Thursday, October 9, 2014

CHUCK KOLB 10/09/2014

Alternate Media Delivers Truth and Accountability !!!

Previously posted ...
EBOLA - DAMNED 'VIRAL' STORY - No Compass - No Time !!!

Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan dies at Dallas hospital
Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas on Wednesday announced that Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan, the Liberian national who was the first patient diagnosed with Ebola in the United States, has died. The 42-year-old's ordeal brought home to Americans the reality of a plague once considered a far-away problem. [...]

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Minute by minute updates here ...,7340,L-3089,00.html

Netanyahu Said ‘Furious’ Over Lack of Police Response to Low Intensity Terror in Jerusalem
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday demanded Israeli police and security agencies take a harsher stand against [...]

PLO Official Hanan Ashrawi: Jewish Visits to Temple Mount ‘Will Ultimately Drag Whole Region Into Disastrous Clashes’
Palestinian leaders have reacted with fury to an Israeli suggestion that a second gate might be opened [...]

Blackballed Jordanian Author: ‘Jews Have a Right to the Land of Israel’
Despite being arrested, fired from his job, called “crazy” and an “infidel” and being left destitute [...]

Just how long are we expected to tolerate Obama's nonsense ?

Bombshell: Pilot Claims He was fired for not Signing Away His Constitutional Rights
– Warns of Illegal Muslims flying into US [...]

Obama’s former Middle East envoy Martin Indyk
Indyk Bashes Israel, Obama on Yom Kippur
U.S.- Israel alliance 'is crumbling' due to waning support for Israel among Democrats
and Israeli 'diresepct', envoy says. [...]

I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no saviour. I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed,
when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, that I am God.

Isaiah 43:11-12 KJV

Alternate Media Delivers Truth and Accountability !!!

w pix Obama Ebola Bumper Stickers Appear Around Los Angeles

Thanks - Dearborn Barb
Go to the 1:42:00  mark ... 

Found this on ...
- how the Rockefeller Foundation PDF reveals PopRedux Via Pandemics,
followed by Authoritarian Govt... and then Robots...
WTF ! The Elites Playbook for Ebola !
Scary shiite - almost what is happening now ...

Scenarios for the Future of Technology andInternational Development
This report was produced by The Rockefeller Foundation
and Global Business Network. - May 2010 (54 page pdf)
... and on page 18 - here ya go ...

★ ★ ★

Thanks - Lisa Haven
 w vid “We’re Screwed” Says White House Correspondent and Gov Document Surfaces Exposing
the Real Truth Behind Ebola and how More Trouble is Headed Our Way

News about the widening Ebola outbreak is getting worse by the day. Thus far, 7,000 persons have been infected and about 3,500 have died—including our first official case in Dallas, Texas. Furthermore, rumors have been circulating about the possibility of Ebola infected persons from Arizona all the way to Washington D.C. If these headlines have left you wondering whether we are nearing a global pandemic with scenes reminiscent of movies like “Outbreak”, then here is something to ponder, at a recent Ebola conference White House Correspondent with CBS News Major Garrett, accidently left his mic on and was caught saying “Were Screwed” about the Ebola virus. But that’s not all, recently I came across a document put out by medical professionals (and others) titled, Hemorrhagic Fever Virus as Biological Weapon Medical and Public Health Management - (15 page pdf) This document revealed more about Ebola then I wished to know!! Here are my SHOCKING find [...] (35:43)

★ ★ ★

Pentagon: Ebola Not a Risk to Troops in Africa

About-face: Obama pulls 'double-reverse' on Ebola troops
Double-reverse on Ebola military mission
Defense officials insist general misspoke ...
by Jerome R. Corsi

In yet another stunning reversal from the Obama administration, the Department of Defense now claims a general "misspoke" when describing the mission of troops in West Africa.
Apparently his claim was a little too close for comfort … [...]

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Thanks - Alexander Bruce
Steele predicts an imminent false flag,
involving a fake ebola attack.

It's official: Former CIA agent, Robert David Steele says the
bomb was a theatrical firecracker, there were no real injuries;
there were crisis actors: Boston bombing was a drill to lock
down a major city. The Sandy Hook school had been closed
for four years, there were there were no students, no teachers,
no PTA.

Check out this link to Steele's site,
with details on his teams' investigations
into these and other false flags.

