Saturday, January 8, 2022

Washington Democratic Gov. Inslee wants to make lying a crime in certain circumstances

 Submitted by: Jackie Juntti

INSLEEZE should be VERY CAREFUL in what he wishes for.... as should all politicians of either political  party.  It is the character trait of the career politician to "recolor" the truth.

Yesterday I had told my grand daughter that most all politicians were A--Holes.  She said GRANDMA!!!   you shouldn't say that.  I asked her what do you call someone or something that has constant *excrement* flowing out of it?  -  What is the opening called that that excrement comes out of?  We all know that most of what politicians say is EXCREMENT and it comes out of their MOUTHS -  so that is why I call them A--HOLES.

INSLEEZE is one of the BIGGER and louder emitters of EXCREMENT. 

Just as the meaning of the word democracy is really DEMONOCRACY when uttered by a DemoncRat.  They are Servants of Satan beguiling the human race.  Do NOT fall for the lies.


Jackie Juntti




Washington Democratic Gov. Inslee wants to make lying a crime in certain circumstances



Washington Democrat Gov. Jay Inslee is calling on lawmakers in the Evergreen State to make it a crime for "elected officials or candidates for office" to lie about election results.

"It should not be legal in the state of Washington for elected officials or candidates for office to willfully lie about these election results," Inslee said, according to a report from the Seattle Times.

The legislation would make it a gross misdemeanor for elected officials or candidates for office to lie about the results of an election. However, Inslee said later in an interview on Thursday that there would have to be "knowledge that there’s potential to create violence" for it to be considered a gross misdemeanor.



It is not clear yet how a lie would be defined and who would decide whether it is a lie and if it is one that could in... (Read more)

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