Tuesday, January 29, 2013

RedState Briefing 01/29/2013

Morning Briefing
For January 29, 2013

1.  Regarding Immigration Proposals, Beware of Your Opponents’ Motivation
The subject of immigration (and evidently, illegal immigration) has proven to be a divisive issue for conservatives.  There are divergent opinions as to which policies should be pursued vis-à-vis the 12 million illegal immigrants who reside in the country.  However, as conservatives, there are certain fundamental goals and red lines that we should all unite behind as we commence debate on this issue.  Any so-called comprehensive immigration reform proposal that is worth more than a bucket of spit must ensure the following:

  • we are not saddled with 12 million new consumers of the welfare state;
  • we don’t have 12 million new Democrat voters;
  • those receiving the amnesty will not have the ability to spawn chain migration;
  • before any amnesty is implemented, there is a complete establishment of visa tracking, border control, and mandatory E-verify to ensure that this won’t create another ‘Charlie Brown with the football’ scenario of more waves of illegal immigration;
  • our legal immigration system move towards a merit-based process that favors high-skill immigrants instead of the current “Kennedy” system that is random and tendentious towards low-skilled immigrants.

Undoubtedly, Republican negotiators of reform proposals, like Marco Rubio, are well-intentioned in their desire to solve a serious problem with thoughtful solutions.  However, if they are really committed to advancing conservative solutions and addressing conservative concerns about the immigration system, they must understand the adversity we all face with our Democrat opponents on this issue.  Their proposals must be crafted to work not just in a world full of Marco Rubios and Paul Ryans, but in a political system full of Luis Gutierrezs and a judicial sphere full of ACLU and MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund)  types.  Hence, when proposing immigration bills, to know thy enemy is key.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

2.  So, Unions Mislead About Income Effects Of Right-To-Work States? Shocking!
When it comes to getting the truth about anything these days, it is hard to even consider today’s unions as a source. As usual, when examining a union’s claim, one must always dig deeper. Such is the case when it comes to the union claim that Right-to-Work means Right-to-Work for less.

3.  Reflections on the American Revolution
I’ve recently been reading a fair amount on the American Revolution, especially David McCullough’s 1776 (which should be required reading for every American).* The more you read of the Revolutionary War, the more there is to learn, especially about the vital question of how the colonists pulled off their victory over the vastly wealthier and more powerful Great Britain. The standard narrative of the American Revolution taught in schools and retained in our popular imagination today overlooks a lot of lessons worth remembering about where our country came from. . . . please click here for the rest of the post 

4.  Sen. Ron Johnson the Winner of the Week in Washington
Sometimes a citizen lawmaker dares to exercise such candor that the inside-the-Beltway crowd recoils in horror at the blatant honesty. Such was the case with Wisconsin’s own Senator Ron Johnson (R) this past week. Johnson captured attention with his tough questioning of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who appeared before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to finally answer questions about the Benghazi disaster of last September.

Clinton, demonstrating the cunning political acumen that propelled her and her husband so far on the national political stage, weaved a range of emotions into her carefully prepared opening statement. With her final months as Secretary of State clouded by the death of an American ambassador and a subsequent lack of honesty in dealing with the situation during a political campaign, Clinton had to present a strong showing to maintain future political opportunities.

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Sincerely yours,

Erick Erickson
Editor-in-Chief, RedState

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