I can't tell you how much hate mail for
posting videos questioning these two events
that I received 2 years ago. Disgusting trolls !
Retired CIA Agent: Sandy Hook & Boston Bombing
Were False Flags; Obvious Drills
Former CIA Spy: NSA And DHS Have Not Prevented A Single Terrorist Attack (27:31)

★ ★ ★

Gary Franchi reports
In this clip Dr. Rima Laibow CONFIRMS that Ebola is not only airborne but it is weaponized.

Evidence now suggests the NBC cameraman contracted Ebola via airborne exposure as did the Spanish nurse. The United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID; pronounced: you-SAM-rid) is the U.S Army’s main institution and facility for defensive research into countermeasures against biological warfare. It is located on Fort Detrick, Maryland and is a subordinate lab of the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC), headquartered on the same installation. USAMRIID is the only U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) laboratory equipped to study highly hazardous viruses at Biosafety Level 4 within positive pressure personnel suits.
BREAKING: Ebola is Airborne (4:22)

The Scariest Map Ever !
Is America Under Biological Attack?
Will The MSM Be Held Responsible For The Deaths Of Millions For Covering This Up ? (5:19) (8:32)

Spanish nurse who treated Ebola victim in Madrid
becomes first person in the world to contract virus outside of Africa Unnamed nurse believed to be part of team that treated Manuel Garcia Viejo. First test on the woman has come back positive after going to hospital today. Spanish missionary was brought back from Africa last month for treatment. He died on 26 September at Madrid's Carlos III Hospital from deadly virus. Scientists have warned that the deadly virus could spread across the world infecting people from the U.S. to China within three weeks. There is a 50 per cent chance a traveller carrying the disease could touch down in the UK by October 24, a team of U.S. researchers have predicted. Using Ebola spread patterns and airline traffic data they have calculated the odds of the virus spreading across the world. They estimate there is a 75 per cent chance Ebola will reach French shores by October 24. And Belgium has a 40 per cent chance of seeing the disease arrive on its territory, while Spain and Switzerland have lower risks of 14 per cent each. Professor Alessandro Vespignani of Northeastern University in Boston, who led the research, said: 'This is not a deterministic list, it's about probabilities – but those probabilities are growing for everyone. It's just a matter of who gets lucky and who gets unlucky. 'Air traffic is the driver. 'But there are also differences in connections with the affected countries (Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone), as well as different numbers of cases in these three countries - so depending on that, the probability numbers change.' [...]

Thanks - John Rolls
CDC Suggests “Hermetically Sealed Caskets” For Ebola Victims – AKA “Fema Coffins”
Thanks - Ian McKinney
This episode was aired ONCE and pulled by the federal government!
Anyone notice how perfectly this is matching up with the current Ebola pandemic ?

Video (13:27) -
Direct Download of Full Original Episode -
Proof the government had this episode pulled:

Thanks - Mario T
WARNING to all Americans - Government rounding up citizens into FEMA Camps (8:35)

Security Risk Alert: Ebola Outbreak, Global Financial Collapse and World War 3
Ebola virus now in Europe and US, the most deadliest outbreak in the human history, killed more than 5000 people in couple of months only and recently killed 125 people in single day in Sierra-Lois that is itself the highest number of such casualties in a day. This virus is already spreading very fast in Europe and US and possibly all parts of the world in coming months [...]

Ebola: how to stage a fake epidemic
by Jon Rappoport

w vid Insider: Ebola Was An Inside Job
Always a possibility when there are several unusual things about this outbreak.
It is by far the largest one ever and the media is [...] (5:22)

Epidemiologist: “President Obola” Allowing Spread of “Killer Illness”
Are Barack Obama and other open-border advocates playing Ebola roulette
with American lives in the name of ideology? [...]

Medical Martial Law Declared in Texas with second suspected Ebola patient

Is Ebola Part of End-Times Prophecy ?
And can people do anything to protect themselves from the virus ?

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

To the point of example ... 
Independent Media Delivers Truth and Accountability
by Global Research - October 06, 2014

Since September 2001, Global Research has been bringing our readers a broad spectrum of voices analyzing global situations, from military threats against Russia, Iran and Syria, the humanitarian crisis in Palestine, to the economic machinations of the financial elite. And we will continue to do so because we believe that access to information is the key to the truth. We encourage you to read as much as possible and discuss widely the issues on the table. Challenge yourselves and challenge each other, and in that way we will come to identify the real limits to our freedom and democracy and thereby determine the course of action that is right for us. It is time to seek out the truth and engage in responsible decision-making. [...]

