Tuesday, April 6, 2021

MPN 04/06/2021


Daily Update #96 - Tuesday April 6, 2021
Great day Patriot,

I have some very important information to share with you today.

First, General Flynn and General McInerney did a live video yesterday that was FANTASTIC!

I’ve never seen those two on the same call before.

They share some mind blowing information!

Plus, if you haven’t seen SPARS 2025-2028 yet, you will see it below.

The Great Awakening isn’t going backwards and it’s not slowing down!

Thank you for being on this wild ride with us.

"Pray as if it's all up to the Divine, and work as if it's all up to YOU!"

- Master Lama Rasaji
I never know what the next MPN newsletter will bring.

Today, it’s quite shocking how close it seems we are to an even bigger and more devastating bioweapon and/or terrorist attack.

Everyday, We The People must learn more of the truth, share more of the truth and take new actions with our new knowledge.

We collectively make the changes we all desire by individually doing the right things, long enough, consistently.

We The People have the power.

And YOU have the power to influence and create your experience how you choose it.

God Bless
Today’s Tip
Tip of the day: Turn off distractions when focusing on your most important task. This is 5 minutes to learn, a lifetime to master.

If we want to be more productive and get more done, we have to focus on that task and actually GET IT DONE!

Many people like to ‘multitask’ and do multiple things at once. This actually slows you down and can cause more stress and distractions. Focus on your one activity and nothing else until it’s done. Then notice how you feel.
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