Sunday, July 6, 2014


Donald Hank writes:

Georgian President Saaksashvili was aided by the US because he was in favor of NATO. This was in keeping with the Wolfowitz policy of fencing in Russia and preventing it from having normal trade relations with its former partners. The oligarchs want us to believe that the Soviet Union lives on but the evidence is scarce to none.
Standing beside President Mikheil Saakashvili, Cheney said that the United States had strongly supported Georgia since protests in 2003 ushered a democratic government to power, and that it would continue to do so despite Russian warnings that Saakashvili's government was illegitimate.
The famous 'Rose Revolution of November 2003 that forced the ageing Edouard Shevardnadze from power and swept the then 36-year-old US university graduate into power was run and financed by the US State Department, the Soros Foundations, and agencies tied to the Pentagon and US intelligence community. [This was when US backed Saakashvili took over--Don Hank]
John McCain supported Saakashvili in exchange for money paid to McCain's lobbying firm. Saakashvili ordered a bloodbath in S. Ossetia and started the Russo-Georgian War:
Ok, so Saakashvili, a US ally with money ties to Sen. McCain, was arguably guilty of genocide, and yet the US had been given the greenlight by international legal authorities to bombard cities in Serbia and kill untold numbers of civilians on the gounds that supposedly, the Serbs had committed 'genocide' against the Kosovars. Yet an independent Spanish investigatory team later found twice as many bodies of slain Serbs as slain Kosovars after the war. Further, the no. of civilian deaths due to US air raids and other means of killing amounted to around 500, roughly the number of Kosovar bodies found by the investigatory team. It was one for one, but only the Serbs were 'guilty of genocide'!
The US oligarchs make up international law as they go and/or strongarm world legal organizations to creatively redefine legal principles to suit their whims and needs.
That is exactly what happened in the Russo-Georgia conflict, and Joe Sixpack was too preoccupied with the football game to bother to find out the details.
It is the mission of everyone who knows the truth to spread it to their benighted friends and family.
Because we are constantly at war with nations we think we hate, but we know little or nothing about those nations and the nature of the conflicts. This ignorance is responsible for both American and foreign lives and at some point it must stop.
Are you part of the blood letting or part of the growing number that wants to stop letting the oligarchs run roughshod over us all?
Don Hank

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