Thanks - Don Hank writing ...
Are you wasting money on one of those “specialized” news sites ?

... The implication was that they could not be a propaganda outlet if serious companies paid them for hard to find information. I do want to point out that the msm are also charged with being a propaganda arm of the US government. This does not mean they are literally paid hard cash for government-favorable reporting. It goes much deeper than that. [...]

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Speak Now or Forever Forfeit Marriage
by Tony Perkins 
The Supreme Court may be running away from the marriage issue, but conservatives certainly aren't. In the hours after yesterday's non-decision decision, GOP leaders from governor's mansions to senate seats filled the silence left by the SCOTUS's justices with an indignation of their own. Most were incensed that the high court turned down -- not one, but five -- state marriage cases, leaving voters to fend for themselves against out-of-control judges who seem quite content substituting their own view for that of the law and those elected to make it. "Because of the Court's (actions) today," Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) fumed, "11 States will likely now be forced to legalize same-sex marriage: Virginia, Indiana, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Utah, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming. And this action paves the way for laws prohibiting same-sex marriage to be overturned in any state. This is judicial activism at its worst." [...]
Tony Perkins' Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.

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"As Kobani falls to ISIS, the Turkish Army sits idle across the border." October 7, 2014
Is Turkey Chicken?
by William Kevin Stoos

Isis on the Verge of Victory in Kobani as US Strategy Lies in Ruins:
by Patrick Cockburn

US air strikes turned out to be ineffective in preventing Isis winning an important victory. [...]

Washington Is Destroying The World
by Paul Craig Roberts

The aggressive and mindless stance that Washington's warmongers have taken toward Russia
and China have shattered the accomplishment of Reagan and Gorbachev. [...]

Utterly bankrupt Obama administration and its enablers are taking us to the Third World
Enterovirus D68: A Call to Arms
by Arnold Ahlert

The United States Empire
by Bruce Fein

We bedeck the presidency with the trappings of a Roman emperor, including a bloated Pretorian Guard and
a White House staff approaching 500. Roads are closed and traffic stops whenever the president travels. [...]

ISIS in Washington
America's Soundtrack of Hysteria
by Tom Engelhardt

Terror as the preeminent danger to our American world now courses through the societal bloodstream, helped along by regular infusions of fear from the usual panic-meisters. [...]

The Obama Doctrine: Annoy not destroy ISIS
by Lawrence Sellin, PhD - October 7, 2014

On August 7, 2014, Barack Obama announced "Operation Annoy ISIS," ordering U.S. aircraft to drop humanitarian supplies to tens of thousands of Yezidi refugees fleeing the terrorists of the Islamic State. He also ordered U.S. combat aircraft to be ready to launch airstrikes to protect Americans in Erbil, Iraq, and to lift the siege of the Yezidis. [...]

Obama is a failed president
The list of people who believe President Barack Obama is calling the right shots from the Oval Office appears to be shrinking daily. He’s losing favor with American voters, former administration officials and even leftist pundits. [...]

w vid Lois Lerner tries to break into neighbor's house to avoid questions
- Allen B. West - - Shared by NoisyRoom

Leon Panetta, Head of Pentagon and C.I.A. under Obama, Says Brace for 30 Year War with ISIS

Leon Panetta: Obama has ‘lost his way,’ created ‘vacuum’ for Islamic State
Corrected. Updated at 5:50 p.m. It’s going to be a rough week for President Obama, thanks in part to his former CIA director and defense secretary, Leon Panetta ... [...]

70% Now Believe Obama NOT an American Citizen
 - Kenyan Gov Officials, African Newspapers, Obama 1991-2007 Bio, Obama Family Members,
and other Accounts Reporting Obama is Kenyan Born [...]

Thanks - Dr. Jim Harris
God's Blessings to you and family. Aloha from Hawaii
Our History is not what we Think watch This! (HD) (59:06)

The Law of Futility: Air Strikes Against the Islamic State
by Binoy Kampmark

♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥

Water shortages, shale gas and stock scams

The unseens connections between water shortages,
fracking andstock scams. And a scary projection for energy
prices in the future. [...]
Keiser Report: Desperate Times (E655) (25:46)

Forgetting Fukushima Radiation ?

