Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Dear Conservatives,

What your family and mine have been told about America’s healthcare crisis and soaring costs is mostly false.

The deception is meant to make you shut up—and give up. It is meant to make you hand over more money and power to giant health institutions.

Here are some of the falsehoods you and the public have been told:

False: The healthcare system, including insurance, is too complex for you to understand. “Only experts can figure it out,” they say, in effect. “So just be quiet, be grateful, and do what you are told.”

False: Drugs, exams, tests, surgeries, and treatments are so expensive because what you pay is really the “fair market price.”

False: The free-market system has failed to give Americans decent, affordable healthcare. (Fact: We do not have a free-market system. It is a system controlled by secrecy and sweetheart deals between Big Government, Big Insurance, and Big Pharmaceuticals. That is not a free market. That is cronyism.)

False: Texans and Americans need a socialist, government takeover of medicine and health insurance. As I will explain, that would make it even worse. It would give you less care, lower quality, longer waiting lines, and possibly an earlier death.

False: It is too technically difficult for doctors, insurance companies, or pharmacies to give you honest prices for their care.

The falsehoods just keep piling higher and higher. And average Texans, including your family, pay more, and—if you are like me—worry more. You see costs going up. You see bankruptcies from medical bills hitting more Texans, possibly including people you know. Many Texans wonder, “Will I be next?”

But the Texas Public Policy Foundation can offer truth—and with truth, hope.

The truth is that the healthcare system is not too complex for you or the average Texan to understand. Yes, there are technicalities, many of them unnecessary. But the essentials are easy to grasp. It is insulting for Texans to be told to be quiet and accept what we get.

The truth is that drugs, tests, exams, visits, treatments, and surgeries are so expensive mainly because the simple doctor-patient relationship has been violated.

The truth is that this is not a free market at all. The solution begins when we make medical providers reveal the prices.

TPPF has overwhelming evidence that if medical providers are forced by law to disclose their costs, then:
  • Prices for exams, visits, tests, drugs, and procedures will drop—drastically.
  • Quality of care will go up.
  • Access to care will expand—you will get more, faster, better, less expensive healthcare.
Through TPPF’s Right on Healthcare initiative, we will present compelling research to Texas legislators, Governor Abbott, and state agency officials. We will present it to like-minded organizations as we lead the charge. We will present it to the media. And we will present our persuasive facts about price transparency to the public.

Our message to politicians, agencies, insurers, pharmaceutical companies, and the public is simple:

No more rip-offs. No more falsehoods. Medical professionals must give patients the price for healthcare procedures, treatments, and drugs before performing them.

Pushing toward breakthroughs like this is why I love the mission of TPPF. But, to continue changing lives and history through our work, we need your support. Will you help TPPF take this first huge step for Texans in the healthcare “revolution” that must succeed?

Help us put on the pressure to require healthcare providers to give you up-front costs for your care: tests, visits, labs, surgeries, treatments, everything.

Make your donation using the secure link below to help us present our plan to the Texas Legislature, Governor Abbott, state agencies, and all Texans.

Prices will go down. Quality will go up. Let’s make them disclose true medical costs. Let’s slice through the red tape and CUT your medical bills.

Sincerely yours,

Kevin D. Roberts, Ph.D.
Executive Director

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