Monday, June 20, 2022

Submitted by: Joseph Grisafi Jr via J Cryots


 Please take a few minutes to view the following two videos.  One is 13 minutes long and it is a broadcast by a Chilean now living in Ukraine.  He was recently captured by the SBU (Ukrainian equivalent of the KGB), but thankfully, he was released.  He warns Americans the media is lying to us.  The  Biden administration is deliberately provoking Russia into a nuclear war to distract Americans away from its failed policies.  He outlines his analysis in the video. 


The second 20 minute video traces the roots of Communism in America and its successful penetration today in all aspects of American society.


I urge you to view them and to please share them with your contacts.

The second video is dated. Don't know when it was made but at least a decade or two ago.

Now, here's my issue. Something I've been saying for many years. We've known all this for decades. Okay, great. What did we do about it? Nothing. It just kept rolling along INCREMENTALLY. Slowly but surely our country started free-fall.

Joe McCarthy - remember him. What happened to him? Remember Ron Paul? What happened to him. I would bet that many of you didn't vote for Ron Paul. Why? Because you listened to all the lies not only from the left but also from the right. Even Ron Paul's own party was against him. Yes, there was a time when I voted and I did vote for Ron Paul. I have not voted for many years because I do not want to be part of the fraud. The "lesser of two evils" is still evil. This is the reason we find ourselves where we are today. We don't know how to fight back.

Everything we do is always "after the fact". We do nothing to stop the onslaught. Anyone that tried got pushed aside. We were not a team fighting the Marxist war. There were individuals that got nowhere. Your republicRAT party are traitors. Always have been.

I'm tired of repeating myself. We are now on the downward slope and the republicRAT party and it's supporters are greasing the skids.

We'll never learn. 


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