Fukushima's Children Aren't Dying
Three years after a nuclear power plant accident, the Japanese suffer
a thyroid cancer scare manufactured by major media. [...]

1500 Pastors Defy IRS, Preach on Social & Political Issues
Pastor Jim Garlow may just get his wish: a notice from the IRS suing him for
speaking in public about opposing a homosexual Republican running for office.

Why Haven't Lawmakers Been Indicted and Charged for this ?
by Devvy Kidd

... "The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is encouraging banks to sign up illegal aliens in the banking system, calling the growth of the market "a compelling incentive for U.S. banks to enter this largely untapped market." And the FDIC program demonstrates that unbanked Latin American immigrants can be brought into the financial mainstream. "But there are clear laws on the books for the integrity of the immigration system. United States criminal code, "It is a crime punishable by 10 years in jail for aiding and abetting someone in this country illegally for commercial gain." And the Bank Secrecy Act of 1972 makes it clear banks must know their customer, and any illegal activity must be reported to the government." [...]

9/11 Hypothesis: AE911Truth vs. Judy Wood
According to her retarded supporters 1,800+ certified Architects and Engineers are all part of an organized disinformation campaign and Judy Wood is the sole patriot of 9/11 Truth... Yeah OK! Welcome to the world of Psy-Ops and smoke and mirrors, meant to keep you guessing but never getting any closer to finding the truth. [...] (13:27)
Stephen Philip Means comments ...
The most recent hypothesis I see is that a stealth air craft projected two holographic images of planes and coordinated laser penetration at exact points of impact which detonated thermite. . . But I don't think Judy Wood should be dissed so quickly either. Scalar wave technology is not spoken of, nor totally proven, but it doesn't depend on satellites. If the US military is 20 or more years beyond what is known in the general framework of science, then the  Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 won't matter much to gun slingers defending their homes. . . In the San Fernando Valley drones do fly byes every day. Resistance if futile. Awareness is the only answer. But how to wake up? . . . Turn off your TV.

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Thanks - MadDog Trainer

Please, Please, Please, listen to this show, it explains everything that you need to know about
whats going on in current events from two financial insiders to protect yourself and your family.
It is 3 hours long, but every minute is packed with info you won't get anywhere else.
If you really want to know exactly what is happening in this crazy upside down,
nothing make sense on the news world, you need to listen to this.
Then you will understand and be able to make sense of the daily news.

"V The Guerrilla Economist" on the coming economic reset
Hagmann and Hagmann Report

♥†♥ ♥†♥ ♥†♥

Thanks - MadDog Trainer
This is why we have the 2nd Amendment ...
DHS to intensify attacks on freedom oriented citizens

Within the last two weeks several tips came into the Examiner indicating pending dangers to certain groups of citizens. These tips led to a source who, speaking on condition of anonymity, alleges that just after the election a major initiative...

DHS Intelligence Assessment
DHS once more relying on SPLC-inspired conflation in domestic threat report

The Department of Homeland Security released an Intelligence Assessment Friday outlining an “increased threat to government officials and law enforcement” by “domestic violent extremists.” The Unclassified/For Official Use [...]

Weekly Standard writer: ‘I’m on the DHS terrorist watch list’
Weekly Standard senior writer and Fox News contributor, Stephen Hayes reported on Tuesday
on his Twitter account that it looks like he made the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS)
terrorist watch list due to his concerns about Syria and [...]

JIM WILLIE — “Shanghai is Going to Re-Price Gold & Silver…
They Are Going to DOUBLE the Gold Price”

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Thanks - Kirk MacKenzie

TODD STARNES HS blocks kids from forming Christian club

Al Sharpton's Old Lady Claims She Was Raped (5:36)

Tell Moses Go To Hell (7:36) The Manning Report

Slooh Covers the Total Lunar Eclipse of October 2014 as it Slides Across the Pacific Ocean

Thanks - Kettle Kevin
The Blood Moon of October 8, 2014 | The Signs Continue ! (18:04)

Looming ‘blood moon’ 5% bigger

Disclaimer ... ô¿ô

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