Monday, December 6, 2021



The Babylon Bee Presents: The 12 Most Inspiring Verses In The Bible

As every good Christian knows, the best way to study the Bible is to scroll through Instagram and read out-of-context verses that uplift and inspire you!... Read more

Mirror Brought Into Courtroom So Jussie Smollett Can Face His Attackers

A message from 4Patriots

Unemployment Rate Among Cuomo Brothers Rises To 100%

DeSantis Introduces Controversial Proposal To Grow Personal Army Of Uruk-Hai

To Prevent Unnecessary Deaths, Nation Demands Common-Sense Alec Baldwin Control

Dad Finds Button To End FaceTime Call In Record 27 Seconds

Everything You Need To Know About Racist Roads

Biden Administration Celebrates Creating 2 Whole Jobs

Babylon's Best

Don't be like the MLB. While they're playing woke games instead of baseball, our friends at The Patriot Post speak the message of Liberty to all people. Conservative perspective on the most important issues is what's needed to fight the woke mob. Click here to join the Patriot's Post mission and download their free Patriot's Primer.*

Jack Stinger has been Silenced. A new administration sweeps into power, promising unity, promising a fair and just society. They lied. Jack Stinger simply wanted to run his family business and live the American Dream. He and his wife worked hard to build the life they had. The government has different plans. They attempt to drown the Stingers in bureaucracy, break their will to fight, to silence them. But they underestimated the Stinger family. What happens when you eliminate the concept that government exists at the consent of the governed? Grab Silenced, Consent of The Governed to explore.*

*This is sponsored content.


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