his hand and told Him to WATCH HIS MOUTH when speaking to the High Priest! The guard was letting Jesus know in no uncertain terms that one does not speak to such a dignified person as the High Priest with such a demeaning tone of voice!

What would you think if someone were to address the Pope with this same tone of voice as Jesus used on the High Priest? Would you too think that someone ought to slap such a person’s face for talking that way to the Pope? Well? Was our Lord too smart for His britches? Was His language and tone of voice to be condemned by a punch in the mouth? But woe be unto the servant of Jesus Christ who today would suggest that, "…because as He [Jesus] is, so are WE in this world" (I John 4:17).

Jesus told the truth. Jesus called a spade a spade. And many people thought He was a contemptuous smart aleck! He was not. It was the Truth of His words that cut them; not just the tone of His voice. 
However, the tone of His voice and the selection of words and analogies that He used were not only highly offensive to those to whom He spoke, but are likewise offensive to people hearing this same approach used today by God’s servants. It is unscriptural foolishness to retort that, "Well, YOU ARE NOT Jesus!" Oh really? And what happened to,
"…because AS He [Jesus] is, SO ARE WE in this world" (I John 4:17),
"Let this MIND be IN YOU, which was also in Christ Jesus" (Phil. 2:5)?

(Closing prayer)

Father in Heaven, please hear our prayer.
Yahweh Tsidkaenu, Lord Who is righteous and forgives our trespasses, forgive our sins so that we can enter Your courts as we pray.  

You sent Your Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, so that we could follow in His way. 

Lord, We thank You for allowing us this great gift so as to allow us the right to repent and gain Paradise with You forever.

Father, We worship You and praise You with every fiber of our being. It is You that has given us life and Your Word to guide us in our journey through this life.

Lord, Please know that  Your gift of Salvation is everything we could ever hope for.

We pray this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, Who is One with You and the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever...

Amen, amen and amen

Pastor Lee S Gliddon Jr
God's Word Christian Ministry
Conservative Patriot

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