Thursday, July 30, 2020


Dear Friend,
Mark Zuckerberg testified yesterday in front of the House Judiciary Committee, which includes Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz.

Earlier this week, Rep. Gaetz SLAMMED Zuckerberg in a letter to Attorney General William Barr.
The criminal referral sent by Gaetz was issued just weeks after Project Veritas Insiders recorded Facebook content moderators saying: “If someone is wearing a MAGA Hat, I am going to delete them for terrorism,” among other outrageous and biased quotes.
“As a member of this body, I question Mr. Zuckerberg’s veracity, and challenge his willingness to cooperate with our oversight authority, diverting congressional resources during time-sensitive investigations, and materially impeding our work,” wrote Gaetz in the letter.
In yesterday’s hearing, Gaetz had an opportunity to question Zuckerberg on the Veritas videos that exposed Facebook’s malfeasance:
Here is the top highlight from the exchange between Gaetz and Zuckerberg:
Rep. Gaetz: “…I’m wondering if you’re familiar with the experiences of Zach McElroy and Ryan Hartwigtwo people who participated in Facebook content review, and what is your response to the very damning video evidence and the testimony from them that the culture that you lead within Facebook is one that disadvantages conservatives and leads to content manipulation?”
Zuckerberg: “Congressman, I’m somewhat familiar with the concerns that they have raised. As I’ve said, we aim to be a platform for all ideas. We got into this because we want to give everyone a voice. I certainly do not want our platforms to be run in a way that has any ideological bias. I want people to be able to discuss a range of issues. When people raise concerns like that, we do look into them to make sure that everyone in our operation is behaving and upholding the standards that we would like. If the behavior that they cited is true, then that would be unacceptable in our operation.” 
Friend, the bravery of Insiders Zach McElroy and Ryan Hartwig to come forward and expose Facebook led to this moment.
Zuckerberg knows that what he saw in the videos was unacceptable.
The question remains: is he going to do anything about it? Will the censorship ever end?
Project Veritas will continue to expose Zuckerberg’s “operation” if they do not change their behavior.
The public must know what these Big Tech companies are doing, and Project Veritas will make sure Facebook is held accountable for their actions.
Be Brave,

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