Thursday, April 28, 2011


NO on SB269 -Write in Voting

SB269: Allows "write in" candidates, which we have never had in Nevada.This might seem like a good idea, but the results are far from good.  In Alaska in 2010 liberal establishment Republican incumbent Senator Lisa Murkowski was defeated in the Primary in an upset by Conservative Joe Miller.  Lisa Murkowski then became a "write in" candidate for the general election.  Because she could now draw voters from both liberal Democrats and RINO Republicans Murkowski just barely beat Joe Miller and was elected. "Write in" candidates will result in the defeat of Conservative Constitutional candidates.

Under SB269 a Republican or Democrat candidate could lose in the Primary. Then the "loser" could run a "sour grapes" write in campaign to defeat the primary winner who was chosen by his party in the Primary.  All other candidates file the first week of March, but write in candidates don't have to file for office until July and don't have to declare a political party affiliation. Liberals and RINO's will manipulate the write in candidate option to defeat conservatives in the general election. Senator Joe Hardy is the sponsor. According to his testimony he based the concept of his bill on what happened in Alaska!  Brought to you by Nevada Families [Editor]

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